SchoolsNet e-Bulletin No. 2023/ 22 New content for 04 July 2023

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Derbyshire Schools Net



No. 2023/ 22 - New content for 04 July 2023


Action Required

HR Services - Industrial strike action due to take place on 5 and 7 July 2023 – Data collection

It is important that the Local Authority also has reliable information about school closures and numbers of employees affected by strike action to ensure it can respond to questions from the public and media. All maintained schools are asked to complete this brief MS Forms questionnaire in relation to the strike action held on 5 and 7 July 2023. Schools are asked to provide this information by Friday 14 July 2023. If you have any queries, please contact the HR Advisory Service at

School energy contracts – urgent update

School energy contracts arranged through Derbyshire County Council are due for renewal. Please read the information on Services for Schools and email by the deadline dates (gas 21 July 2023; electricity 1 September 2023), if you do not wish to be included in the new contract.

Transfer to secondary education 2024-2025

Secondary schools will shortly receive information via Perspective Lite about the number of Derbyshire children on secondary transfer 2024-2025 who live within their normal area. Please note this information is not available to Catholic schools. It will help secondary schools to send copies of their prospectus to the relevant primary and junior schools.



Jobs Bulletin

Issue 2671.




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