4 March – News from Derbyshire County Council – support for Ukraine, emotional wellbeing money, Trusted Trader, food waste, drug and alcohol help, Open Art competition

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Derbyshire's solidarity with Ukraine

‘We stand ready to help’ – Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis has extended an offer of support to the people of Ukraine.

Ukraine flag

Tens of thousands of refugees are expected to seek safety across western Europe as the conflict continues and when called upon by Government we will continue our position of offering support to those in need.

We have previously co-ordinated the response to calls from government to house Afghan refugees, working with borough and district councils to offer help and source suitable accommodation.

We also lit up County Hall in Matlock blue and yellow last Friday, in common with other public buildings, to show our support for Ukraine.

Read Cllr Lewis’ statement in full on our website.

Funding to boost emotional wellbeing

Covid-19 has had lasting impacts on the emotional and mental wellbeing of many of our residents and a new project aims to help some of the people who have been hardest hit.


We're spending £80,000 on a two-year project to deliver emotional wellbeing support to people classed as clinically extremely vulnerable.

The country-wide project, funded from our COVID-19 Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) budget, will be delivered by Relate Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

The money will pay for emotional wellbeing counselling support for clinically vulnerable people for two years, starting this month. It means up to 1,200 assessment and counselling sessions can be carried out.


Could you use a Trusted Trader?

From storm and flood-damaged property and garden tidy-ups, to jobs around the home, remember you can turn to our Trusted Trader scheme to find honest and reliable people to carry out the work.

builder tiles
trusted trader

Our Trusted Trader scheme, run by our trading standards team, has a database of more than 1,000 traders who have all been checked out and commit to doing a good job for a fair price.

If you search the Trusted Trader database, which is quick, easy and free to use, you'll find a range of traders and you'll be able to see genuine reviews from previous customers. 

There’s a wide range of trades and services registered as Trusted Traders, from joiners, roofers, gardeners, builders, plumbers and decorators to accountants, cleaners, retailers, car dealers, physiotherapists and many more.


Highlighting food waste next week

Watch out for the UK’s second national Food Waste Action Week starting on Monday. We’ll be supporting this campaign to reduce food waste.

food waste action week web banner

Wasting food feeds climate change, is the message of this year's Food Waste Action Week from 7 to 13 March.

For example, if we stopped throwing away the 714,000 tonnes of potatoes we waste every year in our homes, it would do the same for the environment as taking 326,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide out of our atmosphere.

The food we throw away has an impact on our environment and contributes to climate change because we are wasting not only the food but the valuable resources that have gone into creating it too – from the land, fertilisers and water that was used for growing it to the greenhouse gases created from its production and transport.

Look out for our tips on how to cut food waste by following us on Twitter and Facebook


Help for drug and alcohol dependency

Five organisations that provide alcohol and drug recovery support projects have been awarded grants totalling £184,000 to help local people suffering from substance misuse.

We provided the funding through the Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Dependence Grants programme, which was set up in 2015 to fund projects that provide recovery activities across Derbyshire. Organisations which apply for the funding must demonstrate how the project would help Derbyshire residents throughout treatment and into long-term recovery. This could be things like, improving their physical and mental health, providing purposeful activity and building their confidence and self-esteem.

Grants of up to £40,000 were available for recovery projects to be delivered in 2022 and 2023.


Our Open Art competition is back

Artists are being encouraged to ‘be inspired and create’ as our Derbyshire Open Art competition relaunches after a two-year break due to the pandemic.

A winter walk by Carl Longmate Buxton Museum Open Art Derbyshire Trophy

Derbyshire Open Art Competition and Exhibition, in its 39th year, is run by our museum and art gallery in Buxton and is open to professional and amateur artists of all ages.

We're asking you to use Derbyshire as your inspiration and ask yourself what the county means to you. Work could be anything from a Derbyshire landscape, town or streetscape to local people, still life or representations of local stories.

Most mediums are accepted in the competition including oils, acrylics, watercolours, drawing, print, collage, manipulated digital imagery and three-dimensional work.

You can submit up to two works and they must have been completed after 2017. 

There are prizes and 10 commendations to be won, with all winners selected by the judges except one, which is chosen by exhibition visitors. First prize wins the Derbyshire Trophy and a cash prize of £750, as well as the honour of the work being acquired for the museum’s art collection.

Pictured is the winner of the Derbyshire Trophy 2019 – 'A Winter Walk' by Carl Longmate.
