Image Description: Calendar icon reading 'MAY 17'
Image Description: Speech bubble reading 'Action Required'
Image Description: Post-it notes with the letters reading 'NEWS'
This is our first circulation of WOW from GovDelivery!
We hope you like the new format. Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated, please email
Required June Workshops
A gentle reminder this week, attendance from each school to one of our June workshops is a grant requirement. To make the most out of these sessions at least 2 members of the implementation team should endeavour to attend.
Book with the school development team.
Social Media
WELL is now on LinkedIn!
Please follow our page for more frequent news and updates of all things WELL. Links to our other social media accounts can be found at the footer of this WOW or on our website - we would really appreciate your support on all those platforms.
Image Description: WELL logo without text
Image Description: Young adults in a classroom
Shared Priorities Spreadsheet
We have uploaded the schools with shared priorities spreadsheet to our website. Please look out for an email with the password to access the spreadsheet, which will be sent directly to participating schools.
By accessing the spreadsheet via the website, you will always have access to the most up to date version.
We are in the development phase of creating online forums to support you in sharing questions and practice. In the meantime, please utilise the spreadsheet to connect with schools with the same priorities as yourselves.
We are really looking forward to welcoming you all to one of our Universal Grant offer workshops this term. The session will support you in the development of a clear professional development plan for next year as well as supporting you to embed effective implementation.
Implementation Team members - If you are yet to sign up to a June workshop, please do so with SDT before half term.
Image Description: Text reading 'workshop'
Image Description: Children in a classroom with iPads
Shared Priorities Spreadsheet
We have uploaded the schools with shared priorities spreadsheet to our website. Please look out for an email with the password to access the spreadsheet, which will be sent directly to participating schools.
By accessing the spreadsheet via the website, you will always have access to the most up to date version.
We are in the development phase of creating online forums to support you in sharing questions and practice. In the meantime, please utilise the spreadsheet to connect with schools with the same priorities as yourselves.
We are really looking forward to welcoming you all to one of our Targeted Grant Offer workshops this term. The session will support you in the development of a clear professional development plan for next year as well as supporting you to embed effective implementation.
It is really important that at least 2 members of your implementation team attend the same session.
Implementation Team members - If you are yet to sign up to a June workshop, please do so with SDT before half term.
Image Description: Text reading 'Workshop'
GTT Learning Community
Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s GTT Learning community!
It was great to see so many schools actively participating. We will shortly circulate a recording of yesterdays session along with a quick survey to inform our support options for the next academic year.
Learning Community 2
The next session will be face to face on 13th July 1pm to 3.15pm at the Whitehaven Golf Course. There will be a lunch served from 12:30. We will provide you with the session structure and any preparation required after half term.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Image Description: Great Teaching Toolkit logo
Secondary Collaboration
We can confirm that the launch of the ground-breaking RR ‘Secondary Subject Teachers’ project will be on the 21st June.
We will confirm details with each of the participating schools before half term.
Image Description: FFT Reciprocal Reading logo
The third virtual Action Research session takes place Monday 22 May 9.30-11am.
The slides and recordings from both previous AR sessions are available on the WELL website.
We look forward to welcoming all the schools that attended session 1 and 2 to session 3. We also look forward to seeing those schools that were unable to make session 2, due to last minute challenges. From a WELL perspective, we really benefit from having as many of you there as possible.
The final Action Research session of this academic year, will be face to face, running twice on the 27th June 9-12pm or 1-4pm at Whitehaven Golf Club. This can be coordinated with attendance at a Universal (1-3pm) or Targeted (9-11am) Grant Offer workshop. We can offer lunch to anyone attending both the Action Research and an Implementation workshop on the 27th June.
Action Research Leads – We require you to sign up to the face to face Action Research workshop on the 27th June.
Image Description: Magnifying glass with 'Research' wording
Tomorrow’s (18/05) Cumbrian Award Action Research session is running 3:30 – 5:30pm.
We are looking forward to seeing those involved at this time on this link.
Image Description: Cumbrian Award logo
Image Description: Scrabble pieces reading 'Mental health'
Thank you to the schools that have provided the essential feedback that we require. Before we can progress any further YMHFA training for staff, we will need to contact all the schools individually that have not completed our simple survey.
Wellbeing Cluster funding
Thank you to the clusters that have returned their evaluation for the cluster funding focus.
When completing posters, please focus on evidence of impact of pupils and staff taking part. We recognise from these received so far that these are a work in progress and we look forward to updated posters as the projects become embedded.
We look forward to receiving the remaining cluster evaluations before the end of this half term.
Image Description: Text reading 'Wellbeing'
Unfortunately, we have received communication this week from the Ed Psych team, that due to LGR and staff capacity challenges, there will not be an ELSA training cohort this academic year.
We are working to find solutions to this and will keep you updated.
Image Description: Clip art of half a brain and heart
Image description: Speech bubbles reading 'Upcoming Events'
Put these dates in your diary for this terms upcoming WELL events!
Cumbrian Award Action Research Session
Action Research Session 3
Universal Grant Offer Evaluation Preparation Delivery Workshop 23-24
- 20 Jun 2023 09:00 - 11:00 - Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
- 27 Jun 2023 13:00 - 15:00 - Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
- 29 Jun 2023 15:30 - 17:30 - Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
Targeted Grant Offer Evaluation Preparation Delivery Workshop 23-24
- 20 Jun 2023 13:00 - 15:00 - Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
- 27 Jun 2023 09:00 - 11:00 - Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
Action Research Session 4 (In-person writing workshop)
- 27 Jun 2023 09:00 - 12:00 - Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
- 27 Jun 2023 13:00 - 16: 00 - Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
GTT Learning Community (Face to Face Session)
- 13 July 13:00-15:15 – Whitehaven Golf Club (WGC)
Sign up for WELL Events in the following ways:
1) Registered users can book via SLA Online 2) Email 3) Phone 01228 221312 / 221316 / 221315
Image Description: Explosion graphic reading 'WOW!'
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
- Winston Churchill
If you have any suggestions for next week's WOW WOW - please email us!
Do you have any feedback for WELL on Wednesdays? Is there information missing from this newsletter that you would like to see? We would love to hear from you. Please email with all comments.
To find this WOW and all previous versions - please visit our website.