COVID-19: CQC updates for healthcare professionals

care quality commission

The independent regulator of health and social care in England

COVID-19 Update


21 May 2020


A weekly update for providers and professionals working in healthcare services, sharing the latest guidance on COVID-19 and CQC's approach during this period.



For: all providers

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) during COVID-19

We have published an update on how we are monitoring the Mental Capacity Act and people who are subject to the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Read the full update.

For: all providers

Working within the Mental Capacity Act during the coronavirus pandemic

We have published guidance on working within the Mental Capacity Act during the coronavirus pandemic. The guidance sets out:

  • issues that should be considered when thinking about care and treatment that might involve restrictions because of coronavirus
  • cases where DoLS authorisations have already been granted
  • impacts of the Coronavirus Act 2020
  • notifying CQC.

Visit our website for more information.

For: all providers

COVID-19 pandemic: information for providers

We're making changes to the way we work during the coronavirus pandemic. They include how we do our job and support providers to keep people safe. They also affect how people communicate with us, or send us applications or information.

Visit our website for more information and for the latest updates

For information: all providers

All those in United Kingdom with symptoms now eligible for coronavirus tests

The Government has announced that anyone with symptoms of coronavirus is now eligible to book a test, ahead of the rollout of the test and trace service. Anyone experiencing a new, continuous cough; high temperature; and now also a loss or change in your normal sense of smell or taste can book a test by visiting

Visit the GOV.UK for more information, including how to apply for a test if you are an essential worker.

For: all providers

How to check the identity of a CQC inspector

If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a CQC inspector who tries gain access to services or information please:

  • consider whether they are asking you for information we should already have (such as the name of your registered manager).
  • bear in mind that we won't ask you for staff details such as names and qualifications over the phone.

Visit our website for further information.

For: all providers

Give feedback on care  

It is more vital than ever that we hear people’s experiences of care during the COVID-19 emergency,and we have seen a significant drop in people using our Give feedback ocare service.

From June, we’ll be launching a public campaign as part of our Emergency Support Framework to encourage people to feedback on care, working with Healthwatch,Experts by Experience, people who use services and voluntary and community organisations. 

We want to encourage people who use services and those working in health and care to report poor care to give us their insight into what people are actually experiencing during this time. We want to hear about good care too so we can celebrate it and share good practice.

In Mid-May we will be testing some small-scale digital advertising to encourage people to feed back.

Ahead of the campaign starting, please encourage people working in and using your care to share their feedback. We want to hear about all types of experience – whether they’re to do with coronavirus or not.  

All CQC offices are closed - please do not send post

Useful guidance and updates

Accessibility resources to help you communicate about COVID-19

Further information

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