6 January – News from Derbyshire County Council – fostering, devolution, Call Derbyshire busy, health and care services critical, £2 bus fares, health and social care apprenticeships , Live Life Better Derbyshire

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Do something amazing – foster

Could you offer a home to a local child?

foster care

There are children of all ages in need of a loving, stable home and if you could change a child's life this year please get in touch with our fostering team.

There are different types of fostering to suit different existing obligations or commitments and you will be financially supported when a child is placed with you.

You don't need any special qualifications, you just need to:

  • be aged 21 or over with no upper age limit
  • have a spare room or likely to have a spare bedroom in the future – or space in a bedroom for a cot for children aged up to two
  • go through a few initial checks
  • have some experience of caring for children, for example through volunteering or looking after family members or friends’ children.

We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities (for example LGBT+, any ethnicity, race, culture and religion), single or in a relationship, married or civil partnership. You can be in work or not, and either rent or own your own home.


Last chance to have your say


Don't miss the chance to have your say on devolution. The consultation ends on Monday 9 January.

It’s your chance to share your views on £1.14 billion plans for Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Derby, and Nottingham.


It's a busy time for Call Derbyshire

man laptop sofa

If you need to contact us, please be aware that our Call Derbyshire contact centre is experiencing a very high number of calls at the moment. 

If your call isn’t urgent, we're asking you to leave our lines clear for emergency calls.

There's lots you can do on our website including reporting issues on the roads and finding out about cost of living support.


Health and care 'critical incident'

You'll have heard that the NHS is under a huge amount of pressure at the moment across the country, and the same is true in Derbyshire. Health and care services in the county have declared a critical incident because of extreme pressures.

NHS logo

Our health partners have taken a decision to temporarily postpone some elective care treatments so that they can dedicate clinical resources to those requiring urgent and emergency care and those who are acutely ill. 

They're urging residents who need urgent medical care that is not an emergency to visit NHS 111 online or call NHS111 for advice on how to get the care they need at any time of day or night.

If you have a minor illness or injury, like a sprain, fracture, minor burn, skin infection, animal bite, minor eye and head injury, sting or bite you can visit an Urgent Treatment Centre.

Pharmacists can give you advice about minor illnesses such as a cough or cold, sore throat, tummy trouble and aches and pains. They're experts in medicines who can offer you clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines.

Contact your GP for symptoms that won't go away, such as lumps, unexpected weight loss, abnormal bleeding and persistent pain. GP practices also employ highly trained professionals such as physiotherapists, nurses, dieticians and others.

Only call 999 or attend A&E for serious accidents and emergencies.


Bus fares capped at £2

Do you travel by bus for work, shopping or to medical appointments? If so, you could benefit from a £2 cap on fares between now and March.

bus public transport

The government says that millions of passengers will save money on single bus journeys, backed up by £60m from the Department for Transport.

During the pandemic bus passenger numbers dropped significantly and figures show usage has not returned to pre-pandemic levels.

So, ensuring you and your family can access affordable bus fares will hopefully tempt you to choose buses for local journeys.

This also helps to reduce carbon emissions. The scheme's estimated to take at least two million car journeys off the roads across the country, cutting congestion and pollution for everyone.


Health & care apprenticeship events

Are you, or do you know someone who is looking to start a career in health and social care?

health and social care apprenticeships

Our team will be on hand to talk about our apprenticeship vacancies at an information event at Derbyshire County Cricket Club, Derby, on Tuesday 10 January, 1pm-7pm.

There’ll also be talks on interview skills and CV writing as well as practical and interactive activities related to care worker roles for attendees to participate in.

The event is organised by Joined Up Care Careers Derbyshire which is also holding a second social care apprenticeship event at Chesterfield Technique Stadium on Wednesday 11 January, 1pm-7pm. 

For more information email ddicb.joinedupcareers@nhs.net 


Turn resolutions into reality

live life better 2023 new year

Have you made any resolutions for the year ahead? And can you turn them into reality?

Live Life Better Derbyshire is here to help you with free stop smoking, weight management and physical activity support.

Find out more, or join up, by visiting www.livelifebetterderbyshire.org.uk or calling 0800 085 2299.