Keep warm
It is important to keep warm in winter both inside and outdoors. Keeping warm can help to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems.
Eating regularly helps keep you warm so try to have at least one hot meal a day along with regular hot drinks.
Tips on how to stay warm at home during the day:
- Heat your main living room to around 18 to 21ºC (64-70ºF) and the rest of the house to at least 16ºC (61ºF)
- Heat all the rooms you use during the day
- If you can't heat all your rooms, make sure you keep your living room warm throughout the day and heat your bedroom before going to bed
- Set the timer on your heating to come on before you get up and switch off when you go to bed
- In very cold weather, set the heating to come on earlier rather than turning the thermostat up, so you won't be cold while you wait for your home to heat up
Staying warm at night:
- Keep the temperature above 18°C (65°F) in your bedroom
- If you use a fire or heater in your bedroom during winter, open the window or door a little at night for ventilation
- To prevent the risk of electrocution, avoid using an electric blanket with a hot water bottle
- To prevent the risk of scalds or burns, make sure you fill your hot water bottles with warm water - never use boiling water
If you have an electric blanket:
- Check what type it is - some are designed to only warm the bed before you get in and should not to be used throughout the night
Make sure your heating is safe and your house or workplace is properly ventilated, to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Layer up!
You can help keep warm by:
- Wearing plenty of thin layers rather than one thick one
- Putting on a coat, hat, scarf, gloves and warm shoes or boots when you go outside
- Wearing clothes made of wool or fleecy synthetic fibres (cotton is only effective if the garment stays dry)
- Wearing bed socks and thermal underwear at night
Eat well
A healthy balanced diet will help keep you warm and healthy in the winter. Make sure you and your family eat at least one hot meal a day like soup which is nutritious, keeps you warm and is inexpensive to make or buy.
Stay active and stay in touch
Staying active is good for your health. Walking, for example, can be good for you. If the weather prevents you getting outside, stay active indoors by catching up on all the household tasks you've been putting off.
Stay in contact with friends and family, especially if you've been stuck in the house for a few days. If you have elderly relatives or neighbours who might need help, please check up on them.
Support available if you are at risk of homelessness
You do not have to be sleeping on the streets or not have a roof over your head to be considered homeless.
If you need help or support please get in touch with the team for your area: