30 September – News from Derbyshire County Council – winter jabs, investment zone, buses boost, read your meters, bird flu, short story competition, bridge replacement

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Get your jabs for winter

If you haven't booked your Covid or flu vaccinations for this winter please make sure you take up your invitation when you get it.

vaccination image

The NHS is expecting high levels of respiratory infections such as flu, pneumonia and Covid, as well as shingles, to be circulating this winter, with older people, pregnant women and those with underlying health conditions most at risk.

Please also spread the word with your family and friends – it might stop them from falling seriously ill.

Find out whether you're eligible:




Shingles (age 70-79)


Investment zone talks

We’re talking to Government about the potential for establishing an Investment Zone in Derbyshire to encourage investment, support economic growth and create jobs.

It’s early days and we’re waiting for more detail but if an Investment Zone was established in Derbyshire it would bring benefits for businesses including lower taxes.


Buses boost

We're working to improve local bus services – and we'd like your help.

inside bus

We want to increase your confidence in bus services and bus operators, encourage you to travel by bus rather than car more often, in line with carbon neutral plans and local air quality aims.

We're running an online survey for your feedback.

We're also working with other local councils in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire and Derby on this, and getting views from across the region.

The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. It closes on Friday, 7 October 2022.


Read your meter before the price rise

You're being advised to read your gas and electricity meters and submit the readings to your provider before tomorrow, Saturday 1 October, or as soon as possible.

electricity meter

You're probably aware that the energy price cap is rising. On 1 October, the annual energy bill for a typical household will rise from £1,971 to £2,500 a 27% increase. You might pay more, depending on what you use.

So if you submit accurate meter readings to your supplier, they can't accidentally charge you at the higher rate for your earlier energy use.

If you, or anyone you know, has worries about keeping warm this winter Warmer Derby & Derbyshire is a free and impartial energy advice line you can get in touch with. Call 0800 677 1332 or email wdd@mea.org.uk 


Bird flu information


If you keep birds you're being urged to take steps now to reduce the risk of your flock catching avian flu this winter.

Our trading standards officers want people to be extra vigilant in caring for their birds and to ensure they stick to strict biosecurity standards because the risk of migrating wild birds infecting domestic birds rises as winter approaches.


Could you write a short story?

Do you like writing? Or do you fancy having a go? Our library service is launching a creative writing competition for adults. 

writing competition

They're looking for stories of no more than 55 words on the theme of Derbyshire. 

You have a lot of freedom interpreting the theme, so the story could include a favourite beauty spot, village, building, bridge, monument, or something else.

Whatever the style from thriller to horror, crime to romance the judges would love to read it.

The winning story will receive a £20 book token. All eligible entries will be published in an ebook on Derbyshire Libraries' BorrowBox platform and will be available for all customers to read and enjoy.

The contest runs from Friday 7 October to Friday 4 November.


Historic bridge replacement

We're replacing a bridge over the High Peak Trail in the Derbyshire Dales after an accident that severely damaged the original structure.

In April 2019 the old Longcliffe bridge was badly damaged by an HGV and the road and trail were closed for five weeks until we put a temporary bridge in place.

We're scheduled to start the work on Monday 3 October and it'll take about four weeks.
