21 January – News from Derbyshire County Council – council tax, community grants, covid business support, fostering events, Platinum Jubilee, grab a jab in Gamesley

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Latest news in this edition:

Grants to boost local communities

Are you involved with any local groups that support residents and communities? If you are, you'll be interested in our new £1.5m grant scheme.

gardening community clearing cleaning

Community projects, groups and charities that support people across Derbyshire are invited to apply for grants.

Our Cabinet agreed to the funding yesterday so that we can support the vital work being done by community groups, local enterprises and volunteers in the county.

There are five main priorities for the funding which has been set aside to support the vital work being done by community groups, local enterprises and volunteers in the county.

They are:

  • helping residents to feel safe
  • supporting young people
  • encouraging residents to be more active
  • being ‘greener’ and more sustainable
  • encouraging people to get more involved in their communities to help them thrive

Organisations and charities that help toward those ambitions will be able to apply for grants from the £1.5m pot from the end of January. Grants are divided into four main types:

  • small grants – supporting activity or projects under £1,000
  • medium grants – supporting activity or projects between £1,001 - £20,000
  • large grants – supporting projects and programmes between £20,001 - £50,000
  • exceptional – supporting projects which are over £50,001.

Council tax rise 'as low as possible'

as budget proposals are put forward

Our cabinet members will consider proposals next week to keep a rise in council tax as low as possible while continuing to protect and invest in vital services and managing on-going significant budget pressures. 


For the coming year, 2022-23, we are proposing to raise council tax by 3% – which is 2% lower than the 5% permitted by government.

It would mean an extra 62p per week for an average band B household and for a band D household the rise would be 80p per week.

This takes into account the increasing pressures on services across the board, which have been impacted further by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the continuing and significant rise in demand for adult and children’s social care.

The proposal is set out in our Revenue Budget Report which also details our savings target, which is approximately £67m over the course of the Five Year Financial Plan up to 2026-27, with savings needed for the year ahead estimated at £8m.  

At the meeting Cabinet will make recommendations to Full Council to consider when it meets on Wednesday 2 February 2022.


Apply for Covid business support

restaurant business chef kitchen

Businesses across Derbyshire may be entitled to additional financial support if they have faced disruption due to the current wave of Covid-19 and the latest restrictions.

business packing posting parcel

The government has launched two grant schemes. They are:

  • Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant Scheme (OHLG) – one-off grants of up to £6,000 for businesses in the hospitality, leisure and accommodation sectors
  • Additional Restrictions Grant Scheme – for businesses severely impacted by coronavirus restrictions and the latest wave of Covid infections.

The scheme is open for applications until the end of February this year and all payments will be made by the end of March. Please apply to your local district or borough council.

Eligible businesses in the Derbyshire Dales will be contacted directly by the district council and do not need to apply.


Grab a jab in Gamesley next week

It's never too late to grab a jab whether it's your first, second, booster or fourth dose.

And if you're in or near Gamesley on Tuesday (25 January) hop on board the Tameside and Glossop Vaccination Bus.

Gamesley vaccination bus vaccine grab a jab

You can walk in or book a slot with the Tameside and Glossop Vaccination Bus on Tuesday 25 January between 11am and 2pm.

The bus will be at Winster Mews car park in Gamesley, SK130LU.

Book online or call 0161 368 5426.


Virtual Talk Fostering events

Why not join us online for an informal and relaxed chat about fostering and how you could change lives for the better?

Talk fostering event

Children of all ages and abilities in Derbyshire who are in our care are in need of foster parents.

There are lots of different types of fostering opportunities with us, which fit around work, family and different lifestyles.

Please pop in to one of our virtual Talk Fostering events to find out more:

  • Tuesday 25 January 2022 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 23 February 2022 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Thursday 31 March 2022 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Tuesday 26 April 2022 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 25 May 2022 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Thursday 23 June 2022 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm

Updates about events and details of how to join them are available on our fostering Facebook page.

You don't need any special qualifications, you just need to:

  • be aged 21 or over with no upper age limit
  • have a spare room – or space in your bedroom for a cot for children aged up to two
  • go through a few initial checks before you're assessed
  • have some experience of caring for children.

We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities (for example, LGBT+, any ethnicity, race, culture and religion); single or in a relationship, married or civil partnership. You can be in work or not, and either rent or own your home.


HM The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

In 2022 Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee.

Platinum Jubilee

Her 70 years of service will be celebrated across Derbyshire, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world during 2022.

We have launched dedicated webpages detailing national and local events to celebrate the occasion, with new events being added as they're finalised.
