In this months newsletter you will read about some of the things the team have been doing in the run up to the New Year.
In the coming year you can continue to expect a visible presence in your neighbourhoods, more proactive work and tackling the issues that matter to you the most.
In 2025, we continue to see extra patrols targeting anti-social behaviour and serious violence as part of Operation Enhance.
These are extra patrols funded by money secured by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to target anti-social behaviour and violence in hotspot areas.
You can also report issues online:
Inspector Pete Aiston
Neighbourhood Policing Pledge
On 16 January, Cumbria Constabulary and Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner launched a new pledge centred around neighbourhood policing.
The new pledge aligns us to the national pillars of Neighbourhood Policing and ensures we deliver the government Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee.
The pledge focuses on ten core priority areas of neighbourhood policing:
- Neighbourhood Policing Model
- Maintaining a dedicated a Neighbourhood Policing model for each locality supported by PCSOs and Special Constables
Contact and accessibility
- ensuring NPTs are visible and easily accessible
Increasing dedicated neighbourhood resources
- a commitment to dedicated Special Constables within each NPT
- Rural Crime Team
- Maintaining the dedicate rural crime team following its successful implementation
- Improving equipment and technology
- Investing in equipment and tech to improve the capability of each NPT
- Engagement, Visibility and Reassurance
- Engaging with communities and providing a visible, reassuring presence through community meetings
- Communication
- improving our communication with local communities
- Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour
- Listening to our communities and working with partners to address ASB and crime
Making our roads safer
- adopting a partnership approach around prevention, communication and engagement to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads
- Developing our Neighbourhood workforce
- committing to the College of Policing’s future roll out of the Neighbourhood Policing Programme
Chief Constable Rob Carden, together with Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner David Allen, launched the pledge today at an event at Cumbria Police Headquarters in Penrith.
A number of elected local councillors also attended the event where the structure of the pledge was outlined along with the key deliverables of how we will measure performance.
Chief Constable Rob Carden said: “Cumbria Police is committed to neighbourhood policing, which remains firmly at the heart of the organisation.
“Cumbria and its geography bring some unique policing challenges, with many rural communities and around 42.2 million visitors into the Lake District every year.
“These challenges highlight the real need for maintaining a positive relationship with our residents, business owners and visitors and building trust and confidence in our policing response.
“This pledge further reinforces our ongoing commitment to providing a quality policing service for the people of Cumbria through providing a visible policing presence and prompt response to issues you say matter the most.
“I am proud to be launching this new pledge today, in partnership with the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, which sets out how we will deliver this service to our communities and what our communities can expect from us.”
David Allen, Cumbria's Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner said: "I promised the public that I would put Police back on the beat, with named visible officers that they know and trust.
" I understand how important to you seeing named police officers in your local communities is, preventing and tackling anti-social behaviour, theft and crime. Residents bring this up with me time and time again, I am listening to you and today's pledge is about responding to what the public want from their police force.
"I started my career as a Neighbourhood Bobby, I know communities want to see named officers in their communities, this is the start of that journey, and I will be working with the Chief Constable to build on our neighbourhood policing model."
The public can find out who their named local Police Officers are by visiting Your area | Cumbria Police
The pledge will be monitored by Cumbria's Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner David Allen where he will be able to measure the Force’s progress at a local level.
Funding secured to target violence and anti-social behaviour in west Cumbria
Pictured: Inspector Pete Aiston, PFCC Dave Allen and Phil and Avril Routledge owners of Captain Nelson Tavern in Maryport.
We have secured over £27,000 to target serious violence in Maryport and Workington with problem solving solutions.
The funding was secured from the Home Office by Cumbria Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner as part of Operation Enhance which is activities to target anti-social behaviour (ASB) and serious violence, alongside partners.
Operation Enhance sees extra police patrols in areas identified as hotspots for anti-social behaviour and/or serious violence across the county.
This funding will assist in this activity with solutions to help further reduce anti-social behaviour and serious violence.
These solutions include introduction of a new Pubwatch scheme using the SchemeLink app in Maryport, drug testing surface wipes, tourniquet key and forensic marking spays.
Pubwatch using Schemelink app - will enable members communicate with each other about suspicious behaviour and those engaging in violent behaviour or ongoing incidents. The funding will provide a year’s free subscription to businesses.
Drug test wipes – These tests will allow premises to test for drug use within their premises, and to support preventative action.
Tourniquet key – This device assists in stopping severe bleeding.
Forensic Marking Sprays - The tool is a canister containing a uniquely coded forensic marking solution supplied by DeterTech UK Ltd, known as SmartWater. This will be distributed to licenced premises for identified persons to use to spray offenders. Each canister has a unique code so it can be traced back and will stay on clothing and skin for several weeks assisting investigations.
 Allerdale Neighbour Policing Inspector Pete Aiston said “This funding will support police, partners and local business owners to tackle incidents of violence.
“We hope that these measures will deter individuals from going out in our communities and committing violent offences.
“We want our communities to feel safe without risk of violence, and these solutions as well as the additional Operation Enhance patrols in areas identified as hotspots has already seen success in reducing incidents.”
“One of my key commitments to residents of Cumbria prior to my election last year, was to tackle anti-social behaviour and to get more visible policing back onto our streets.
“Anti-social behaviour and serious violence will not be tolerated in Cumbria.
Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, David Allen, said: "I am delighted that we have been able to secure additional funding for Operation Enhance to the tune of £27,000 from the Home Office. This will allow us to further target the hotspot areas in Workington and Maryport.
“Operation Enhance – and the funding being dedicated to it – will enable our officers to tackle anti-social behaviour and serious violence more effectively than ever before by having more officers out on the streets in the areas where we know anti-social behaviour has been a real problem.
“I will continue to ensure that this positive work carries on with the Constabulary to ensure that you, the residents of Cumbria, see visible policing in the areas you say you want it and where our intelligence shows it is needed. I am confident that by taking this evidence led approach Cumbria will feel safer and that we will see a reduction in these crime types.
“As your Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner, my role is to be the voice of residents within Cumbria, in respect of the Police – I am your voice. If you live in one of these Hotspots – or anywhere in the county – and have a concern about local crime, or around the Constabulary, please raise it with me at or call 01768 217734.”
The police drone strikes again!
On 27 December, another off road bike being used on our streets has been seized after the drone recorded it riding in Maryport.
The bike was riding over pavements, roads and past kids. For some reason they didn't want to answer the door, but don't worry, I will keep your bike safe for you if you want to have a conversation about road safety and how far our drone can spot you.
PACT (Police And Communities Together) survey results - Maryport
Allerdale Neighbourhood Policing team recently conducted a recent survey in relation to the Maryport. The data has been analysed and the following issues have been reported:
ASB and youth disorder in Dearham
Drug related activity in Maryport town centre
Road safety concerns across Maryport town and surrounding areas
Our local officers will continue to address these issues and respond to crime and disorder in your area and encourage the local community to continue to report any incidents.
We will be conducting a further survey in three months time.
We rely on information from the public to be able to identify and tackle any issues in your local area. Please continue to report any incidents of crime or anti-social behaviour.
You can report online at
Our online live chat function is a new service giving you an alternative way to communicate with a Police officer in real time.
If a crime is in progress always call 999.
You can also phone 101.
Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Motorbike seized
On 7 January, this motorbike caught the attention of NPT officers in Maryport which was carrying a pillion passenger.
Unfortunately for the rider he only had a provisional license, he had no L plates on and wasn't allowed to carry passengers.
The rider was reported for driving otherwise in accordance of his licence and the bike was seized under section 165 of the Road Traffic Act.
Know your restrictions, It's your responsibility.
A shift with CBO Callum Lofthouse and Alex Ostle
A busy two shifts for Community Beat Officers PC Callum Lofthouse & PC Alex Ostle.
On Friday 3 January, in the evening officers sighted a vehicle in the area of Aspatria which did not wish to hang around for a chat, making off at speed.
The vehicle and driver were located and the driver was arrested for failing a drug wipe for Cannabis and Cocaine.
On the afternoon of 5 January, our ANPR Camera struck once again - assisting officers with taking a driver off the road in Workington who did not have a licence and failed a drug wipe for Cocaine. The vehicle was subsequently seized section 165 of the Road Traffic Act.
Remember, drugs stay in your system longer than you may think, so do not risk getting behind the wheel!
In the evening of 5 January in Workington, a vehicle drew Police attention due to driving with no lights on in the hours of darkness.
Unfortunately, the male driver only had a provisional driving licence and had no insurance.
The male was reported for the offences and the vehicle seized section 165 of the Road Traffic Act.
Targeting drug crime
We rely on public information to combat drug crime
Two examples this week of proactive work in Maryport following public information to local officers:
- One resulted in an arrest of a driver located with cocaine and then failing a drugs wipe.
- The second in over 300 illicit pills being taken off the street and an arrest for supply offences.
Contact crime stoppers anonymously and do your part in stopping a potential road death or a drug dealer.
Extra patrols over the festive period
On 20 December, we had extra patrols for "Mad Friday" to keep everyone safe.
We are getting a lovely receptions so far from the pubs so far.
Shout out to Maryport tonight which has rolled out the revitalised pub watch scheme meaning all the pubs and clubs are working together to ban anyone causing trouble.
Also running was Operation Enhance for even more foot patrol in the town centres.
Operation Enhance is Cumbria Police's new county-wide crackdown on anti-social behaviour (ASB) and serious violence, alongside partners.
Richmond Hill School Aspatria mini police
On 18 December, PCSO Pete Nichol has been with Richmond Hill School Aspatria mini police.
For all of their hard work this term helping educate the rest of the school about road safety and for their work with the speed gun to help drivers about understanding the need to drive safely near the school they met PCs Colin and Jack!!
They got to look around the traffic car and see all the equipment that is used by our traffic officers and to ask some great questions about the role of Cumbria police traffic department
Thank you for all your hard work this term.
Camera Registry Programme
Residents across Cumbria are being encouraged to register their CCTV or doorbell camera so officers can accelerate investigative enquiries and bring more criminals to justice.
Connect Cumbria enables officers to access a map detailing pre-registered CCTV or doorbell cameras in a location of a crime.
When a crime takes place, officers can look on the Fusus by Axon portal and see immediately which businesses and residential properties close to the scene have CCTV or doorbell cameras, and therefore may have vital evidence.
To register your CCTV or doorbell camera, please visit: Home - Connect Cumbria
If you are having problems registering your address, you can view the privacy FAQ's for the solution here: Privacy FAQs - Connect Cumbria
Street Safe survey Aspatria
On the afternoon of 11 January PCSO Pete Nichol has done a street safe in Aspatria to allow local residents to report and issues of ASB and crime and has been on foot patrol around the town.
It was nice having a crack with some of the of the locals on North View and East Crescent!!
Operation Enhance
To date, anti-social behaviour has reduced by 38.1% per cent in the hotspot areas with serious violence also reduced because of this targeted work when comparing July – November 2024 with the same period in 2023.
Op Enhance sees extra police patrols in areas identified as hotspots for anti-social behaviour and/or serious violence across the county.
The operation has been made possible thanks to £1 million of extra funding secured by Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner from the Government’s Hotspot Response Fund to target anti-social behaviour (ASB) and serious violence in hotspot areas across the county.
The operation sees extra patrols in 18 areas identified by statistical analysis as the county's hotspot areas of anti-social behaviour and serious violence.
As part of the operation, the public is encouraged to report antisocial behaviour by visiting the constabulary’s website or our non-emergency number 101.
In an emergency always call 999. Information and intelligence from the public is vital so we can work together to tackle issues in their communities.
Find out more about Operation Enhance:
StreetSafe is a service that allows you to report safety concerns in public places without giving us your name.
This includes issues like poorly lit streets, abandoned buildings, or vandalism, as well as instances where you feel unsafe due to someone following or verbally abusing you.
Report an issue here: StreetSafe | Cumbria Police