This newsletter contains the latest news and messages from Coventry City Council and information about local community groups and partners who are offering local support.
In this issue:
Welcome to this edition, February has come and passed so quickly, but has provided us with an extra day of the 29! How are you spending it? Working, caring for someone, drinking a cuppa, celebrating a birthday? By the looks of the weather we will be trying to avoid the rain! However you use it, we hope you have a good day.
March is always an exciting time, flowers are starting to poke their heads through the soil, the days are getting lighter and we celebrate Young Carers Action Day on the Thursday 13 March. You can read about the plans of how the Young Carers are celebrating and also what they have been doing in February. They have been very busy!
We have included lots of information around activities in the community that we encourage you to take a look at. These range from a walking group, working carers group, yoga, to support around Dementia for you and your loved one, as well as many more.
There is information about energy support as well as how to share your experiences of the NHS and Social Care with Healthwatch.
We hope you find this bulletin helpful and thanks for reading.
Take care.
In the run up to Young Carers Action Day the team will be filming Young Carers in their caring role with their families, talking about their aspirations for the future and what they need in terms of support in their caring role to be able to achieve those. They will also be filming Young Adult Carers and Adult Carers who used to be Young Carers for added context as to how times and support has changed over the years.
In the week of Young Carers Action Day, and on the day, They will undertake ‘Time Capsule’ Activities with Young Carers asking them to consider what their aspirations are and writing a letter to their future self which will be boxed and taped up for them to revisit in the future.
They will also share the team and partners pledges to supporting a fair future for Young Carers.
Watch this space....
Are you interested in driving change in Adult Social Care? Could you use your own experience to help us develop our services? The Adult Social Care Stakeholders group meet every other month online to discuss upcoming developments and influence any changes. The group is open to anyone receiving services, carers and voluntary organisations. Our next meeting is coming up, on Thursday 18 April at 10.30am. If you’d like to find out more or would like to attend our next meeting then please email and we can send you a meeting invite.
 Carers Trust Heart of England are inviting you to attend their walking group being held on Thursday 21 March from 2pm - 3pm at War Memorial Walk, Kenilworth Road, Coventry CV3 6PT.
Stay active, enjoy a gentle stroll and meet new friends at our friendly walking group!
For more information please contact us via email or call 024 7663 2972, option 1.
 A craft session with Artyfolks is being held on Wednesday 13 March from 10am until 12noon at Artyfolks studio, 1st floor, Eaton House, Coventry CV1 2FJ
Do you have an interest in crafts or would like to learn a new skills?
Come together with fellow carers to learn a new skill and create a fantastic piece to take home.
For more information please contact us via email or call 024 7663 2972, option 1.
Mental Health Care and Share
Tuesday 5 March 2024
10:30am – 12:30pm
Alchemy Course
Wednesday 6 March 2024
10am – 12noon
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 6 March 2024
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 6 March 2024
3pm – 4pm
Working Carers Group
Thursday 7 March 2024
5:30pm – 6:30pm
Craft Session
Wednesday 13 March 2024
10am – 12noon
Alchemy Course
Wednesday 13 March 2024
10am – 12noon
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 13 March 2024
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 13 March 2024
3pm – 4pm
Emotional Resilience
Thursday 14 March 2024
12noon – 1:30pm
Flower Arranging
Thursday 14 March 2024
2pm – 4pm
Milan South Asian Group
Friday 15 March 2024
11am – 12:45pm
Alchemy Course
Wednesday 20 March 2024
10am – 12noon
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 20 March 2024
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 20 March 2024
3pm – 4pm
Laughter Club
Thursday 21 March 2024
11am – 12noon
Walking Group
Thursday 21 March 2024
2pm – 3pm
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 27 March 2024
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 27 March 2024
3pm – 4pm
For more information please email the team or give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1
Willenhall Primary Care Centre 1
Remembrance Road CV3 3DG
Friday 1 March 2024
11am – 12noon
Canley Social Supermarket
Canley Community Centre CV4 8FT
Friday 1 March 2024
11:30am – 1pm
Henley Green Grub Hub
Henley Green Community Centre CV2 1HQ
Wednesday 13 March 2024
10am – 12noon
Broad Street Hall
Broad Street Meeting Hall, 126 Broad Street CV6 5BG
Monday 25 March 2024
9:30am – 1pm
Henley Green Grub Hub
Henley Green Community Centre CV2 1HQ
Wednesday 27 March 2024
10am – 12noon
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1
February has been a jam-packed month, filled with activities and events that our young carers have thoroughly enjoyed.
The 5 - 11 February was Children's Mental Health Week, and young carers were invited to an online Zoom session with the team at Kooth, shedding light on the importance of asking for support and where to find it. Young Carers shared some useful tips and it was really positive to have an open discussion around topics that can be difficult to talk about.
Young Carers also celebrated Safer Internet Day, where they showcased their creativity by designing their very own campaign posters and talked about the signs of spending too much time online and how it can affect our mood, physical health and wellbeing.
February has seen our creative writing project flourish. Young Carers have attended St Mary's Guildhall every Saturday morning to work with a local Coventry poet, Emilie Lauren and the wonderfully artistic Adele, from the charity Cov Cloth. The young carers have been showcasing their artistic skills by creating pieces of art, focussing on what makes them unique and what they envision their future to be like.
March sees Young Carers Action Day, with a focus on fairer futures for Young Carers and their hard work will be displayed in the Guildhall for all to see from 16 March. We hope Coventry residents go along and enjoy the exhibit. This project has been a great opportunity for self-expression and has seen new friendships formed among the young carers involved.
 During half term we had an exciting visit from Zoo Lab, where the young carers had the opportunity to interact with creepy creatures, sparking their curiosity and providing an educational experience.
Coventry University again, welcomed our young carers for a STEM Fun Day, where they engaged with lecturers and professors, delved into game coding, and explored the university campus. The experience opened doors to the world of higher education, inspiring the young carers to see a future filled with possibilities and academic pursuits.
Half term ended with an amazing experience at the Coventry Building Society Arena, where young carers had the opportunity to tour the stadium, take a look behind the scenes of the control room, check out the hotel facilities and most excitingly of all, visited the Coventry City Football Team’s changing room, giving them a taste of what it could be like to be a professional football player!
 Lastly, young adult carers were treated to a cinema visit, offering them a well-deserved break from their caring responsibilities. The trip provided them with an opportunity to connect with other young adult carers, make new friendships, and enjoy a moment of respite from their daily challenges.
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported Young Carers this month.
Take a look at what we are up to in March.

Activities for 5 – 10-year-olds:
Thursday 7 March – Coventry Boys & Girls Club – Sports Hall Games (4:30pm – 5:30pm)
Thursday 21 March – Woodside Family Hub – Young Club (4:30pm - 6pm)
Activities for 8 – 14-year-olds:
Thursday 28 March – Laser Quest at Tenpin (1pm – 2:30pm)
Activities for 11 – 17-year-olds:
Monday 4 March – Coventry Boys & Girls Club - Youth Club (5pm – 6pm)
Activities for 16 – 25-year-olds:
Tuesday 12 March – Coventry University CU: Care University Project (5:30pm – 8:30pm)
Monday 11 March – Moat Family Hub – Craft Session with Cov Cloth (4pm – 5:30pm)
Wednesday 13 March – Mosaic Hub - Youth club “Time Capsules” (4pm – 5:30pm)
Monday 25 March – Memorial Park – Wellness walk (5pm – 6pm)
Thursday 14 March – Moat Family Hub – Quiz and Games (4pm – 5:30pm)
Wednesday 27 March - Mosaic Family Hub – Cooking Group (4pm - 5:30pm)
Additional sessions for all:
Saturday 16 March – St Mary’s Guildhall – Exhibition Creative Writing Project (11am – 1pm)
Monday 18 March – Woodside Family Hub – A visit from Compass (5pm – 7pm)
Sunday 24 March – come along to the Canal Basin to cheer on Coventry Riders who have been fundraising for Young Carers (12:15pm)
Please discuss with your child/children which activities they would like to attend and call Kelly on 07428 670040 to express your interest. A confirmation message will be sent out if your child has been allocated a place.
Please note, some activities will be taking place at different venues and there are limited spaces at some of the events.
Are you a carer supporting someone with a diagnosis of dementia or concerned about someone’s memory?
The key benefits of the information sessions are:
- Enabling carers to have increased knowledge of dementia.
- Providing carers with practical information that they can use in coping with living with dementia day-to-day.
- Help carers to feel better informed and less isolated.
- Empowering carers to access support services and financial benefits and entitlements.
- Enabling carers to plan with and for the person they care for, now and in the future.
We will be delivering the Carer Information Sessions at the Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub, Everdon Road, Coventry. CV6 4DT.
The next session takes place:
Friday 22 March 2024 from 11am - 12:30pm when they will be covering eating and drinking.
Refreshments included.
Please contact your local office for more information and/or to book a place call 024 7665 2602 or send them an email.
These information sessions are for carers.
Do you care for someone with dementia?
Get support from someone who understands.
Join our peer support group in Coventry
Our peer support group offers a safe place to talk about how dementia affects your life. You will also receive helpful information to take away with you.
All sessions take place at: St. Barbara's Church Hall, 2 Rochester Road, Coventry CV5 6AG
They take place on the first Wednesday of every month from 10.30am to 12noon. The next session takes place on Wednesday 6 March 2024
Please contact your local office before attending.
Contact 024 7665 2602 or email for more information.
Refreshments included.
A.S.S.I.S.T memory support
Come and chat to our advisers.
- To help build confidence by providing information on support available to you now.
- To encourage ways to talk to your family and friends about your feelings and your wishes.
- Looking after your wellbeing.
- The group offers a reassuring, confidential and safe place to talk to others about how memory issues affect your life.
The group offers a reassuring, confidential and safe place to talk to others about how memory issues affect your life and how we can support you whilst waiting for an assessment or having memory concerns.
Please contact your local office for more information and to book a place by calling 024 7665 2602 or sending the team an email.
Every Monday between 11:30am to 1pm at the Coventry Partnership Dementia Hub, Everdon Road CV6 4DT
Join us in a small group setting where you can think out loud and get things off your chest by having supportive conversations with other people who maybe going through the same experiences as you, in a safe space.
If you prefer you can have a 1 to 1 in a “listening hour” session.
If you have caring responsibilities which would usually prevent you from being a part of a session like this, the person you care for can attend the “Meaningful Moments” social group which happens at the same time at the Hub.
Free snacks and drinks provided plus up to £5 for a light lunch.
In partnership with AmbaCare Solutions- no need to book just come along or call Kerry Shields on 07385 427042.
AmbaCare Solutions and Compassionate Communities – Meaningful Moments social group. (dementia friendly)
Every Monday between 10:30am and 1:30pm at the Coventry Partnership Dementia Hub, Everdon Road CV6 4DT
No need to book, just come and join us for friendly chat and some fun and games – there will be something for everyone.
Free snacks and drinks provided plus up to £5 for a light lunch.
For more information email Ruth Chauhan or call 079 7472 7223
There's no reason to be bored in Coventry. If you're over 50 and seeking new friends, a nice cuppa, some support, or a new hobby, there is a local group for you.
Space is available at our Finham and Radford dementia carers groups, and in many more groups across the city. Interested? Contact 07544 488 724 or email for help finding a suitable group.
Feeling alone?
There are hundreds of local social groups in Coventry. We can help you find the right one for you.
From day centres to craft groups, seated exercise or card games - there's something for you.
If you are looking for friendship for you or a loved one, get in touch for a free activity guide and advice.
Interested? Contact 07544 488 724 or email the team for more details.
Memory Lane groups meet weekly and fortnightly to provide friendship and fun for people living with dementia and their carers.
Groups currently run in Radford and Finham. £2 donation requested.
"I was nervous about coming to Memory Lane but we received a warm welcome. Geoff enjoyed all the activities and it was wonderful for me to talk to other carers in similar circumstances. It's an amazing safe place to be, we love it" Sarah.
Interested? Contact 07544 488 724 or email the team for more details.
Experiences of A&E and same day urgent treatment
Healthwatch Coventry is carrying our visits to A&E and other urgent treatment areas at UHCW in Coventry and they will be reporting their findings.
Have you or someone you know/care for had a recent experience of these services in Coventry? Healthwatch Coventry would like to hear about this as part of their work.
Share your experience with Healthwatch Coventry.
Share for better care
Healthwatch also wants to hear experiences of other local NHS and Social Care services to understand if health and care services are working for you.
Doctors, nurses, and healthcare staff are doing their best to provide good quality care. But public feedback can play a vital role in helping these services spot issues quickly and in helping the service, better meet peoples needs.
Whether you used a GP, hospital, pharmacy, care home or another service – they want to hear about it.
Share your story of using local NHS or social care services in Coventry.
Healthwatch Coventry has been shortlisted for a national award for its work helping to improve care for local NHS and social care users. The national Healthwatch Impact Award showcases outstanding examples of where feedback from local people has been used to make positive changes health and care support. The team at Healthwatch Coventry have been shortlisted for their work on maternity care for asylum seeker and refugee women.
Their project, undertaken with local voluntary group Carriers of Hope, uncovered poor experiences of maternity care. It continues to challenge current ways of doing things, bringing important changes. New ways of communicating and providing services are being developed.
The winner of the award will be announced in March 2024. Healthwatch Coventry is in the running against 16 other projects shortlisted from across England for the difference they have made.
Find out more on their website.
We’ve got help available through Cadent Foundation’s Winter Support Fund.
To qualify for energy payments, you need to have a household income of below £31,000 together with a vulnerability (such as an over 65 in the household or under 5s; living with a disability or health condition; etc). The vulnerability criteria is quite broad so please phone if you think you might qualify.
In terms of evidence required, we’d need to see a copy/screen shot or photo of a recent energy bill showing your name, address and account number. For those with a traditional pre payment meter we’d need to see a photo of the key or card. You could benefit by up to £70 paid to your energy account (you can choose whether that is electricity or gas). We can also help with a payment for oil/LPG/solid fuel.
For full details please call us freephone 0800 988 2881
Act on Energy also administers the Keeping Coventry Warm scheme on behalf of the City Council. Funding is available for those who have a long term, diagnosed health condition or disability that is made worse by living in a cold or damp home. Applicants should be owner occupiers or living in a private rented property.
Funding can include:
- External wall insulation
- Cavity wall insulation
- First time gas central heating
- Broken boiler replacement
- Inefficient gas boiler
- Loft insulation
- Upgrade or repair of electric storage heaters
Measures are income related but there is scope for wide ranging help so please do call to see if Act on Energy can help. Call for free on 0800 988 2881 or visit the Act On Energy website.
Applications forms are now live on the Act on Energy website and if you don’t have mains gas for your home heating, and an income of less than £31,000, you may be eligible for a Home Upgrade Grant. The grant can provide fully funded energy efficiency improvements to poorly insulated homes within Coventry.
For more details call Act on Energy for free on 0800 988 2881.
Did you know you can pick up your Go CV card from Coventry Central Library?
The Go CV card is a free scheme for Coventry residents. You benefit from offers and discounts on events, activities, local businesses and attractions including free entry to Coventry Transport Museum and discounted entry to The Wave. Even greater savings for those who qualify for Go CV+. Check out the website for further information.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at