Healthy and Well

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Welcome to Live Life Better Derbyshire and say Yes to a Healthier You!

Have you tried out Derbyshire's free healthy lifestyles service - Live Life Better Derbyshire?

Live Life Better offers Derbyshire residents free, tailored support to lose weight, stop smoking, get more active and improve your general health and wellbeing. 

Find out more about the services on offer, online at

Stop smoking this Stoptober


It's Stoptober - the perfect time to quit smoking.

If you're ready to kick the habit then get in touch with Live Life Better Derbyshire and join a FREE stop smoking support group.

We offer a 12 week stop smoking support service with access to trained advisors, NRT and a supportive Facebook group.

Call 0800 085 2299 or visit

Breast Cancer awareness month

breast cancer awareness month

It's breast cancer awareness month.

It's the most common cancer in the UK with around 1 in 8 women diagnosed during their lifetime.

More than a third of women don’t check their breasts. It's important to regularly check for any changes including:

  • A lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit
  • A change to skin such as puckering or dimpling
  • A change in the colour of the breast - it may look red or inflamed 
  • A nipple change - it may become inverted (pulled in)
  • Unusual discharge from either nipple
  • Changes in size or shape of breasts

You can find out more about what to look out for on here.

World Mental Health Day

World mental health day

It's World Mental Health day on October 10th.  A perfect chance to stop and have a conversation about how you're feeling & to reach out for help if you need it.

You can call the Derbyshire Mental Health Support Line on 0800 028 0077 (24 hours per day, 7 days per week)

There's lots of support on hand to help. Visit

The Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing website also has information on a wide range of emotional wellbeing topics.

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There are two ways to unsubscribe. The best way to do this is to use the manage preferences link underneath this email. From here you can select which topics to subscribe to or unsubscribe. 

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We'll be sad to see you go but we'll always welcome you back with open arms.