Healthy and Well

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Welcome to Live Life Better Derbyshire and say Yes to a Healthier You!

Have you tried out Derbyshire's free healthy lifestyles service - Live Life Better Derbyshire?

Live Life Better offers Derbyshire residents free, tailored support to lose weight, stop smoking, get more active and improve your general health and wellbeing. 

Find out more at

Staying active during lockdown


While you can't get to the gym or a fitness class at the moment there is still lots that you can do to stay active.

Whether it's online classes, DIY gym sessions in the garden or taking local exercise in the area where you live.

You can get inspiration about how to keep active and exercise even during the lockdown period on Derbyshire County Council's webpage here.

Emotional health support

emotional health

You might be struggling to stay positive at the moment, or feel angry, frustrated or stressed. But there are lots of things that can help.

Locally Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust have launched a new mental health telephone support line.

Staffed by mental health professionals it's for Derbyshire residents of any age, who need a little more emotional support at this time. Call 0300 790 0596 between 9am – midnight daily.

You can also find more support online on our emotional wellbeing pages here. 

Long term health conditions

long term health

If you have long term health conditions such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes then you could be at greater risk during coronavirus.

We have pulled together information to support people with long term health conditions.

Find out more on our webpage here.

Debt, money and finances


It's an uncertain time for us all and you might have some concerns about money and debt.

Whether you need benefits, housing or debt advice, we have information that can help.

Visit our financial advice pages online here.

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There are two ways to unsubscribe. The best way to do this is to use the manage preferences link underneath this email. From here you can select which topics to subscribe to or unsubscribe. 

Alternatively you can use the 'delete profile' at the bottom of this email. Please note that clicking on this link will unsubscribe you from all updates from Derbyshire County Council and you'll have to set up a new profile if you want to hear from us.

We'll be sad to see you go but we'll always welcome you back with open arms.