News from Derbyshire County Council, 10 March 2023 🔹 Snowy weather advice 🔹 Free careers advice 🔹 1000s of potholes patched 🔹 Queen's tree planted 🔹 Via Gellia improvements 🔹 NetZero newsletter 🔹 Kicking off mental health support 🔹

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Stay safe in snowy weather

Derbyshire's experienced very difficult weather conditions over the last couple of days and we're not out of the woods yet.


Road conditions have been very bad in the High Peak and Derbyshire Dales thanks to the wintry weather where we are dealing with a major incident along with partner agencies including Derbyshire Police and health colleagues. And we have some of the highest roads in England, so you won't be surprised to hear that they've become impassable in the heavy snow.

Very cold weather is forecast overnight, with more snow and ice expected tomorrow and early next week. 

So please check the weather forecast if you plan to go out, keep an eye on our social media channels, latest road closures, and traffic cameras.

Our current advice, backed by Derbyshire police, is don't travel. But if you must go out in an emergency, read our winter driving and riding tips.


Free careers advice

Would you like some advice and information on training, funding and further opportunities to help you find your perfect job?

online meeting

If you live in Derbyshire and you're 19 or over, we'll give you free and impartial information, advice and guidance about career opportunities, learning and employment. We offer the same help to over-18s who are not currently in education, employment or training.

Our career coaches are friendly, supportive and knowledgeable about all local learning and work opportunities. They can help you with CVs, interview skills, application forms, searching for jobs as well as courses and qualifications. 

You can get advice by phone, video calls, text, email or in person.


Thousands of potholes patched


Potholes, not surprisingly, are something we get a lot of reports about when the weather has caused deteriorations in the road surface.

The constant freezing and thawing then rainfall at the beginning of the year led to roads cracking, so our roadworkers have been busy fixing potholes across the county.

From the beginning of the year until 4 March, 22,774 potholes have been fixed – a weekly average of 3,080 over the past five weeks.

Extra roadworker gangs have been mobilised across the county, and they have been and will continue to work longer hours including at weekends, to tackle potholes reported on the county’s roads.

You can report potholes near you on our website.


Queen's tree planted at County Hall

tree planting county hall queen's green canopy

Do you remember the Tree of Trees outside Buckingham Palace at the Queen's Platinum Jubilee?

We've planted a hazel tree from the tree of trees, gifted to us by the Queen’s Green Canopy, at our headquarters in Matlock.

The hazel tree was planted on Tuesday by His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire Elizabeth Fothergill CBE, county council Civic Chairman Councillor David Wilson (left) and council leader Councillor Barry Lewis.

A second tree to be given to the council by the QGC is a cherry and will be planted later this month at Elvaston Castle.


We want your views on Via Gellia

If you use the A5012 Via Gellia between Cromford and Newhaven we want your views about proposals to improve safety along the road.

national speed limit sign

Funding for the proposals, worth around £2.2 million, has come from the Department for Transport’s Safer Roads Fund.

We'll be holding our second and final drop-in session for people to view the plans and talk to officers at Cromford Community Centre on Tuesday 14 March from 2pm to 8pm.

The online public consultation closes on Sunday 26 March, 2023.

Once the feedback has been carefully reviewed, detailed design will be undertaken with works starting on site in the summer for around six to 12 months.


Get green tips to your inbox

net zero earth world

If you haven't already, why not sign up to our Net Zero eNewsletter?

It’s full of tips and inspiration on reducing energy use and cutting waste plus other ways to be greener, what grants may be available and more.

Once you sign up it is delivered straight to your inbox. 


Kicking off mental health partnership


Are you a Spireites fan? We're working in partnership with Chesterfield Football Club to promote mental health and wellbeing.

The club's working with our mental health team to share a wide variety of support to fans and visitors. This includes information across the stadium around suicide prevention, mental health and a wide variety of other health and wellbeing support.

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