Image Description: Calendar icon reading '28 JUNE'
Happy Wednesday!
Image Description: Speech bubble reading 'Action Required'
Evaluation Survey 2023 - Please complete the survey or contact WELL if you are unable to find the link to the survey.
Image Description: Text reading 'News'
Latest Updates This Week!
WELL Evaluation Survey 2023
Deadline for all survey responses has been extended to Midday Monday 3rd July.
Thank you again to everyone who has already completed the survey. University of Nottingham have informed us there has been 79 surveys responses so far, we would really like exceed 100 this year!
The survey closing date has been extended to Midday Monday 3rd July. No further submissions will be possible after this date. Please can all remaining headteachers complete the survey by then.
If you haven't received the survey, please can you email the WELL inbox and we can help resolve this straightaway.
Image Description: Text reading 'Workshop'
June Workshops
We have one more Universal Grant Offer workshop left to run tomorrow - Thursday 29th June 3:30 - 5:30pm Whitehaven Golf Club.
Thank you to everyone has attended the workshops so far, it has been great to see so many schools attend over the past two weeks, and we look forward to welcoming all the remaining schools tomorrow.
For the small number of schools who have not attended their booked workshops, please attend the final session tomorrow as attendance at these workshops is a grant condition. If you are unable to, please do let us know and we will discuss this with you individually.
Image Description: 'Cumbrian Award' logo
We are delighted that schools have participated this academic year have expressed a real passion to continue, develop and embed the award next year.
Our target is to increase the number of schools and pupils participating next year. Schools that participate during 2023-24 will be able to access some additional WELL grant funding to support training and resources for implementation. Schools will also have access to practical support from a dedicated delivery team.
Please see below an example of the amazing benefits of Cumbrian Award.
Come and be part of an award that has been designed for our pupils in our region!
Frizington Primary School
Cumbrian Award Enterprise Strand
The year 6 pupils at Frizington Primary school have created a digital catalogue to advertise the school’s first art exhibition running at the end of the month. Where the pupils will showcase some of their amazing paintings of the beautiful Borrowdale Valley Landscape and what that image means to them.
The pupils have been working with Steve Swallows, the owner of local art gallery 'Castlegate Art Gallery' in Cockermouth to develop this advertisement and learning valuable enterprise and marketing skills, achieving the 'Enterprise' element of the Cumbrian Award.
The funds raised from the art gallery will contribute towards a community garden for the school.
A massive 'WELL' done to all pupils and staff involved - keep up the great work!
Image Description: WELL June Universal Grant offer Workshop
Thank you to all the all the schools that attended yesterday’s Universal Grant offer workshop. Brilliant to see so many of you attend, the quality of the conversation and openness to share experiences, ideas and learning was inspirational.
Look out for next week's WOW where we will be including links to the resources and presentation from the session.
We look forward to welcoming the rest of schools tomorrow!
Grant Offer 23/24
The week commencing Monday 10th July, all grant offer letters will be circulated to headteachers.
At the June workshops we have been highlighting the essential conditions of the grant offer and the required documentation for 2023/24.
All schools that are committed to the WELL ambitions and process, please can you ensure all the documentation mentioned is returned to us by 31st October 2023.
If you are experiences any barriers or challenges to participation please contact Dale to discuss -
Image Description: Text reading ' WELL Project 2023-24'
Image Description: Text reading 'Workshop'
Thank you to all the all the schools that attended our two Targeted Grant Offer workshops, it was striking how all participants were openly sharing progress and challenges in the sessions.
Look out for next week's WOW where we will be including links to the resources and presentation from the session.
Grant Offer 23/24
The week commencing Monday 10th July, all grant offer letters will be circulated to headteachers.
At the June workshops we have been highlighting the essential conditions of the grant offer and the required documentation for 2023/24.
All schools that are committed to the WELL ambitions and process, please can you ensure all the documentation mentioned is returned to us by 31st October 2023.
If you are experiences any barriers or challenges to participation please contact Dale to discuss -
Image Description: Text reading ' WELL Project 2023-24'
Image Description: Great Teaching Toolkit logo
GTT 23/24
The week commencing Monday 10th July we will circulate a grant offer letter to the schools involved with the WELL GTT project, which will support and enable your participation in GTT next year.
Teams Site Learning Community Pilot
We have now created the GTT Teams Community, we are aware there has been some issues with email invitations to this site and will be working with you at the face to face event on the 13th July to ensure schools can this forum.
Image Description: 'Microsoft Teams' logo
Face to face Learning Community
The next session will be face to face on 13th July 1pm to 3.15pm at the Whitehaven Golf Course. There will be a lunch served from 12:30.
A direct reminder will be sent to participating schools individually.
Session Preparation
In preparation for this session, please consider your GTT journey so far:
- 'What have you done this year?'
- 'What are you thinking of doing with GTT next year?'
Please be prepared to listen and share these journeys with the rest of the learning community.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Image Description: Clipart image of clipboard and pen
Image Description: FFT Reciprocal Reading logo
Secondary Subject Teachers Reciprocal Reading Development Project
Thank you to everybody who attended this wonderful session on Wednesday 21st June. There was some great discussion and development on Reciprocal Reading across different subjects in the curriculum.
The session covered an introduction to Reciprocal Reading, how this can be applied to different secondary subject teaching and focused on RR strategies and their use in subject teaching.
We hope all those who attended found this session useful and will be applying the approach within their lessons this half term.
Dale and Andy are meeting on the Thursday 29th June to plan next steps.
We will then circulate dates and details for follow-up training/ collaboration sessions and information about grants to enable participation.
Image Description: RR Secondary Subject WELL workshop
Image Description: 'CFEY' & 'CUREE' logos
Thank you to everyone who attended the brilliant action research sessions yesterday!
As requested at the workshops, please find the link to the Action Research handbook. Please also find the link to the session slides on our website.
We will continue to refine this handbook to support schools to make the most of the Action Research process.
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Emotional Literacy Support Assistants
Thank you all schools that have contacted us regarding ELSA needs. We will work with the Ed Psych team to clarify needs and details of how schools can apply for places.
Image Description: Explosion graphic reading 'WOW!'
"Today I want you to think about all that you are instead of all you are not"
- Brenna Anastasia
If you have any suggestions for next week's WOW WOW - please email us!
Image description: Speech bubbles reading 'Upcoming Events'
Put these dates in your diary for this terms upcoming WELL events!
Universal Grant Offer Evaluation Preparation Delivery Workshop 23-24
- 29 Jun 2023 15:30 - 17:30 - Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
GTT Learning Community (Face to Face Session)
- 13 July 13:00-15:15 – Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
Sign up for WELL Events in the following ways:
1) Registered users can book via SLA Online 2) Email 3) Phone 01228 221312 / 221316 / 221315
Thank you for taking the time to read WOW.
Do you have any feedback for WELL on Wednesdays? Is there information missing from this newsletter that you would like to see or how we can improve engagement? We would love to hear from you. Please email with all comments.
To find this WOW and all previous versions - please visit our website.