Limited places still available at our Safeguarding Conference, Wednesday 27 September 2023 in Kendal.
The aim of the conference is to launch the new neglect strategy and associated neglect toolkit with key note speaker Jan Horwath. Jan is Emeritus Professor of Child Welfare in the Department of Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield. Jan has specialised in applied research into child protection practice and management. Findings from her studies into neglect and assessment practice have underpinned assessment frameworks in England, Wales, Republic of Ireland, Ukraine, the Republic of Ireland and South Africa.
Also presenting is Julie Taylor [PhD; RN; MSc; BSc (Hons); FRCN] who is a nurse scientist specialising in child maltreatment and has extensive research experience with vulnerable populations using a wide range of qualitative and participative methods. She is Professor of Child Protection and Director of Research at the University of Birmingham, UK, in a joint appointment with Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospitals NHS Trust. Her research programme is concentrated at the interface between health and social care and is largely underpinned by the discourse of cumulative harm and the exponential effects of living with multiple adversities (domestic abuse, parental mental ill health, substance misuse, disabilities etc.). In particular her work has concentrated on child neglect. Professor Taylor has given evidence at a number of inquiries and parliamentary groups and has served frequently on both funding and editorial boards.
- Wednesday 27 September 2023 (9.30am-4pm) Kendal
To register your interest in attending please email
Deadline for bookings 15 September 2023.
Practitioner Forums help people who work with children and young people learn from each other, understand each other's roles and responsibilities and what local provision is available in each part of the county. The Practitioner Forums are free to attend, so why not give your local forum a try?
October's agenda session will be the Launch of the Neglect Strategy and 'A Day in My Life' Tools, see dates below:
- Cumberland (Allerdale, Copeland & Millom) - Tuesday 10 October (3.30-5.30pm) venue tbc
- Cumberland (Carlisle) - Wednesday 4 October (12.30-2.30pm) Harraby Community Centre, Carlisle
- Westmorland & Furness (Barrow & South Lakes) - Tuesday 10 October (11am-12.30pm) Barrow Town Hall, Barrow in Furness
- Westmorland & Furness (Penrith) - Tuesday 17 October (2.30-4.30pm) Cumbria LEP, Redhills, Penrith
The forums are being delivered face to face and you will need an invitation. If you have not had an invitation before or you have not attended a Practitioner Forum but would like to join one of the forums please email and we will send you an invitation.
We look forward to seeing you.
For more information - Practitioner Forums
Important information: the CSCP have been receiving a number of undeliverable emails, if you haven't received an invite, please get in touch
Supervision is a fundamental role that managers will undertake to support the development of their staff's skills and practices in work with children, young people and families and the safeguarding of those in their care. Following the inquiry of Victoria Climbie Lord Laming stated.
The CSCP have developed a Supervision Guidance and the purpose of this guidance is to support partner agencies to improve the quality and effectiveness of supervision for professional staff working in complex multi-agency environments.
CSCP Supervision Guidance
The CSCP are delivering an array of training sessions over the coming months. Please review below what is available.
The CSCP recommend that anyone working with children should complete Child Exploitation (CE) Level 1 eLearning as mandatory training. Click here to access the training.
For those practitioners who work more closely with children and young people and are involved in their safety planning, these practitioners should complete Child Exploitation (CE) Level 2 training,
The CE Level 2 training is being delivered face to face or via Teams on the following dates:
- 19 September 2023 (1-3.30pm) - MS Teams
- 4 December 2023 (1-4pm) - Cumbria House, Carlisle
- 6 February 2024 (9.30am-12.30pm) - Barrow Town Hall
Further details of the training and how to book your place, can be found here.
#LookCloser have published their latest programme of learning (September - December 2023). Sessions are based on learning from the work of the Children's Society and wider partners to tackle child exploitation and abuse.
All sessions are free of charge and delivered live via Microsoft Teams, with bookings being take via Eventbrite. A list of sessions taking place are below:
- Disrupting Exploitation - Thursday 14 September 2023 (1-3pm)
- Anti-Racist Practice to Tackle Child Exploitation (Why anti-racist practice is essential in our fight against child abuse and exploitation) - Thursday 19 October 2023 (10-11.30am)
- Transition to Adulthood (Preventing exploitation as children approach and turn 18) - Tuesday 24 October 2023 (3-4.30pm)
- Safeguarding Care Experienced Young People from Exploitation - Thursday 16 November 2023 (10-11.30am)
- Overcoming Gender Assumptions (Tackling exploitation for young people of all genders) - Monday 11 December 2023 (3-4.30pm)
For more information on each session, dates and links to book, please click here.
NWG The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) – What? Why? How?
The CSCP as part of their ongoing specialist training opportunities have commissioned NWG to deliver a short 2 hour course on The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) – What? Why? How?.
The course will explain what the NRM is including what happens when a child becomes an adult and submitting additional information, how the NRM benefits children and where it fits in legislation before taking you step by step through completing an NRM referral.
The course is aimed at practitioners working with children and young people and who may be at risk of child exploitation/modern slavery.
The training will be delivered by Karen Laing from NWG and will take place on
- Tuesday - 26 September 2023 (10am-12pm)
Click here for further details and how to access.
As part of the CSCP launch of the Neglect Strategy, we are offering a range of bitesize master classes on a variety of aspects of neglect.
Each session will be delivered via Microsoft Teams by Rebecca Brown, Research in Practice (RIP) and will include a presentation of the most up to date research, opportunities for practitioners to reflect and share ideas with one another and resources to support practice.
Bookings are via Eventbrite, to book your place and more information by each session, please click on the links below
Parenting, Poverty and Neglect - 2 October 2023 (3.30-5pm)
Stepping into the Child's World - 9 October 2023 (3.30-5pm)
Adolescent Neglect - 17 October 2023 (3.30-5pm)
Evidencing Neglect - 7 November 2023 (3.30-5pm)
LADO bitesize session 18 October 2023
Are you aware of your responsibilities in informing the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) of all allegations against adults who work with children?
This bitesize session is an opportunity to meet the LADO team manager Paul Cooper, who will explain your responsibility and how to inform the LADO as set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.
- Wednesday 18 October 2023 (3.45-4.30pm)
Bookings are being taking via Eventbrite. Therefore, to book your place, please click here
The CSCP have secured another date for Safeguarding in Practice - Working Together to Safeguard Children - Multi-agency approach to safeguard, protect and promote the welfare of children - Designated Safeguarding Leads - Only (Level 3 Training).
- Thursday 19 October 2023 (9.30am - 12.30pm) - Civic Centre, Carlisle
To book your place, please visit our website here.
Further dates for How to Support Children and Families with Early Help - Signs of Wellbeing and Success Level 2 Training have been published.
The aim of this training is to increase knowledge and enable practitioners to work more effectively with children, young people and their families using Early Help, and identify needs early to give all children the opportunity to thrive and succeed.
Target audience :
- Staff and volunteers who come into contact with children, young people and/or families.
- Resource pack with relevant reading material will be sent on confirmation of booking for each session.
The training is in two parts (2 hour sessions A&B).
SESSION A - Participants will:
- Increase their understanding of the Early Help – Signs of Wellbeing and Success assessment and process, including the SEND process.
- Gain an understanding of the Early Help Bottom Lines, Young People’s Toolkit and Step up / Step Down Process.
- Share learning from CSCP Safeguarding Groups around Information Sharing and understand how to improve their practice.
SESSION B - Participants will:
- Understand our roles within the multi-agency Team Around the Family (TAF).
- Gain confidence in how to complete and/or contribute to the Early Help Signs of Wellbeing and success assessment.
- Be able to identify sources of support to meet further training needs.
A or B
Wednesday 18/10/2023
Wednesday 18/10/2023
Wednesday 15/11/2023
Wednesday 15/11/2023
To book your place on one of A and B sessions please click here.
A trauma informed approach to safeguarding children in a multi - agency context.
This one-day training is only for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL's) in schools. This event will consist of a one day interactive in person, training event and a follow up two - hour supervision session. There will be two opportunities for people to attend this course.
The aim is to provide access to some of the key trauma informed concepts, tools and techniques professionals in Health and Social care, education and the justice system can use in their day to day work, when working with vulnerable children and their families and carers.
All participants must complete both a face to face and virtual session - dates are below:
- Tuesday 7 November 2023 (9.30am - 4.30pm) - Barrow Town Hall, Barrow
- Tuesday 21 November 2023 (10am - 12pm) - follow up session via MS Teams
Visit the CSCP website here for details on how to book.
This form allows professionals to share ‘soft intelligence’ and non urgent information that relates to the exploitation of children for the purpose of identifying and managing risk. This will allow us to develop a more accurate intelligence profile for the County.
Further details about the Multi-Agency Partner Information Submission Form and to access it, can be found on our website here.
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 puts a definition of Domestic Abuse (DA) in law for the first time. DA can affect anyone.
The definitions of DA are:
- physical or sexual abuse
- violent or threatening behaviour
- controlling or coercive behaviour
- economic abuse
- psychological, emotional or other abuse.
DA consists of the above between two people aged 16 or older who are ‘personally connected’. ‘Personally connected’ includes those in an intimate personal relationship or those who are related.
The definition recognises children as victims of DA if they see, hear or otherwise experience the effects of abuse and are related to either the abuser or the abused.
Help is available across Cumbria, please click here for sources of support.
The Department for Education (DfE) has published an updated version of the statutory safeguarding and child protection guidance for schools in England, Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE).
The guidance sets out what schools and colleges in England must do to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18.
The document has a table of the substantive changes made to the guidance which includes:
- clarification around the roles and responsibilities of education staff in relation to filtering and monitoring
- clarification that being absent, as well as missing, from education can be warning sign of a range of safeguarding concerns, including sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or child criminal exploitation
- additional information on online pre-recruitment checks for shortlisted candidates
- information on responding to allegations related to organisations or individuals using school premises
The link to the Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance 2023 can be found here.
As a parent or carer, supporting a young person who lacks capacity to make financial decisions may be challenging. In particular, as the young person enters adulthood there are decisions for parents if it is appropriate to continue to make financial decisions on a young person's behalf.
Gov.UK have published a toolkit and guide for parents or carers to make financial decisions on behalf of young people from ages 14 to 25 who may lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. It aims to explain the principles of decision making and the processes in place to make financial decisions on a young person’s behalf. These processes exist to protect young people and their money, as well as to help you empower them to make their own decisions about their finances, where possible.
You can access the toolkit here.
NSPCC Learning has launched a safeguarding in sport package of elearning courses aimed at professionals with a lead role in running a sport or physical activity involving children. The training package provides one individual with access to four online courses which include: child protection in sport and physical activity settings; running safer sports events; recruiting the right staff and volunteers; and, online safety.
Access the training package: Safeguarding in sport training package