Help shape our work
Our CitizenLab service helps you shape the work that we do.
CitizenLab gives you an easy way to get involved with our work and share your ideas and opinions. We use it to bring together groups of people, collect your views, conduct surveys and run quick polls.
What you tell us helps us understand the things that are important to you. We can use what we learn to make our services and information better for everyone.
The things we're working on change all the time. At the moment, you can feedback on the following:
Young Champions
We’ve now recruited 10 young people to join our CQC Young Champions programme. Over the past couple of months they have been learning about the work we do, from our purpose and role, to reviewing our latest State of Care report and feeding back their views.
Now they would like to introduce themselves to you, share their thoughts so far and ask you to share your ideas on the current issues or topics in health and social care affecting young people or care for young people that they should tackle with CQC.
2022 maternity survey
We have recently published a report into the experiences of people using maternity services in 2022. Let us know what you think by taking a short poll.
Partners' experiences of accessing maternity services
We’re working in partnership with Healthwatch Oldham, Healthwatch Rochdale and Action Together gather the views and feedback from partners who have supported people with to access maternity services. This can include attending prenatal appointments, post-natal appointments, labour and delivery.
Tell us what you think of the latest State of Care report
We published the latest edition of State of Care in October. The report is our annual assessment of health and social care in England, and it looks at the quality of care over the past year.
We would like to know how you have used State of Care and whether you have found it useful. Give us your feedback by 31 January.
Our revised plan and approach for transformation
We want to continue communicating with people, providers and partners in health and social care, about our regulatory approach and how we plan to bring to life the ambitions we set our in strategy.
Join us on CitizenLab where we’re talking about how we’re going to approach transforming the way we work. Share your views by 31 January.
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