Community News from Derbyshire County Council, 7 February 2023 – 🔹 Talking to children about the internet 🔹 Decision on waste treatment centre 🔹 £7m for housing, transport and schools 🔹 Could you be a school governor? 🔹

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Talking to children about the internet

If you have children, you're being asked to talk to them about what they’re doing online as part of the fight to keep them safe from online harm.

safer internet day

The call comes from Derbyshire Community Safety Partnership on Safer Internet Day (today, 7 February), after research showed a mismatch between what children in Derbyshire are experiencing online compared to what their parents think is happening.

According to a survey of primary school pupils and families in Derbyshire carried out in the summer by i-vengers – a project commissioned jointly by us, Derby City Council and the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner:

  • 9% of parents said their children had been approached online by a stranger compared to 37% of school-age children who admitted this had happened.
  • 9% of parents said their child had had a nasty comment online, compared to 32% of young people
  • 14% of parents said their child went online when they should have been asleep whereas 30% of young people admitted they did.

For more information about Safer Internet Day, including links to where you can find out more about starting a conversation with your children or grandchildren as well as links to online safety webinars visit

Decision on future of waste treatment centre

Councillors have approved plans to repair a waste treatment centre and bring into operation to treat waste that residents in Derby and Derbyshire either cannot or choose not to recycle.

At their respective meetings on 2 February 2023, cabinet members at both Derbyshire County Council and Derby City Councils heard how the option to rectify defects and use the facility in Sinfin, Derby, was considered more cost-effective for Derby and Derbyshire council taxpayers to deal with household waste over the next two decades.

£7m for transport, housing and skills

Just under £7 million in funding for local improvements in the East Midlands has been approved by the government.


The funding that's been given the green light is part of an early investment offered to our area as part of devolution negotiations. It's not dependent on devolution proposals going ahead.

It's part of £18 million on offer from the government to our region for investment in different projects supporting local priorities, which relate to housing, the environment, infrastructure, skills, and transport in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Derby, and Nottingham.

Devolution doesn't mean scrapping or merging local councils, which would all continue to exist as they do now and would still be responsible for most public services in the area. The mayor and combined authority would instead focus on wider issues like transport, regeneration, and employment across both cities and counties.

Can you make a difference to schools?

Do you have professional business experience?  If so, could you offer your support to a Derbyshire school?

businessman school governor

With over 400 schools and academies, from nurseries to sixth form colleges, school governors form one of the largest volunteer groups in Derbyshire.

An individual governor works with the governing board, staff, pupils, and the wider community to make a difference to their school. There are a range of roles including parent, associated and co-opted governors to suit different experience and skills.

Find out more about becoming a school governor, and what the role involves, or email