DHSC coronavirus social care update - 26 October

care quality commission

The independent regulator of health and social care in England

DHSC update header

Flu vaccine


Stay well this winter

The adult flu vaccine is free for all social care and NHS staff.

Speak to your manager, GP or local pharmacist about getting your flu jab.

Encourage your colleagues to get vaccinated: click here for flu jab campaign resources


Brand guidelines

Brand guidance update

Guidelines on using the CARE brand are now available. The brand is designed to help the adult social care sector get the recognition it deserves.

The brand gives the sector a clear way of identifying their workforce and services and will help the public recognise social care providers as essential workers.

Guidelines outlining how care providers can use the CARE identity are available here


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This communication has been sent by the Care Quality Commission on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care.