22nd December 2023
Welcome to our final newsletter of 2023
During National Safeguarding Adults Week in November we delivered some lunch and learn sessions. If you were unable to attend you can catch up and watch the recordings below:
You will also find on our 'learning zone' area of the website other recorded sessions which are useful for continuing professional development or can be viewed in team meetings to inform reflection and discussion.
Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness Council’s have supported the 16 days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence which runs from 25th November- 10th December.
They have commissioned SafeLives, a leading Domestic Abuse Charity, to conduct a review of the Domestic Abuse System in Cumbria and are asking for people to take part in a number of surveys on experiences of the system.
Domestic Abuse Project Delivery Lead, Mary-Claire Telford said “this is an opportunity for those who have experienced Domestic Abuse, right through to those who offer help and support, to have their say on their experiences. The findings of the review are key to shaping future services”
The links to the surveys are below:
Cumberland Council and Westmorland & Furness Council, in partnership with SafeLives, are offering the training opportunity to complete ‘Responding Well’ Domestic Abuse Training.
North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Cumbria Police, Domestic Abuse Champions Network, and Victim Support Cumbria have come together to offer a full day’s training on domestic abuse and routine enquiry.
To book on a session please email the NCIC safeguarding team with Name / Role / area of work / contact details and day you would like to attend to:
The Clewer Initiative have published a newsletter and article outlining modern slavery across healthcare settings. They spoke to two NHS Safeguarding Leads about some of the patients they have come across who could have been victims of modern slavery and the support that can be found within the NHS. You can read more here and sign up for their news.
They have also created a 7 minute film to show that modern slavery is happening in our communities. Click here watch the story of a woman called Miriam.
Click here to view their December newsletter.
DoLS app
Edge Training have announced the publication of a DoLS App, available now via the link below.
The app contains an overview of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). Content includes: the key legal criteria such as the 'acid test', time limits, forms, process and rights. It also includes numerous resources to aid learning such as short animated videos, tables and a quiz. Plus links to additional free resources and one click access to the statutory Codes of Practice and our popular DoLS case law summary sheet.
Access the link and details here.
DoLS - duty to inform patients (videos)
This new film from Edge explains the duty to inform patients under an urgent or standard DoLS authorisation of their rights. The film is less than 2 minutes long and free to access here.
For a similar film for care homes please click here.
If you are concerned that an adult may be at risk of abuse or neglect and cannot protect themselves, you can report your concerns to Adult Social Care;
If you have concerns about an adult in Allerdale, Carlisle or Copeland contact Cumberland Council on 0300 373 3732.
If you have concerns about an adult in Barrow, Eden or South Lakeland contact Westmorland and Furness Council on 0300 373 3301.
Please contact your local Adult Social Care office at the following times:
Monday to Thursday: 9am to 5pm Friday: 9am to 4.30pm
At all other times (including bank holidays) please contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01228 526690.