23 September – News from Derbyshire County Council – cost of living, bus contracts, cold callers, secondary school applications, Derbyshire Day.

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Tackling the cost of living

Do you know of any groups or projects that are helping people in your community as they struggle with the cost of living?

community food kitchen

A fund that means our councillors can support their local community is being doubled so that they can help people tackle the rise in prices that we're all facing.

All 64 of our councillors get funding through the members’ Community Leadership Scheme to give to communities and organisations in their area.

And from 1 October the amount will double from £3,860 to £7,720.

So, if you belong to or know of any groups that make a difference in your community please contact your local county councillor.

You'll need to explain what the project, activity or event is about, the amount of money you'll need, what other funding may be available, and how it will benefit your community.


Bus contracts awarded

If you’re a bus user, you might be interested to know that we’re continuing to help support 60 local bus services in Derbyshire to keep them running.

bus public transport

The services, covering all areas of the county, are typically routes and times that wouldn't be commercially viable without our help and can be first thing in the morning, extra trips during the day, or rural or evening services.

Fuel and operating costs have risen and, along with driver shortages, this has pushed the contract prices up significantly, which we're meeting.

We'll be paying £6.498m to support the routes, an increase of £1.848m on previous years.

Bus passenger numbers nationally haven't yet returned to pre-Covid levels, so we hope that by supporting local buses we'll encourage you to use buses on a more regular basis too.


Beware of cold callers

If cold-callers and doorstep sellers appeared at your door, would you know what to do?

Our trading standards officers are warning residents to be wary and to remember – if you’re not sure, don’t open the door.

door chain

Cold callers or doorstep sellers rely on you to engage with them, so if you don’t open your door you can’t be persuaded to buy something you don’t need.

If you’re cold-called by builders offering to carry out roof repairs, drives and gardening at a special price don’t make an instant decision. If you do need work doing get three quotes from reputable firms, like those on our Derbyshire Trusted Trader webpage.

If cold callers appear official check them out by calling the company or agency using a telephone number you can verify. You can do all of this without opening your door. Genuine callers won’t mind.

You can get advice from Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 11 33. Report incidents to the police on 101. And the Think Jessica website has lots of tips and advice on scams.


Secondary school applications are open

school kids

Applications for secondary school places for September 2023 are open for Year Six pupils living in Derbyshire.

The deadline to submit applications is midnight on Monday 31 October 2022 and places will be confirmed on 1 March 2023.

Applying online is quick and easy and it enables our admissions team to effectively receive and process the information it needs to allocate places. 


Marking Derbyshire Day

Derbyshire flag

It was Derbyshire Day yesterday and we flew the Derbyshire flag at County Hall in Matlock, and lit the building green last night to represent our beautiful countryside.

The flag has a blue background, representing our many rivers and reservoirs. The green cross reflects the lushness of the county and marks our position at the centre of England. The gold Tudor rose has been part of the county coat of arms since 1470.

The flag was chosen in a poll organised by BBC Derby. It flew for the first time on Friday 22 September 2008 in ceremonies at Derby Cathedral, the Buxton Campus of the University of Derby, Ashbourne Town Hall and Ripley Town Hall.