Advice on protecting your bank accounts, phones and computers.
How can I protect myself online?
- Do not click on any links you are not totally sure of
- Restrict the amount of personal information that you disclose when online
- Keep your computer security programs (antivirus, anti-scam) up to date
- Know how to verify secure web sited if making a financial transaction. You can do this by looking at the address line. Normally it will start with http this will change to https for example, hhtp// The address bar may also change colour and a padlock will appear in either the bottom left or right corner.
How can I protect my bank accounts?
- Regularly check statements and chase up any statements that’s are not delivered when expected
- Shred using a crosscut (confetti) shredder or tear up into small pieces anything containing personal information
- Sign up for credit reference agency for alerts
- If you think someone is misusing your Bank card then report it to your bank
How can I protect my mobile phone?
- Never reply to unsolicited texts e.g. texts referring to accidents claims even to get them stopped just delete them
- Be aware of unsolicited Phone calls, Letters and emails pretending to be your bank or other financial institutions and asking for you to confirm your personal details, passwords and security number.
- Sign up with the Telephone Preference Service to prevent marketing phone calls 0800 398 893
Don’t fall for online scams, scam letters via email, advance fee or other internet related frauds. If you need any more advice, then please contact us on 101 or ACTION FRAUD 0800 555 111 or visit
5144 Sarah Blacow