News from Derbyshire County Council, 12 January 2023 – Looking for a new job 🔹 Have your say 🔹 Visit Buxton Museum 🔹 Support to start a business 🔹 Ashbourne relief road 🔹 Police budget

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Looking for a job?

Are you searching for work? Or looking to change jobs? 

job interview

We've got more than 300 vacancies at the county council. There could be one that's right up your street.

We're looking for social workers, school catering assistants, care workers, business services assistants, solicitors and more. Why not have a look?


Have your say in two consultations

energy efficiency homes

There's still time for you to have your say in our Homes for the Future consultation.

If you’re a homeowner and you live in Derbyshire then we want to know what support you need to make your home more energy efficient.

Together with the county’s eight district and borough councils, we're asking local homeowners what they think would help them to make home improvements needed to reduce their energy use.

Between 20-25% of carbon emissions in Derbyshire come from housing so it’s a key area the councils want to tackle to help meet the target of becoming a net zero county by 2050.

The closing date for the online consultation is Friday 20 January 2023.


You're also being asked what you think about a plan to improve cycling and walking networks across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

The proposed network includes both new cycle links and improvements to existing routes to create cycling and walking routes that are appealing to all.

The plan will then be used to support funding bids to help develop and deliver the proposed schemes. The survey is open until 8 March.


Discover Buxton Museum

Our award-winning museum and art gallery at Buxton saw more than 30,000 visitors through its doors in 2022. Were you one of them?

Buxton Museum

Whether you've already been to our museum and gallery in Terrace Road, or if you haven't, we recommend a visit.

With an ever-changing exhibition programme there's always something new to discover.

And the museum hopes to boost the number of young and family visitors this year, after setting up a new play area for under-fives, and, instead of the unfriendly ‘do not touch signs’ used in museums in the past, added ‘please touch signs’ and ‘open this drawer, see what’s inside’ signs, encouraging you and your family to explore.


Business aspirations?

Have you been thinking about starting your own business but need some advice?

vision derbyshire

If you have, the Vision Derbyshire Business Start-Up Support Scheme can help.

The team of local expert business advisers can offer free one-to-one impartial support and advice covering a wide range of topics.

If you're nervous about starting your new venture in the current economic climate, then talking to an adviser could guide you to making some important decisions and put sustainable plans in place to help achieve your dream.

Grant funding is also available subject to eligibility.

You can email 


Relief road for Ashbourne

If you took part in our consultation about a relief road for Ashbourne, you'll be glad to hear that plans have taken a step forward.

We've submitted a pre-planning application for the development, which is designed to help tackle congestion in the town.

We're proposing a single carriageway road with separate provision for pedestrians and cyclists along the preferred route stretching from the A52 Mayfield Road to the A515 Buxton Road close to Sandybrook Hall.


Your views sought on police budget

police walking

You probably know that your council tax helps to pay for policing in Derbyshire.

That's why Derbyshire’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) now wants your thoughts on the policing budget for 2023-24.

Fill in the survey to say how much council tax you think would be the right amount to pay to maintain the current standard of policing and to make improvements. The consultation closes on Monday, 16 January.
