Healthy and Well

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Welcome to Live Life Better Derbyshire and say Yes to a Healthier You!

Have you tried out Derbyshire's free healthy lifestyles service - Live Life Better Derbyshire?

Live Life Better offers Derbyshire residents free, tailored support to lose weight, stop smoking, get more active and improve your general health and wellbeing. 

Find out more about the services on offer, online at

Ovarian Cancer Awareness month

icon of female figure and diagram of ovaries

It's #OvarianCancer awareness month and each year 7,400 woman are diagnosed with #ovariancancer in the UK.

Women over the age of 50 have a higher risk, and most cases of ovarian cancer occur in women who have already gone through the menopause.

80–85 per cent of ovarian cancer cases are one-offs. This means that  if you have a close female relatives with ovarian cancer this does not mean that you are more likely to develop it.

The remaining 15–20 per cent of cases are believed to be caused by an inherited faulty (or mutated) gene.

Find out more about the risk factors online here.

Learn more about the signs and symptoms online at Cancer Research. 

Sign up to stop smoking email support

email and stop smoking icon on purple backgroun

Did you know that you can sign up to stop smoking support emails?

Whether you've tried to quit in the past or are finally ready to give it a go, then we can offer support in a wide variety of different ways.

You can  join our Live Life Better Derbyshire stop smoking service by calling 0800 085 2299 or visiting

But if you're not quite ready to join a service, or just need a little motivation then why not sign up to our emails?

Sign up to receive stop smoking tips direct to your inbox here 

Help Us Help You

cervical smear invite letter in letterbox image

A new cervical cancer screening campaign has launched.

Help Us Help You aims to highlight the benefits of cervical screening and to remind people that it can help stop cancer before it starts.

Two women die every day from cervical cancer in England. Yet it is one of the most preventable cancers and getting screened can help stop it before it starts.

Screening checks for certain types of the HPV virus that can cause cell changes to your cervix. Cell changes are easily treated and this prevents cervical cancer.

For more information, visit

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