This newsletter contains the latest news and messages from Coventry City Council and information about local community groups and partners who are offering local support.
In this issue:
Hello. November has arrived, and with it lots of opportunities to meet new people and share experiences at a range of activities across the city. November is also an exciting time as we celebrate Carers' Rights day on Thursday 23 November. The theme this year is "Caring Costs" and the day will be used to raise awareness on carers' rights and entitlements to help carers get the right support they need.
Adult Social Care are holding their open day at Cheylesmore Community Centre, Poitiers Road, Coventry CV3 5JX on 15 November from 10am to 2pm. In attendance will be Carers Trust, Alzheimer's Society, Change, Live, Grow, Age UK and many more. They would love to see you there and answer any questions you may have.
We also have a questionnaire that we would appreciate you completing, which will be sent in the post. This is a biennial statutory survey that all local authorities with social care responsibilities must undertake. It's really important that we capture your thoughts and experiences which will help improve our support offer for carers.
In this bulletin you will also find important information about how to get the shingles, flu and Covid19 vaccinations. Please do take up the opportunity when you can, to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and ready for winter.
The Stroke Association has developed a new Aphasia singing group to help explore singing and speech techniques. There are a whole range of different activities out in the community this month such as, Dementia Active, Recovery and Wellbeing sessions, drop-ins and a laughter club. Please take a look below.
Thank you for taking the time to read this month's bulletin. Take care and stay safe.
 Join Adult Social Care for their open day on Wednesday 15 November 2023 from 10am until 2pm at Cheylesmore Community Centre, Poitiers Road, Coventry CV3 5JX. You can drop in at anytime.
This will be an opportunity for you to come and speak to the teams and learn more about support options available through Adult Social Care.
We will be joined by a number of other organisations, who will be able to give an overview of the range of support available for individuals and carers in Coventry.
In attendance will be:
Carers Trust, Alzheimer's Society, Public Health, Visual and Hearing impairment team, Telecare, Shared Lives, Financial Assessments team, Act On Energy, Change, Live, Grow, Admiral Nurses, Penderels Trust, E-On Homes for Living, Go CV, BID and Grapevine.
Have a chat and a cup of tea with staff and get to know the teams.
Find out more about Adult Social Care.
If you require immediate support, contact us by telephone on 024 7683 3003 and send us an email.
The Survey of Adult Carers is a national statutory survey developed by the Care Quality Commission and the Department of Health and Social Care, which all Local Authorities in England with social care responsibilities must carry out.
This survey has been developed in order to learn more about:
- Whether the support and services received by carers are helping them in their caring role and to live a life outside of caring
- What carers think of any services provided to the person they are caring for.
A previous survey was conducted in 2021/22, so we are now looking to compare results, understand the current needs of carers and the quality of support and services provided.
Coventry City Council’s Adult Social Care Services will send out between 800- 1000 anonymous postal questionnaires between the months of October and November 2023 to a random sample of carers.
All answers will be treated as strictly confidential and will not affect support or services received, both now or in the future. The results will be then sent to NHS Digital for national analysis.
The Department of Health uses the survey to identify strengths and weaknesses and to:
- help measure the impact of the national carers strategy
- monitor the effectiveness of services and support provided
We will use the results of the survey to make sure our local strategy is focusing on the right priorities. It will help us improve and develop services and support to carers throughout Coventry.
If you do receive this survey, we would be grateful if you could please respond as your feedback is incredibly valuable and will be used both locally to Coventry and nationally to better understand and improve support available.
Thank you in advance to anyone who may participate in this survey.
Shingles is a common condition that causes a painful rash. It can sometimes lead to serious problems such as long lasting pain, hearing loss or blindness. You’re more likely to get shingles as you get older or have a weakened immune system.
The shingles vaccine is safe and protects by reducing the chances of getting shingles and reducing the chance of getting seriously ill if you do get it.
The vaccine is recommended for people at higher risk from shingles including all adults turning 65, those aged 70 to 79 and those aged 50 and over with a severely weakened immune system. Ask your GP practice if you can get the vaccine on the NHS.
If you need to change your vaccination appointment, your GP practice can book or rearrange an appointment for you.
For most people, flu and COVID-19 are unpleasant. But for some, particularly people with certain health conditions, older people and pregnant women, they can be very dangerous and even life-threatening.
In winter, flu and COVID-19 spread more easily as we spend more time indoors with other people.
Vaccines are our best and safest protection against flu and COVID-19 viruses. Over the last few years, winter vaccines have kept tens of thousands of people out of hospital and helped to save countless lives
Getting the flu and COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible are two of the most important things you can do to keep yourself and others around you safe and get ‘winter strong’ before winter arrives.
Having your winter vaccines will reduce your risk of serious illness. If you have been vaccinated you are more likely to have milder symptoms and recover more quickly if you catch flu or COVID-19.
As well as protecting you and the people around you, vaccination also protects the NHS over winter by reducing the number of people that are likely to get seriously ill from catching a virus and needing to go to hospital.
NHS eligibility for both vaccines
People who are eligible to get both vaccines through the NHS include:
- everyone aged 65 and above,
- pregnant women,
- care home residents,
- people aged 6 months old or above with certain health conditions,
- frontline health and care staff,
- unpaid carers and household contacts of those at higher risk.
If eligible, you are encouraged to come forward as soon as you can. This is to give you the best possible protection, particularly due to the risk of the new variant (BA.2.86). It is important to top up your protection, even if you have had a vaccine or been ill with flu or COVID-19 before, as immunity fades over time and these viruses change each year.
If you are eligible you can book your COVID-19 vaccine on the NHS App or by visiting the website. Those who can’t get online can also make a booking at one of the same sites by calling 119 for free. Most people will receive both vaccines at a GP practice or a local pharmacy. Where possible, you will also be offered the flu vaccine at the same appointment. We encourage you to take up this offer to get protected against both viruses in just a few minutes. If this is not possible, it is better to get each vaccine as soon as you can rather than waiting.
Pregnant women are eligible at any stage of pregnancy and may also be able to get the flu and COVID-19 vaccines through their local maternity service.
Eligibility for the flu vaccine
People eligible for the flu vaccine through the NHS include:
- anyone eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine
- people who receive a carer's allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick
- people who live with someone who is more likely to get a severe infection due to a weakened immune system
- most children including all aged 2 and 3 years old and school aged children from reception to year 11
Adult flu vaccinations can be booked now through your GP practice or local pharmacy, and some people may be offered their vaccinations directly by a local NHS service.
Read the latest information about both vaccines and how to book by visiting the website.
Protect yourself this winter. Get your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations. Get winter strong.

Did you know, evidence shows that singing post-stroke can support speech recovery, improve clarity of speech and breath control and the reacquisition of words?
Whatever your level of communication, come along to our Aphasia Singing Group, to explore singing and speech techniques in a low pressure and friendly environment.
What is Music Therapy?
Every person has the ability to appreciate and respond to music. Music therapists use this connection to establish and develop therapeutic relationships with the people they are working with, in order to meet relevant functional and emotional-based goals. Sessions are tailored so that they are accessible and targeted towards individualised development. Music therapy is an established psychological clinical intervention and is an internationally recognised practice.
What to expect
- Therapeutic singing and speech techniques to support breath control, respiratory strength and vocal function.
- Music making for self-expression and communication.
- Relaxation exercises for wellbeing
Residents’ Lounge, Ground Floor, Earlsdon Park Village, Albany Road, Coventry CV5 6JQ
Dates and time:
Monday the 6, 13, 20, 27 November 2023 from 12:45pm – 1:45pm
Monday the 4 and 11 December 2023 from 12:45pm – 1:45pm
£2 per session (carers who attend are free)
Sessions will be run be Neurologic Music Therapist, Sabina Marr
For further information please contact the Earlsdon Stroke Support Group, or email Sabina or call the Chiltern Music Therapy Office on 01442 780 541
A generous donation from Coventry Building Society means that even more people can be helped with their energy needs this winter.
The £100,000 donation to the Coventry Energy Fund – on top of the same amount given earlier this year, will help residents who are struggling with their ongoing energy bills or debt.
The eligibility criteria is:
- Open to those living in the City of Coventry
- Have a combined, gross household income of less than £31,000 per year
- Have no household savings
- Have a household member living with a vulnerability.
The vulnerability category is quite broad so it’s worth checking the details on the website to see if you are eligible.
If successful, you may be awarded financial help with current energy and water bills, debts and also help towards servicing any broken boilers and heating systems.
Act on Energy also administers the Keeping Coventry Warm scheme on behalf of the City Council. Funding is available for those who have a long term, diagnosed health condition or disability that is made worse by living in a cold or damp home.
Applications forms are now live on the Act on Energy website – or phone 0800 988 2881 for more info
At the Black History Month event, we celebrated historic figures, scientists, inventors and more. We spoke about different things that were created over the centuries by black people and also discussed what black history is and what it means to the Carers.
We then went on to have a reading from a book by renowned author and carer activist Matthew Mackenzie. The book is called 'A Caring Mind' and it is about Matthews journey as an unpaid carer and also about caring for somebody presenting with mental health issues. The carers seemed to enjoy this reading and have each taken a copy of the book that was gifted from us to them.
We enjoyed a delicious authentic Caribbean lunch, which consisted of jerk chicken, rice & peas, Mac n Cheese, fried plantain and coleslaw.
We then went on to have a quiz about black history, which was fun and engaging. The carers won prizes and said that they enjoyed the quiz and that they had gained further knowledge about black history.
 Join Carers' Trust staff at their new Working Carers Support Group.
Are you caring for a loved one while working?
Join our Working Carers support group for an opportunity to meet other carers in a similar position and share experiences in an informal group setting.
The sessions take place on the first Thursday of each month from 6pm - 7pm at Warwick Road United Reformed Church, 10 Warwick Row, Coventry CV1 1EX
The next session is on Thursday 2 November 2023
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1.
 St Peter's Church Support Groups
Milan Carers Group
Join us at our monthly South Asian carers group where you can take some time out, meet other carers, socialise, and enjoy some delicious refreshment! The next sessions take place on Friday:
Drop-in sessions
Come along and ask any questions and gain information or signposting from our wellbeing team. The next sessions take place on Friday:
- 3, 10 and 17 November
- 1 and 8 December
Both the group and drop in will take place at St Peter’s Church, Charles Street, Hillfields, Coventry CV1 5NP
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1.
 Yoga and Relaxation
Caring can be incredibly difficult but it's important you find some time to relax.
Join Claire Graham every Wednesday from 11am - 12pm on Zoom, for a session of gentle yoga, stretching and relaxing breathing exercises designed to help you unwind.
For more information please email the team or give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1.
Join us at Willenhall Primary Care Centre, Coventry CV3 3DG on Tuesday 14 November 2023 from 11am - 12noon to hear more about care.
Come along and learn all about:
- Care fees and care homes
- The thresholds before you have to pay for care
- Why your home could be used to pay for this
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Ways you can provide for your loved ones once you have passed away
For more information please email the team or give them a call on 02476 632972 option 1.
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 1 November 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 1 November 2023
3pm – 4pm
Working Carers Group
Thursday 2 November 2023
6pm – 7pm
Online Mental Health Care and Share
Monday 6 November 2023
1:30pm – 3pm
Mental Health Care and Share
Tuesday 7 November 2023
10:30am – 12:30pm
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 8 November 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 8 November 2023
3pm – 4pm
Diwali Event
Tuesday 14 November 2023
11am – 2pm
The Care Conundrum
Thursday 14 November 2023
11pm – 12pm
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 15 November 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 15 November 2023
3pm – 4pm
Laughter Club
Thursday 16 November 2023
11am – 12noon
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 22 November 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 22 November 2023
3pm – 4pm
Flower Arranging
Thursday 23 November 2023
11am – 1pm
Milan South Asian Group
Friday 24 November
11am – 12:45pm
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 29 November 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 29 November 2023
3pm – 4pm
Carers Social Group
Thursday 30 November 2023
10:30am – 12:30pm
For more information please email the team or give them a call on 02476 632972 option 1
Henley Green Grub Hub
Henley Green Community Centre CV2 1HQ
Wednesday 1 November 2023
10am – 12 noon
Willenhall Primary Care Centre 1
Remembrance Road CV3 3DG
Friday 3 November 2023
11am – 12noon
Canley Social Supermarket
Canley Community Centre CV4 8FT
Friday 3 November 2023
11:30 – 1pm
Caludon Centre
Room 11, Clifford Bridge Road CV2 2TE
Monday 13 November 2023
10am – 6pm
Adult Social Care Event
Cheylesmore Community Centre, Poiters Road CV3 5JX
Wednesday 15 November 2023
10am – 2pm
Broad Street Hall
Broad Street Meeting Hall, 126 Broad Street CV6 5BG
Monday 27 November 2023
9:30am – 1pm
For more information please email the team or give them a call on 02476 632972 option 1
Are you supporting someone with a diagnosis of Dementia or concerned about someone’s memory?
The key benefits of the information sessions:
- Enabling carers to have increased knowledge of
- Providing carers with practical information that they can use in coping with living with dementia day-to-day.
- Help carers to feel better informed and less
- Empowering carers to access support services and financial benefits and entitlements.
- Enabling carers to plan with and for the person they care for, now and in the future.
The information sessions run on the 1st Wednesday of every month at:
St Barbara’s Church 22 Rochester Road Coventry CV5 6AG
The next session takes place on Wednesday 1 November from 10.30am to 11.45am
They are also hosting a Carer Information session on Friday 17 November from 11am - 12:30pm at the Community Dementia Partnership Hub, Everdon Road Coventry CV6 4FB. The topic will be "Understanding Dementia".
Please contact your local office to book a place.
Contact 024 7665 2602 or email for more information.
Refreshments included.
 The Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub is hosting free Dementia Active Taster Sessions with Sky Blues in the Community, during the next two months. If you are interested in improving your energy levels, meeting new people and becoming more active come and join one of the Taster Sessions! You can also enjoy a chat and refreshments.
The sessions take place on:
- Wednesday 8 November from 10am - 11:30am
- Wednesday 6 December from 10am - 11:30am
Please join them at:
Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub (formerly Maymorn Centre) Everdon Road, Coventry CV6 4DT
For further information please call Sky Blues in the community on 02476 786 349 or drop them an email.
The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy offer over 80 free courses for anyone living in Coventry or Warwickshire and 18 years old or over.
- Coping with Caring - Thursday 16 November 23
- Stress Awareness - Thursday 7 December 23
- Self-Compassion - Friday 15 December 23
The courses support with many different areas of wellbeing, but some specific courses have been detailed as most relevant to carers, however, you’re welcome to view the full selection – and book on – through their website Enrolment - Recovery and Wellbeing
Discover New Worlds with Coventry Libraries and Information Service - Digital Offer
Our online services provide easy access to a large collection of trusted knowledge and entertainment resources.
Explore digital reading with our extensive eBook and audiobook collection, covering everything from bestsellers to children's literature.
Stay informed with a wide range of digital magazines and newspapers spanning various interests.
Engage in lifelong learning through free online courses, from driving theory tests to family history research and coding.
Access a world of knowledge with online databases, including academic journals and historical records.
Visit Coventry libraries website for more information.
Jane Jesmond will be talking about her new novel A Quiet Contagion, which is set in Coventry and based on the 1957 Coventry polio epidemic. There will be a Q&A and an opportunity to get copies of the book signed and dedicated.
The event takes place on:
Thursday 9th November
2:30pm - 3:30pm Coventry Central Library, Smithford Way, CV11FY
You can book in person at the library, via our email or by calling the library on 02476 832314.
Relate Coventry has received Home Office funding from West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioners to expand the work of the Choose2Change Project.
The project helps men and women who want to change the way they behave in their relationships and offers support to their partner. We provide excellent opportunities for those who have engaged in harm to address their behaviour and be supported without feeling judged, enabling them to change and have happier intimate and family relationships.
Choose2Change was established by Relate North Wales in 2007 and has supported multiple families throughout England and Wales, contributing to the development of Respectful Relationships, Safer Families and Stronger Communities. Those who have been supported by Choose2Change say:
“I feel like C2C has really helped to change the dynamic in the family in a positive way“
“I like that I can get to learn skills to manage situations that could potentially lead to conflict.”
“It’s good to be able to talk with other men in similar situations.”
Wife: “My partner is due to finish the programme in two weeks, and he has been coming home positive and more confident to share his thoughts and frustrations.”
Choose to Change also work with Coventry Haven and Panahghar who provide an Integrated Support Service for victims, they are offered support while their partners are on the programme to enhance their safety and have access to a variety of other services, thereby enhancing the lives of the whole family.
The service is open to anyone over the age of 18 years and living in Coventry. If you want to find out more or refer yourself please contact us by email or call us on 024 7622 5863.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at