News from Derbyshire County Council, 28 April 2023 🔹 Bus boost 🔹 Million Trees 🔹 Walking Together 🔹 Carers' survey 🔹

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Bus boost for Derbyshire

If you're a bus user you'll be pleased to hear that some routes are to be extended or have improved timetables. And if you're not a regular bus user, you might find catching a bus more attractive with the improved services.

bus passengers

The improvements are possible because we were successful in gaining £47m from the Government to improve bus services in the county.

Some of this money is being used to improve timetables on 17 routes. Two of these routes have already started, and another 15 will start over the next few months.

The improvements will include running additional buses at evenings and weekends, adding extra journeys during the day, running two an hour where currently there is only one, for example and extending services to new destinations.


Dig in to reach million trees target

Could you help reach the target of planting a million trees in Derbyshire by 2030 to help boost the environment and tackle the effects of climate change?

million trees

We’re calling on residents, landowners and volunteers to join forces to get more trees planted across the county.

If you’ve planted a tree anywhere in Derbyshire since June 2021 it can be counted towards the million trees target. Please add your tree to the online map on the Million Trees website.

If you own land and are interested in planting more trees the county council is offering support and advice. And local businesses and organisations can also get involved by sponsoring or contributing trees, planting on their property, staff volunteering and events.

You can get further details about the project at

You can also sign-up to receive the latest news about the project straight to your inbox.

DIG IN: On behalf of Derbyshire County Council, Leader of the council Councillor Barry Lewis, pictured centre, helps to plant an orchard created by Pinxton Parish Council and St Helens Church, Pinxton, with local residents Scott Thorpe, Donna Castledine, Jesse (3) and Poppy (1).


Walking Together celebrated

A new book and film have been launched to celebrate a memorial to 106 miners who lost their lives in three disasters at Markham Colliery. 

Markham book launch

The Walking Together memorial, which was begun 10 years ago, is made up of 106 life-sized steel figures which symbolise a miner's journey to the pit and back home again.

Figures have been gradually added over a 10-year journey, which was completed in October 2022. The project has been led by us, HBD (formerly Henry Boot Developments) and Markham Vale Heritage Group volunteers, coordinated by Beam (arts charity) and enabled by many funders, sponsors and supporters.

Artist Stephen Broadbent developed the concept with guidance from the local community. The route symbolises a miner’s journey to the pit – and back home again. Each figure bears a tag with the name of the miner, his age, occupation and the year of the disaster.

The newly launched Walking Together book shares new creative writing, stories and artwork inspired by Markham’s mining heritage and is available to borrow from Derbyshire libraries It is also available as an online downloadable version that can be found on the Story Mine website along with the video.

WALKING TOGETHER: Pictured back row from left are Derbyshire County Council officers Peter Storey and Chris Beech, David Wells from HBD, and Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member Cllr Tony King. Front row from left are county council officer Trudi Saxton and Frances Smith from Beam.


Derbyshire Grants

There's lots happening in the county to mark the Coronation, if the number of applications for Derbyshire Grants to support Coronation events is anything to go by.

coronation emblem

It’s great that so much is going on. But we’re unable to accept any more applications for Coronation events now, due to the evaluation and processing time required.

However, Derbyshire Grants are still open to applications for all sorts of other activities and there’s still £500,000 in the pot.

And if you've organised an event, did you know you can enter it onto the official Coronation events map?


Calling all carers

If you're a carer, are you familiar with our carer support service which is provided by Derbyshire Carers Association? If you are, we’d like to get your thoughts.

have your say

We’re recommissioning the service which is currently being delivered by Derbyshire Carers Association (DCA) on our behalf.

To help us update the contract for the carer’s service to ensure it is fit for the future, we’d like to know what you think about the types of support currently on offer, what is and isn’t working well and if there are any gaps or improvements we could make.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please call our adult care team on 01629 531307 or email  

The survey closes on Friday 16 June 2023.
