Community News from Derbyshire County Council – 3 October 2023 🔹 Stoptober 🔹 Community care consultation 🔹 Stay safe online 🔹 Chesterfield Canal 🔹 Shine A Light 🔹 Repair cafés 🔹 Eco homes open weekend 🔹

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Latest news in this edition:

Stop smoking this October

stop smoking

If you're still smoking, Stoptober is the perfect time to stop for good and there’s lots of support for you both locally and nationally.

If you're ready to kick the habit you can get in touch with Live Life Better Derbyshire and join a FREE stop smoking clinic. Call 0800 085 2299 or visit

Alternatively, if you’re not quite ready to join a stop smoking service you can download Derbyshire County Council’s FREE My Quit Route app. It’s full of expert advice and tips – straight to your phone or tablet. Find out more and download the app online.

Have your say - Community care consultation ending

carer and man

A consultation on proposed changes to our community care charging policy ends tomorrow (4 October).

We’re encouraging Derbyshire residents to have a say on three options designed to make the policy for those people who receive adult social care in the community fairer, more sustainable and protect those most in need. It does not affect anyone living in a residential and nursing home.

You can find out about the proposals and fill in an online questionnaire 

Stay safe online

Ever worried about scammers, hackers and fraudsters online? You can get help with staying safe online with free webinars organised for Cyber Security Awareness Month.

pension senior man laptop

Setting strong passwords, downloading the latest software updates and learning how to spot a phishing scam are among the issues covered in the webinars we've organised in partnership with Derbyshire Police.

Cyber Security Awareness Month takes place throughout October 2023 with webinars organised for a variety of groups:

  • businesses – Wednesday, 4 October.
  • schools – Tuesday, 10 October, 4-4.30pm
  • residents – Friday, 20 October, 6.30-7.30pm
  • parents, grandparents, carers – Thursday, 26 October, 6.30-7.30pm.

All the webinars focus on four key areas of behaviour to help keep you safe from scammers and hackers.

Maintaining Chesterfield Canal

If you pass by Chesterfield Canal regularly, you may have noticed that we’re carrying out some routine maintenance on the towpath.

chesterfield canal

The work, on a three-mile stretch between Brimington Road, near Tapton and Works Road, Hollingwood, is expected to take two to three months.

We'll keep the towpath open when possible while the work takes place but there may be occasions when we have to close some sections for short periods for safety reasons. There'll be signs on the route to indicate when it's closed and announcements on the Chesterfield Canal page of our website and the Tapton Lock Facebook page.

The work's been funded jointly by Chesterfield Borough Council and funding allocated from Government to our Highways Capital Maintenance Programme for Cycleways.

Get your Shine A Light tickets

Would you like to see Derbyshire's heritage and history brought to life in spectacular large-scale moving animations?

Shine A Light Elvaston 2023

Tickets are on sale for this year’s Shine A Light extravaganza which will see stunning displays of light and sound return to Derbyshire for the third year running, providing fun and entertainment for the whole family.

Projections will return to the historic Cromford Mills in the UNESCO Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site, near Matlock, on 26 and 27 October 2023, and to the impressive Elvaston Castle (above) near Derby on 8, 9 and 10 December 2023.

New repair cafés

repair café Baslow

Do you have broken stuff that you'd really love to mend but don't know how? That's what repair cafés are for.

Two new repair cafes have been set up in Darley Dale and Bakewell taking the total number across Derbyshire to 18.

Darley Dale joined the network on Sunday 1 October with an  event at the Whitworth on Station Road. And Bakewell Repair Café met for the first time in September with future events on 28 October and 25 November at the Methodist Church Hall on Market Street.

Items you can take along include small electricals, clothes, garden tools, bikes, computers and hand tools. Small items of furniture can also be considered for repair. Repairs are free but donations are welcome. These are community events with refreshments and often other activities like book and plant sales.

Goods that are beyond repair can be taken to our household waste recycling centres

Eco homes weekend

chesterfield eco house

Are you looking for local inspiration to make your home more energy efficient?

There’s a great opportunity on 7 and 8 October, to look around homes in Chesterfield and Hope Valley where the owners have taken steps to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and cut their fuel costs.

Hope Valley eco house

The residents will be on hand to chat about their experience in creating more eco-friendly homes.

Transition Chesterfield and Hope Valley Climate Action are organising the events.

Find more information and book a visit for Chesterfield or Hope Valley.

Carers events and activities

october carers events

There are lots of activities, training and events taking place in October for unpaid carers hosted by Derbyshire Carers Association (DCA) including:

Find out more

Our carers support service – which is delivered by DCA on our behalf – includes:

  • information, advice, and guidance
  • individual support, including face to face, home visits and telephone support
  • carer assessments and support planning
  • training and learning
  • peer support and carer support groups
  • volunteering opportunities and more.