Healthy and Well

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Welcome to Live Life Better Derbyshire and say Yes to a Healthier You!

Have you tried out Derbyshire's free healthy lifestyles service - Live Life Better Derbyshire?

Live Life Better offers Derbyshire residents free, tailored support to lose weight, stop smoking, get more active and improve your general health and wellbeing. 

Find out more about the services on offer, online at

Blood pressure check ups

know your numbers a third of people in the UK have high blood pressure, but most don’t know it. It doesn’t have any symptoms so the only way to find out is to have a blood pressure check.

High blood pressure can lead to serious health conditions including strokes and heart attacks.

During Know Your Numbers Week people are encouraged to get their blood pressure checked.

Our Live Life Better Derbyshire team will be out in Derbyshire offering free health MOTs including blood pressure checks.

Find out where the team will be online here.

Time to talk about suicide prevention

suicide prevention

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day – an annual event which aims to start open, frank conversations around suicide and what we can all do to help prevent it.

Every suicide is devastating and has a huge impact on friends, family and the wider community.

By raising awareness, reducing the stigma around suicide and encouraging action, we can all help to reduce the instances of suicide and offer support to people who need it.

World Suicide Prevention day is an opportunity to talk about this all too often taboo subject and offer support and understanding.

Find out more about the help and support on offer in Derbyshire at

Organisations can take part in the Zero Suicide Alliance’s free suicide awareness training. You can find a link to the training here:

The Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline offers 24 hour a day support and advice and you can call them on 0800 028 0077.

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