News from Derbyshire County Council – 21 July 2023 🔹 Summer holiday activities 🔹 Flood hardship fund 🔹 Free bus rides 🔹 Free cycle training 🔹

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Summer holiday activities

If your child is eligible for benefits-related free school meals, did you know they can go to an It's About Me Holiday Club for free this summer?

holiday activities

It’s About Me is a FREE Holiday Activity and Food Programme for children aged four to 16, who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals. There are lots of different activities happening across the county and eligible families can get up to 16 free sessions this summer.

With everything from BMX to performing arts, there are sessions to suit all interests and ages. 


Flood hardship fund open

If you were seriously affected by the flash flooding in early July and June you can now apply for an emergency one-off payment.

flood grant

The Derbyshire flooding hardship fund is now open to any Derbyshire household or business, employing up to 50 people, that was seriously affected by the recent flash flooding.

Emergency one-off payments of £150 for local households and £500 for businesses are available.

The emergency payments aim to help cover any immediate, short-term loss of income and cashflow difficulties and to help pay for repairs and replacement of items until insurance claims are settled.

The fund will close on Friday, 4 August.


Free bus rides reminder

Don't forget that you and your family can take advantage of free bus rides on six summer Sunday mornings, starting this week.

free Sunday buses

Most bus operators across the county are taking part in our scheme, with free bus journeys being offered from the first service each Sunday from 23 July 2023 to 27 August 2023 up until midday.

The free fares are being paid for from the £47 million that the government awarded us to improve bus travel in Derbyshire.


Free cycle training

If you're over 18 and want to learn to ride a bike, wish you had a bit more confidence when you're cycling, or just want to be a better rider, we're offering free one-to-one cycle training.

cycle bike

Our County Rider programme can be tailored to suit your needs. Your instructor will design the programme to suit you, whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced cyclist who wants to become an even better rider.

Our scheme offers up to four training sessions and each one can last up to two hours. The amount of coaching you need will depend on your instructor's assessment of your skill level and what you want to achieve. You'll learn how to stay safe, feel confident and travel independently.

The training isn't strenuous and can be done at your own pace.
