Free flu vaccinations for adult social care staff

care quality commission

The independent regulator of health and social care in England


Our update on free flu vaccinations for adult social care staff

November 2017

Who is eligible for a free flu vaccination

The free flu vaccinations will be available to:

Health and social care staff, employed by a registered residential care/nursing home or registered domiciliary care provider, who are directly involved in the care of vulnerable patients/clients who are at increased risk from exposure to influenza, meaning those patients/clients in a clinical risk group or aged 65 years and over.

NHS England have confirmed that this includes staff directly involved in the care of vulnerable people who are at increased risk from exposure to influenza who are working for registered:

  • residential care homes;
  • residential nursing homes;
  • domiciliary care services;
  • Shared Lives schemes;
  • extra care housing services;
  • supported living services.

Where and how do those eligible access a free flu vaccination

Staff can get the free flu vaccine at their local pharmacy or GP surgery. Not all GP surgeries will be able to offer the flu vaccination to social care staff so staff are encouraged to call and check before they visit their GP surgery.

To prove that they are eligible for a free flu vaccination, eligible staff will need to take identification with them when they get the vaccine that shows their names and the name of their employing organisation. This could be:

  • an ID card of badge;
  • a letter from their employer;
  • a recent payslip.

More information and resources

For more information on the free flu vaccinations for social care staff visit the NHS England website.

NHS Flu Fighter Social Care is a free resource for social care providers to encourage their staff to get a flu vaccination to protect themselves and people using services from the flu virus.