Children's Commissioner: School Survey - this is a statutory data collection with a deadline of 20 December.
We are pleased to announce that Mikaela Carrasco took up her new role as Headteacher of Coventry’s Virtual School, from the beginning of this term. Mikaela is a very experienced school leader, with a proven track record of securing positive outcomes for our most vulnerable children. She will be known to many of you through her previous role as leader of the KEYS provisions.
Mikaela will be reaching out to all designated teachers shortly, as we continue to expand our reach beyond children in our care to include those previously looked after and all children with a social worker.
National Education Union: Preventing sexism and sexual harassment toolkit
CSW Resilience: School newsletter - bomb threats. If schools would like to see an example policy, please contact
West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership: Tackling Misogyny training recording and workbook
Coventry Music: Ofsted Update on Music in Schools - new date 15 October
Little Sutton English Hub: 2024-25 training courses
Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub: If you have new ECTs who started this term, make sure they're registered for both ECF and AB by emailing and
If you have any comments, please let us know by contacting
Jobs and careers in Coventry schools.