News from Derbyshire County Council – 1 September 2023 🔹 Blood pressure checks 🔹 Repairing residential roads 🔹 Museum update 🔹 Second Hand September 🔹 Suicide prevention 🔹 Care consultation 🔹

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Keep your blood pressure in check

Do you know your blood pressure numbers? One in three adults in the UK has high blood pressure but might not be aware.

Know Your Numbers Week blood pressure

High blood pressure doesn’t have any obvious symptoms but it is a major cause of heart attack and stroke, and can also lead to a number of serious long-term health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and kidney disease.

If you are over 40, you can get your blood pressure checked for free at most pharmacies across Derby and Derbyshire.

Our Live Life Better Derbyshire team will also be carrying out FREE blood pressure checks around the county during Know Your Numbers week, which runs from 4-10 September.


Repairing residential roads

We're beginning a major countywide £1 million repair programme targeting 124 residential roads on Wednesday.

roads update

You'll see us using a process called micro-asphalt  a liquid mix of stone, cement and bitumen, which seals the road, preventing any further damage and repairs existing potholes.

Because it can be done in cooler weather conditions, it's ideal preparation to protect roads before the arrival of the colder, winter weather.

The repair can be completed in around 20 minutes, meaning you shouldn't be delayed or inconvenienced for too long.


Museum and art gallery update

If you’ve been keeping up with what’s happening at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery, you’ll be interested to know that work is continuing to protect, pack and move exhibits and artefacts and clear space across the building for structural investigation work to begin.

Buxton Museum

The museum and art gallery in Terrace Road, which is part of the Peak Buildings complex, has been closed temporarily since the beginning of June following the discovery of dry rot in structural timbers and floor joists.

Detailed investigations need to be carried out which will involve removing parts of ceilings and taking up some floors, meaning the building can't be open to visitors.


Second Hand September

Have you heard about Oxfam's Second Hand September?

charity shop clothes

The campaign's all about clothes encouraging us to shop second hand and donate, reuse, re-wear and restyle during September and beyond. It shows how stylish you can be in second hand and restyled clothes.

And when you shop and donate second hand clothing, you reduce waste, save money, take a stance against climate change, and help create a fairer world.

And here are other ideas for what you can do with unwanted clothing and other textiles in Derbyshire.


World Suicide Prevention Day

We're supporting World Suicide Prevention Day with a series of events and training opportunities.

World Suicide Prevention Day takes place on 10 September and is a chance for communities to come together to raise awareness of suicide prevention.

There will be a variety of events taking place across Derbyshire.

These include volunteers handing out mental health support information at local football matches, a suicide prevention roadshow and a Baton Of Hope event on 16 September at Glossop.

There’s lots of mental health support online at


More dates for care consultation

If you want to know more about our proposals to change our community care charging policy, you'll be interested to hear that we've arranged extra consultation dates.

carer and man

The consultation on three options designed to make the policy fairer, more sustainable and protect those most in need runs until 4 October 2023.

People who receive adult social care and support in the community and/or their representatives have received a letter including a copy of a questionnaire to fill in and return.

An online version of the questionnaire is also available for you to give your views.

As part of the consultation a series of face-to-face and virtual consultation events have been organised. Extra dates have now been added to give you more chance to hear about the plans and ask questions.


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