News from Derbyshire County Council, 24 February 2023 🔹 Coronation celebrations 🔹 Host a Ukrainian guest 🔹 Priority services register 🔹 Derbyshire Active Carers event 🔹 Free insulation and heat pumps 🔹 Food pantries 🔹 Make a Difference awards 🔹 Shine A Light success 🔹 Do you dig mining history? 🔹

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Coronation celebrations

Are you planning a community event to celebrate the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III?

coronation emblem

If you are, we're urging you to take advantage of a number of grants available from us and other sources.

The coronation is on Saturday 6 May and many of the events are likely to be spread over that weekend, as an extra bank holiday has been added on Monday 8 May.

Grants ranging from a few hundred pounds up to £10,000 are available to community groups, clubs, local charities and organisations holding celebrations.


Could you host a Ukrainian guest?

Ukraine flag

We're renewing our appeal for Derbyshire families to host refuges from Ukraine.

If you become a host, you'll need to offer accommodation for a minimum of six months and be able to provide a basic level of support including welcoming your guests to the local area and helping with tasks such as registering with a GP, accessing local and public services and opening a bank account.

You'd receive a monthly £350 thank-you payment, rising to £500 when guests have been in the UK for more than 12 months.

There are also a number of Ukrainian guests looking to move into independent accommodation, if you're a private landlord with available accommodation to rent please get in touch.


Priority services register

Did you know there's a free support service to help people in vulnerable situations with their energy supply?

priority services

The scheme's offered by your energy supplier. If you're eligible, and find it hard to deal with your energy supply, you could get extra help.

You're eligible if you:

  • have reached state pension age
  • are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
  • are recovering from an injury
  • have a hearing or sight condition
  • have a mental health condition
  • are pregnant or have young children
  • have extra communication needs.

You may still be able to register for other reasons if you feel you need additional help.


Derbyshire Active Carers event

Calling all carers – would you like to know how being more active could help your wellbeing?

active carers

Moving more can have lots of physical and mental health benefits for you and those you care for.

Hear from other carers who have benefitted from being more active and get information and support at the Derbyshire Active Carers event at Chesterfield Football Club on Thursday 2 March from 10am to 3.30pm.

The event also includes lunch and refreshments as well as a chair-based activity.

We're hosting the event in partnership with Derbyshire Carers Association, Disability Rights UK and Active Derbyshire.

Book your place or call 01773 833833 for more information.


Free insulation and heat pumps

Is your home in Council Tax band A-D? If it is, you might be eligible for free cavity wall insulation or an air source heat pump.


A new energy efficiency scheme, Connected for Warmth, is offering free cavity wall and loft insulation to eligible households.

Free air source heat pumps are available if you don’t currently have a central heating system, if your circumstances make you eligible.

You may be able to take advantage of this scheme whether you're a property owner or a landlord. Funding is available on a first-come first-served basis. 

Connected for Warmth is an awarding-winning programme, managed by AgilityEco in partnership with Affordable Warmth Solutions, and funded by National Grid.

To find out more visit or call 0800 995 6564 for insulation, or 0121 592 0162 for heat pumps.


More support for food pantries


Do you have a food pantry in your area? 

There are seven at the moment – in Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire Dales, North East Derbyshire and Amber Valley, with another five in development.

We're providing additional funding to help food pantries across the county to continue offering support to their local communities. We're giving Rural Action Derbyshire £150,000 so that the Affordable Food Network initiative can continue to run until March 2024.

Food pantry memberships models vary but generally involve you paying a small yearly membership fee plus a suggested donation towards the cost of the food each time you visit the pantry – resulting in, on average, a saving of £37 per shop.


Make a Difference awards

Do you know someone who's made a difference in your community? BBC Radio Derby's Make a Difference awards want to say thank you to those people.

Community response unit

Whether it’s caring for someone in need, being a brilliant neighbour, or inspiring children in the classroom, if you know someone who is really making a difference then you can nominate them for an award.

There are eight categories; 

  • Volunteer
  • Community Group
  • Fundraiser
  • Carer
  • Great Neighbour
  • Bravery
  • Green
  • Together award 

Nominations close 5 March 2023 at 11pm.


Shine A Light success

Were you one of the 6,000 people who visited Shine A Light in its second season?

Shine A Light Hardwick 2023 a

The after-dark spectacular we commissioned has been hailed a success for the second year running.

Crowds were dazzled by stunning large-scale audio-visual displays featuring awe-inspiring animations and live musical performances in the season finale at Hardwick Hall last weekend, pictured.

Shine A Light also visited three other iconic Derbyshire venues, Arkwright’s Mill, Cromford, Elvaston Castle, and Barrow Hill Roundhouse near Chesterfield.

Delivered by internationally renowned Derbyshire-born video projection artists Illuminos, Shine A Light was commissioned to celebrate Derbyshire’s rich history and heritage, extend the tourism season and boost the visitor economy.

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Do you dig mining history?

You no doubt know that Derbyshire has a long and proud history of mining. A new exhibition at our museum in Buxton is focusing on the industry in the north of the county.

Greaves Croft Mine

Lead, Lime, Coal at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery explores how thousands of people living in the Buxton area have throughout time worked as miners or quarry men, getting and transporting stone, and contributing to changing the landscape completely.

lead lime coal

Paintings, photographs and artefacts are on show at the museum, in Terrace Road, until 7 June.

Step back in time, discover the workers’ memories of the industries and consider what working in these industries was like then, compared with now.

You'll see unusual representations of working practices and places, a mixture of backbreaking industry and the beautiful Peak District, with the voices of a some of the people who worked here.

Admission to all parts of the museum is free.

Pictured above is Greaves Croft Mine, Moss Rake, Bradwell in 1906.
