11 August – News from Derbyshire County Council – Pension Credit Cost of Living Payments, keep cool and safe, Derby's Great British Railways bid, teaming up to work on mental health., monkeypox

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Pension Credit Cost of Living Payments

If you're a pensioner, or have any family or friends who are, here's some info about the Pension Credit Cost of Living Payment from the government.

pension senior man laptop

The Cost of Living Payment is an extra payment to help you with the cost of living if you’re entitled to certain benefits or tax credits.

If you get Pension Credit already you'll automatically be paid the Cost of Living Payments. In total, you could be entitled to an extra £650, paid in two instalments.

If you don’t currently claim Pension Credit it can be backdated so you qualify for the extra £650. But you need to apply no later than Thursday, 18 August.

To be eligible for the first pension credit-related Cost of Living Payment, you must have been entitled to a payment of Pension Credit on any day from 26 April to 25 May 2022. New claims for Pension Credit can be backdated for a maximum of three months. 

To guarantee that 25 May will be included in the first Pension Credit payment for pensioners wishing to backdate a new claim, the Department for Work and Pensions is advising that claims should be made as soon as possible and no later than 18 August.

We'd like to make sure everyone who's eligible for Pension Credit claims it as soon as possible so they don't miss out on the Cost of Living Payment. Pensioners, or friends or relatives on their behalf, can use this calculator to check if they qualify. 


Keeping cool and staying safe

It's going to be hot over the next few days and many of you will be out and about enjoying the good weather in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside. Here's some advice to help keep you, your family and our countryside safe.

thermometer hot weather
  • Shut windows and pull down blinds when it's hotter outside – you can open the windows for ventilation when it's cooler.
  • If you plan to go out, avoid the hottest part of the day (11am to 3pm) and make sure you have sunscreen, water and a hat.
  • Prevent wildfires. Don't take barbecues or gas stoves to the countryside with you. Pack a picnic and take your rubbish home. 
  • Tell children about the dangers of open water. Cold water shock can cause breathing difficulties and cramp even in strong swimmers.
  • If you do get into difficulties in water, the advice is to float to live. Resist the urge to panic and thrash about, lay on your back with your arms and legs out like a star and float. Calm your breathing and call for help.
  • Wild swimmers – low water levels mean any submerged items are closer to the surface, posing a danger. 

Derby's Great British Railways bid

railway Derby

We're backing Derby's bid to become the home of Great British Railways and we hope you will too.

A competition is taking place to find a location for the Great British Railways national headquarters, and with a history of making trains for more than 180 years we think Derby is the perfect choice.

Vote here

Since the competition seeks to recognise a town or city with a rich railway heritage, great links to the national network and with strong public support, Derby more than fits the bill.

It's an amazing opportunity for the city, and the county, to become the proud home for the start of a new era in Britain’s railways.


Teaming up to work on mental health

We've got together with Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service to raise awareness around mental health and wellbeing.

DFRS mental health

We're working to spread help and advice around support for mental health, suicide prevention and emotional wellbeing.

This includes producing 8,000 Derbyshire Mental Health and Wellbeing Support guides to be handed out at community events and during home safety visits, so look out for them, or ask if you can have one.

The handy leaflets contain a wide range of information including where to access support in a crisis, information about the five ways to wellbeing, as well as important information about fire safety.

You can get information about mental health support our website or call the Derbyshire Mental Health helpline on 0800 028 0077. It's open 24 hours a day.

Pictured are Charlie Buxton from DFRS prevention department and Luke Oldham from our mental health and suicide prevention team.


Information about monkeypox

Monkeypox is a rare viral infection that can be spread through close physical contact such as kissing, skin-to-skin touch, having sex or sharing bedding or towels.

monkey pox

These are the signs and symptoms to be aware of:

  • recent unexpected spots, ulcers or blisters anywhere on your body
  • fever
  • headaches
  • muscle aches
  • chills and exhaustion
  • swollen glands.

If you have any of these symptoms you should avoid close contact with others until you've received medical advice.

If you have concerns call your nearest sexual health service or call NHS 111. You shouldn't visit the GP or any walk-in treatment clinics.
