COVID-19: CQC update for primary medical and dental services

care quality commission

The independent regulator of health and social care in England

COVID-19 Update


22 May 2020


A weekly update for providers and professionals working in primary medical and dental services, sharing the latest guidance on COVID-19 and CQC's approach during this period.



Emergency Support Framework

We've started to use our Emergency Support Framework (ESF) with General Practice from 18 May.

This is new tool designed to help us identify where support for the sector is needed and understand the challenges providers are facing.

You can find out more through Rosie Benneyworth's recent blog and on our website, where you will also find information about the questions we will ask you when using the ESF.

All those in United Kingdom with symptoms now eligible for coronavirus tests

The Government has announced that anyone with symptoms of coronavirus is now eligible to book a test, ahead of the rollout of the test and trace service. Anyone experiencing a new, continuous cough; high temperature; and now also a loss or change in your normal sense of smell or taste can book a test by visiting

Visit the GOV.UK for more information, including how to apply for a test if you are an essential worker.

Sharing insight, asking questions, encouraging collaboration

We have published the first of what will be a regular series of insight documents intended to highlight COVID-19 related pressures on the sectors CQC regulates. 

The document draws on the information we're gathering through:

  • direct feedback from staff and people receiving care
  • our new regular data collection from services who provide care for people in their own homes
  • insight from our regular conversations with providers and partners.

The first insight document focuses on adult social care. Future areas of focus will include infection control both within and between services, how local systems are engaging social care organisations in the management of COVID-19, and how care for people from vulnerable groups is being managed through the crisis. 

Visit our website for more information and to download the insight report. Let us know what you think to the insight document via our online platform. You'll need to be signed in to take part - you can sign up here if you're not already a member.

How to check the identity of a CQC inspector

If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a CQC inspector who tries gain access to services or information please:

  • consider whether they are asking you for information we should already have (such as the name of your registered manager).
  • bear in mind that we won't ask you for staff details such as names and qualifications over the phone.

Visit our website for further information.

Give feedback on care  

It is more vital than ever that we hear people’s experiences of care during the COVID-19 emergency,and we have seen a significant drop in people using our Give feedback ocare service.

From June, we’ll be launching a public campaign as part of our Emergency Support Framework to encourage people to feedback on care, working with Healthwatch,Experts by Experience, people who use services and voluntary and community organisations. 

We want to encourage people who use services and those working in health and care to report poor care to give us their insight into what people are actually experiencing during this time. We want to hear about good care too so we can celebrate it and share good practice.

In mid-May we will be testing some small-scale digital advertising to encourage people to feed back.

Ahead of the campaign starting, please encourage people working in and using your care to share their feedback. We want to hear about all types of experience – whether they’re to do with coronavirus or not.  

Webinar: Primary care in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic

This webinar will share examples of current good practice and collaboration between primary care and care homes, including resources to support virtual ward rounds.

The webinar will be chaired by Dr Jonathan Leach OBE, RCGP Hon Sec and COVID-19 lead. Guests include Dr Gail Allsopp, RCGP Clinical Policy Lead, Anita Astle MBE, Managing Director of Wren Hall Nursing Home in Nottingham, and Dr Alison Tavaré, Primary Care Clinical Lead at West of England Academic Health Science Network (AHSN). The webinar will cover:

  • RCGP ‘top tips’ for GPs caring for care homes
  • Providing person-centred care in times of COVID-19 
  • COVID-19 virtual wards
  • Resources to support virtual ward rounds

Followed by a Q&A session.

The webinar will be held on Wednesday 27 May, 3-4pm and you can register here. It will be recorded and shared afterwards.

This is the second in a series jointly organised by the Royal College of General Practitioners and the AHSN Network. You can watch the first webinar here: COVID-19: Patient assessment and the role of physiology and oximetry.

All CQC offices are closed - please do not send post

Guidance for primary care and dental services professionals

Accessibility resources to help you communicate about COVID-19

Further information

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