CQC update for local and regional stakeholders

care quality commission

The independent regulator of health and social care in England


Our monthly update for organisations interested in health and social care                                                  


September 2021

The recovery challenges for NHS hospital services


This month’s Insight report looks at how NHS trusts are planning for people’s care while tackling a backlog of treatment caused by COVID-19.

In May and June 2021, we asked 73 trusts about their approaches to longer waiting lists and how they are considering people’s care in a fair and equal way. We wanted to know about their assessments of the challenges.

This report also updates on data on deaths in care homes, people detained under the Mental Health Act and ONS data on all weekly deaths in England compared with the average for 2015-2019.


Safety, Equity and Engagement in Maternity Services


CQC’s ‘Safety, Equity and Engagement in Maternity Services’ presents an analysis of the key issues persisting in some maternity services and highlights where action is still needed to support vital improvements.

The report draws on the findings from a sample of nine focused maternity safety inspections carried out between March and June 2021, along with insight gathered from interviews and direct engagement with organisations representing women and their families, including equality campaign group Five X More and local Maternity Voices Partnerships.

CQC's Home for Good report celebrates examples of successful community support

Home for good

CQC report highlights how the right community support can improve outcomes for people with a learning disability, a mental health need and autistic people. The Care Quality Commission’s Home for Good report celebrates examples of successful community support provided to people with complex needs.

Urgent and emergency care survey 2020 result findings published


Findings from a survey of more than 48,000 people who received urgent and emergency care in 2020 show an increase in the number who said their overall experience was ‘very good’. However, the results also reveal concerns among some about access to emotional support, pain management and the availability of staff when they needed help or attention.

You can feedback on our latest reports using our online participation platform

What do you think about CQC's new Home for Good report and podcast? Read the report and share your thoughts here. Live until 8th October

Findings of Urgent and Emergency care Survey 2020. Read the report and share your thoughts here. Live until 12th October

Safety, Equity and Engagement in Maternity Services Report. Read the report and share your thoughts here. Live until 31st October

Ted Baker announces retirement as Chief Inspector of Hospitals


Ted Baker has announced he will retire in March 2022, after almost five years as our Chief Inspector of Hospitals.

Ted took over as Chief Inspector in July 2017, stepping up from his role as Deputy Chief Inspector to complete the full roll out of our comprehensive inspection programme across NHS trusts and independent hospital services.

During his time as Chief Inspector Ted has developed and strengthened the way CQC regulates hospital services and led work to drive greater collaboration between services and across local systems to improve care.