SchoolsNet e-Bulletin No. 2023/ 34 New content for 14 November 2023

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Derbyshire Schools Net



No. 2023/ 34 - New content for 14 November 2023


Action Required

Derbyshire pay award and salary scales 2023 – 2024

The salary scales for 2023 – 2024 and a letter to headteachers regarding the new pay award are now available to view on SchoolsNet.

Household Support Fund (HSF) grocery voucher data request – deadline 4 December 2023

Schools have been emailed, and also a letter placed in the Perspective Lite November General folder last week, requesting data and up-to-date parent contact details for children eligible to receive a free grocery voucher as part of the Council’s Household Support Fund distribution. Please note that data must be submitted by 4 December 2023. For any questions, please email Thank you for your support.



Jobs bulletin

Bulletin 06 November 2023

Cyber Choices early intervention programme

Please see information about the Cyber Choices toolkit designed to help identify young people who may be at risk of committing cybercrime, and understand how to refer them into a national programme to promote positive outcomes. There will be free webinars in November and December to explain the toolkit and the programme further.

Public Health – reducing respiratory illness and measles

Public Health have issued guidance for reducing respiratory illness, with further guidance around hand and tissue hygiene, and ventilation being issued soon. Also measles is on the rise, and Public Health are asking for parents/guardians to check that their children have had both of their MMR immunisations.




Derbyshire Services for Schools

View all of our services and packages 

View all of our training courses online 

English and maths leadership - Primary school data analysis supporting school improvement

This data analysis training for English and Mathematics leaders will enable you to confidently access school performance data from multiple sources to fully inform your curriculum provision.

27 November 2023 – 1:45pm to 3pm
28 November 2023 1:45pm to 3pm

Clerks' network

Colleagues are invited to join this session where they can ask questions to our experienced clerk and the governor support team. An opportunity for mutual support, to share best practice and be updated on the latest news for clerks to governors.

22 November 2023 - 6pm to 7pm.

Networking for chairs of governors

An opportunity for chairs of governors to gather informally for mutual support and knowledge sharing.

28 November 2023 – 6pm to 7pm.

Integris - New in post training

Our modular online courses are available to book via S4S, (you must be logged into S4S to view them). If you know someone who is new in post, or you would like to revisit an aspect of Integris, please book a place now. The last sessions for this term are as follows:

Getting started with Integris – 20 November 2023 – 10am to midday.
Browse Sets & Admissions – 21 November 2023 – 10am to 11am.
Nursery Settings Only – 21 November 2023 – 11am to 11:30am.
Transfer Files (CTFs etc) & Exclusions – 24 November 2023 – 10am to 11:15am.
Attendance & Groups – 27 November 2023 – 10am to 11:30am.
Reports, UDIs & Parental Consents – 28 November 2023 – 10am to 11:30am.