News from Derbyshire County Council – 9 June 2023 🔹 Enjoy Buxton Museum virtually 🔹 Carers' survey 🔹 Take care as temperatures soar 🔹 Tips for picnics 🔹

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Enjoy Buxton Museum virtually

Did you know there’s still plenty you can do or see while Buxton Museum and Art Gallery is temporarily closed?

Buxton Museum

The museum and art gallery has been closed temporarily following investigations which revealed dry rot in some of the building’s structural timbers. Further investigations now need to be carried out, but these can’t be done while the building is open to the public.

You can still enjoy the collections and artwork online. Visit the Wonders of the Peak website, Depicting Derbyshire which explores our historic landscape through the art collection and you can find our oil paintings on the Art UK website

You can read the museum's blog where there are hundreds of articles about the collections and virtual exhibitions, there are Make and Take ideas and the education resources will inspire teachers and curious visitors alike.

You can also take a virtual museum tour and join the mailing list.

Follow the museum's Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts for updates.


Calling all carers

If you're a carer, are you familiar with our carer support service which is provided by Derbyshire Carers Association? If you are, we’d like to get your thoughts.

have your say

We’re recommissioning the service which is currently being delivered by Derbyshire Carers Association (DCA) on our behalf.

To help us update the contract for the carer’s service to ensure it is fit for the future, we’d like to know what you think about the types of support currently on offer, what is and isn’t working well and if there are any gaps or improvements we could make.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please call our adult care team on 01629 531307 or email

The survey closes on Friday 16 June 2023.


Take care as temperatures soar

Image of a used barbeque in open woodland

With the weekend heatwave upon us, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service is issuing a reminder to help local residents stay safe and prevent emergencies as temperatures soar.

They’re urging people not to take barbecues into open spaces and the countryside, including the Peak District National Park.

Prolonged periods of dry weather mean that not only is the ground tinder dry but gardens are too and a single spark could escalate in a matter of seconds.

Alongside fire safety, they are also highlighting the dangers of open water.

It follows the recent release of Thando’s Story – a short video which aims to raise awareness of the dangers of jumping or swimming in any open water, something that may seem enticing during the hot weather, but can have catastrophic consequences.

You can watch 'Thando's Story' online.


Love picnics, hate waste

We love a good picnic – and now summer’s here it’s the perfect excuse to get out in the Derbyshire countryside. 


But before you reach for your picnic blanket, check out our top five tips for keeping your pack-up fresh and helping to reduce the amount of food ending up in the bin. It will help cut down the cost of dealing with your food waste and help you to save money too:

  • Cool boxes and bags are great for helping picnics to stay fresh but if you don’t have a cool pack try freezing a bottle of water instead
  • Try making your sandwiches with frozen bread. They will defrost in time for your picnic and stay extra fresh
  • Pack a few extra airtight containers before leaving the house. Leftovers keep much better in a container rather than left to go soggy in their packets.
  • Help prevent cheese from sweating by grating it frozen to add to your salads or sandwiches.
  • Take fruit and salad items whole as they keep longer than when they're cut up.

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