19 August – News from Derbyshire County Council – £47m bus boost, Net Zero Heroes, A levels & GCSEs, Snake Pass closure, World Suicide Prevention Day.

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

£47m to boost Derbyshire bus services

We've been awarded £47m from the government to improve bus services over the next two and a half years.

bus public transport

You may have taken part in a consultation we held last year asking you what you wanted to see to improve bus services in the county.

We used that consultation, and worked with bus companies, district and borough councils, bus passenger groups and disability groups to put together a bus service improvement plan.

We submitted that plan to the government and asked them for money to pay for those improvements – and we're delighted we were successful. We'll be starting work on the improvements from October.


Net Zero Heroes – call for nominations

Do you know anyone who's going above and beyond to cut carbon emissions and help tackle climate change?

net zero

We want to find more Net Zero Heroes so that we can thank them for going the extra mile to cut waste, reduce their environmental impact, make do and mend, reuse and recycle, and generally take practical measures on climate change.

For example, Net Zero Hero Mark Day (pictured) strives to maintain high levels of sustainable and ethical practices within his refill/wholefoods shop Day Zero in Buxton.

Read the inspiring stories of  the 10 Net Zero Heroes we’ve championed already and nominate a Net Zero Hero you know.


Results for A level and GCSE students

A level students got their results yesterday and GCSE results will be announced on Thursday 25 August.

exam results

In the 2019/20 or 2020/21 academic years, most exams and assessments didn't take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

But this year examinations and assessments for GCSEs, AS and A levels (as well as for vocational and technical qualifications) went ahead again.

We'd like to congratulate the students and their teachers on their hard work and wish them all the best for the future.

Not everyone will have got the results they were hoping for, so if that applies to you or anyone you know, your school or college will be able to offer you support and guidance for what to do next.


Snake Pass to close for four weeks

We're closing the A57, known as Snake Pass, to all users for four weeks from Monday 26 September so that our specialist contractors can investigate the causes of a landslip at Alport.

snake pass aug 2022

We have to carry out the investigation so that we can draw up plans to fix the pass. 

The road will be closed to all users from Doctors Gate to Hagg Farm, a distance of 5.6 miles. The contractors will need to use the remaining piece of road at the Alport slip for a drilling rig, so there'll be no possibility of any vehicles getting past.

If you do attempt to travel on the Snake Pass during the work, you'll find turning places at either end of the closure.

There'll be advisory signs and traffic marshals at either end of Snake Pass, warning that you won't be able to get from one side to the other, and you'll have to turn round and go back the same way.

We're very sorry. We know that if you use the pass this will be really inconvenient for you, but we have no choice – this work needs to be carried out. We'd like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.


World Suicide Prevention Day

Saturday 10 September is World Suicide Prevention Day – an annual event which aims to start open, frank conversations around suicide and what we can all do to help prevent it.

world suicide prevention day

We're gearing up to support the day by raising awareness of the help that's out there and offering support to people in distress.

Every suicide is devastating and has a huge impact on friends, family and the wider community.

In the UK, men are three times as likely to die by suicide than women. But there are organisations that can help.

Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline offers 24-hour-a-day support and advice and people can call them on 0800 028 0077.
