This newsletter contains the latest news and messages from Coventry City Council and information about local community groups and partners who are offering local support.
In this issue:
Hello and welcome to this month's bulletin. Autumn has now caught up with us and the nights are drawing in. It's that time of year when we need to think about protecting ourselves from illness and look to get vaccinations. We have included important information about the flu jab, Covid-19 and shingles vaccinations. Please do take up these jabs as soon as you are invited to. It's so important to keep yourself fit and well.
We are sharing details about the Carers Trust Heart of England Mind and Wellbeing Event on 10 October 2023 as well as some of their new groups, such as a laughter club and support for working carers.
There is information about support with water bills as well as energy advice which we hope you find useful.
Sky Blues in the Community has also developed Womenstalk sessions, aimed at women to support and improve mental health and wellbeing. They look forward to welcoming you.
Thanks as always for reading our bulletin. Until next month, please take care.
Flu and COVID-19 autumn vaccine programmes brought forward
It's important to get your seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccinations if you're at higher risk of getting seriously ill from these illnesses.
For some people, flu or COVID-19 can be very dangerous and even life-threatening. The flu and COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of serious illness in colder months. The vaccination programme started on 11 September in England with adult care home residents and those most at risk receiving vaccines first. People are urged to come forward for their jabs as soon as they are invited to by NHS England.
Shingles is a painful disease affecting the skin and nerves. It can really affect your life and stop you doing things you enjoy. The shingles vaccine reduces your chances of serious complications if you get the disease.
If you are aged 70-79 or aged 50 and over with a severely weakened immune system, you can book your shingles vaccine at your GP practice. You can also book after your 65th birthday if you turned 65 after 1 September 2023.
The Survey of Adult Carers is a national statutory survey developed by the Care Quality Commission and the Department of Health and Social Care, which all Local Authorities in England with social care responsibilities must carry out.
This survey has been developed in order to learn more about:
Whether the support and services received by carers are helping them in their caring role and to live a life outside of caring
- What carers think of any services provided to the person they are caring for.
A previous survey was conducted in 2021/22, so we are now looking to compare results, understand the current needs of carers and the quality of support and services provided
Coventry City Council’s Adult Social Care Services will send out between 800- 1000 anonymous postal questionnaires between the months of October and November 2023 to a random sample of carers.
All answers will be treated as strictly confidential and will not affect support or services received, both now or in the future. The results will be then sent to NHS Digital for national analysis.
The Department of Health uses the survey to identify strengths and weaknesses and to:
help measure the impact of the national carers strategy
monitor the effectiveness of services and support provided
We will use the results of the survey to make sure our local strategy is focusing on the right priorities. It will help us improve and develop services and support to carers throughout Coventry.
If you do receive this survey, we would be grateful if you could please respond as your feedback is incredibly valuable and will be used both locally to Coventry and nationally to better understand and improve support available.
Thank you in advance to anyone who may participate in this survey.
 Carers' Trust Heart of England is holding a Mind and Wellbeing event at the Coventry Central Hall (CV1 2HA) on Tuesday 10 October from 10am - 2pm.
Join us and a variety of other organisations and professionals for a day of information and support finding.
Come along and improve your wellbeing, learn new skills and enjoy some uplifting free taster sessions.
For more information please email, call 02476 632972 option 1 or visit our Eventbrite page.
 Join Adult Social Care for their open day on Wednesday 15 November 2023 from 10am till 2pm at Cheylesmore Community Centre, Poitiers Road, Coventry CV3 5JX. You can drop in at anytime.
This will be an opportunity for you to come and speak to the teams and learn more about support options available through Adult Social Care.
We will be joined by a number of other organisations, who will be able to give an overview of the range of support available for individuals and carers in Coventry. Have a chat and a cup of tea with staff and get to know the teams.
Find out more about Adult Social Care.
If you require immediate support, contact us by telephone on 024 7683 3003 and send us an email.
 Join Carers' Trust staff at their new Working Carers Support Group.
Are you caring for a loved one while working?
Join our Working Carers support group for an opportunity to meet other carers in a similar position and share experiences in an informal group setting.
The sessions take place on the first Thursday of each month from 6pm - 7pm at Warwick Road United Reformed Church, 10 Warwick Row, Coventry CV1 1EX
The next sessions is on Thursday 5 October 2023
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1 or visit their eventbrite page.
 Changing the Experience of Pain
Come and join us and explore ways to change the experience of pain, through meditation, compassion and simple methods that can help reduce the impact of pain.
The session takes place on Thursday 7 December 2023 from 10:30am - 12:30pm at the Central Methodist Hall, Warwick Lane, Coventry CV1 2HA
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 02476 632972 option 1 or visit their eventbrite page.
Online Mental Health Care and Share
Monday 2 October 2023
1:30pm – 3pm
Mental Health Care and Share
Tuesday 3 October 2023
10:30am – 12:30pm
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 4 October 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 4 October 2023
3pm – 4pm
Working Carers Group
Thursday 5 October 2023
6pm – 7pm
Mind and Wellbeing Event
Tuesday 10 October 2023
10am – 2pm
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 11 October 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 11 October 2023
3pm – 4pm
Sound Bath
Thursday 12 October 2023
10:30am – 11:30am
Emotional Resilience
Thursday 12 October 2023
12pm – 1pm
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 18 October 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 18 October 2023
3pm – 4pm
Laughter Club
Thursday 19 October 2023
11am – 12noon
Black History Month Event
Tuesday 24 October 2023
11am – 2pm
Yoga and Relaxation
Wednesday 25 October 2023
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
Wednesday 25 October 2023
3pm – 4pm
Flower Arranging
Thursday 26 October 2023
2pm – 4pm
Carers Social Group
Thursday 26 October 2023
10:30am – 12:30pm
Milan Social Group
Friday 27 October 2023
11am – 12:45pm
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 02476 632972 option 1 or visit their eventbrite page.
Henley Green Grub Hub
Henley Green Community Centre CV2 1HQ
Wednesday 2 October 2023
10am – 12 noon
Canley Social Supermarket
Canley Community Centre CV4 8FT
Friday 6 October 2023
11:30 – 1pm
Broad Street Hall
Broad Street Meeting Hall, 126 Broad Street CV6 5BG
Monday 23 October 2023
9:30am – 1pm
Caludon Centre
Room 11, Clifford Bridge Road CV2 2TE
Wednesday 25 October 2023
10am – 6pm
Willenhall Primary Care Centre 1
Remembrance Road CV3 3DG
Friday 6 October 2023
11am – 12noon
Next steps post diagnosis Dementia Fair
Coventry Dementia Partnership hub, Everdon Road CV6 4FB
Tuesday 17 October 2023
2pm – 4pm
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 02476 632972 option 1 or visit their eventbrite page.
 Join us at Willenhall Primary Care Centre, Coventry CV3 3DG on Tuesday 14 November 2023 from 11am - 12noon to hear more about care.
Come along and learn all about:
- Care fees and care homes
- The thresholds before you have to pay for care
- Why your home could be used to pay for this
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Ways you can provide for your loved ones once you have passed away
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 02476 632972 option 1 or visit their eventbrite page.
 Wow what a September!
This month we started our outreach work across the city and delivered our Young Carer sessions in Family Hubs and local community venues.
We saw lots of new faces and faces that we hadn’t seen in such a long time. It was great to come and see our young carers in their own community.
We started the month at Coventry Boys & Girls Club and held a youth club for our 11-17 year old young carers. There was a huge buzz around the pool table and table tennis as young carers enjoyed learning a new skill and relaxing with their peers. Our younger age group thoroughly enjoyed using the multisport facilities to let off some steam. They have so much energy!!
 Working in partnership with the hubs has meant that hidden young carers have discovered our service and we have welcomed some new faces. It has been a delight to host our activity sessions from the local family hubs and our young carers have enjoyed using the outdoor spaces, sensory rooms and are more aware of the support they have locally.
This month has also seen some very important work around youth mental health and young carers have been able to participate in online sessions with Dr Liz Sparks, focusing on compassion, self-care and resilience. We have also had a visit from Kooth Services where young carers had the opportunity to talk about their own mental health and discover what support is available. |
As a service we offer support to young carers up to the age of 25. Our Young Adult Carers meet every month to socialise with peers and share experiences with each other. This month we discussed the opportunity of becoming a volunteer for Carers Trust Heart of England and talked about the benefits of such experience, as many of them begin the journey into adulthood and employment. Oh and of course there was PIZZA!
Take a look at what we have on in October. 😊
 Activities for 5 – 10-year-olds:
- Monday 2 October – Coventry Boys and Girls Club Youth club (5pm – 6pm)
- Thursday 19 October – Woodside Family Hub (4:30pm - 6pm)
Activities for 11 – 17-year-olds:
- Thursday 5 October – Coventry Boys and Girls Club - Multisports (4:30pm – 5:30pm)
- Monday 16 October – Woodside Family Hub (4:30pm – 6pm)
All Age Activities
- Friday 6 October – Farewell to the PCC Young Carers (4:30pm – 5:30pm)
- Monday 9 October – Moat Family Hub (4pm – 5:30pm)
- Thursday 12 October – Family online quiz – (5pm – 6pm)
- Monday 23 October – Multisports with Sky Blues in the Community – Bluecoat School (5pm – 6pm)
- Thursday 26 October - Multisports with Sky Blues in the Community – Bluecoat School (5pm – 6pm)
- Tueday 31 October – Wood Side Family Hub – Ghostly Gala family event (3pm – 5pm) Must book directly with Wood Side Family Hub on 02476 976 299
Please discuss with your child/children which activities they would like to attend and call Kelly on 07428 670040, to express your interest. A confirmation message will be sent out if your child has been allocated a place.
Please note, some activities will be taking place at new venues.
 Are you a young person looking after a parent, relative or sibling, or an adult who knows a child with a caring responsibility?
If you are a young carer, you are probably looking after a parent or sibling, doing extra jobs around the house, cooking, cleaning or helping someone get dressed and move around. If this sounds like you then…..
You are a carer.
Your caring responsibility shouldn’t mean you have to miss out on playing sports, hanging out with friends or having some alone time. We are here to help you. To find out more and make a referral, you can call 024 7663 2972 or send us an email.
 Are you passionate about improving mental health services for young people? Come to our ideas factory! Let's talk about mental health.
Join us for an Ideas Factory on Thursday 5 October 2023 from 2pm - 4pm at LTB Showrooms, 1 Warwick Road Coventry CV1 1EX
This Ideas Factory has been co-produced and created by our team of young experts by experience.
What is an Ideas Factory? An Ideas Factory is an informal meeting place for co-creating solutions to shared problems. Each table will be themed around a different challenge in the mental health system and there will be discussion of solutions. We need the voices of people with lived experience and professional experience to contribute to these discussions.
Our four discussion topics:
- How can we improve communication in mental health services?
- How do we create trusting relationships within services?
- How do we build services that work well with people who don’t fit into one box?
- How do we bring parents and support networks on the journey?
For further information please drop us an email.
Are you supporting someone with a diagnosis of Dementia or concerned about someone’s memory?
The key benefits of the information sessions:
- Enabling carers to have increased knowledge of dementia.
- Providing carers with practical information that they can use in coping with living with dementia day-to-day.
- Help carers to feel better informed and less isolated.
- Empowering carers to access support services and financial benefits and entitlements.
- Enabling carers to plan with and for the person they care for, now and in the future.
The information sessions will run on the first Wednesday of every month at:
St Barbara’s Church, 22 Rochester Road, Coventry CV5 6AG
From 10.30am to 11.45am
The next session is on Wednesday 4 October 2023 and we will be discussing "Planning for the future".
Contact 024 7665 2602 or email the team for more information.
Refreshments included.
Love4Life is a friendship and dating network for people with learning disabilities and autism.
With more than 200 members, Love4Life is a great way to make new friends and find love. We are now offering Love4Life in Coventry.
Love4Life offers:
- health, wellbeing and safety workshops, including sex and relationships, money management and independent living skills.
- chaperoned dates.
- one-to-one support at drop-in sessions.
- leisure trips, performing arts activities and relaxed social sessions.
- regular social activities – from bowling or meals out to karaoke and discos.
Love4Life members include people with mild learning disabilities, autistic people and people with more complex learning disabilities who might need additional support. Many members also have a range of physical health conditions and disabilities that means all our events are fully inclusive and accessible.
There is more information on the Love4Life website, you can drop Love4Life an email or call Jenna Ford her mobile 07798 773657.
 WOMENtalk will provide fun activities and social opportunities in community venues across Coventry and Nuneaton. Each session will be led by SBitC’s Mental Health Co-Ordinator with support from SBitC’s professional sports coaches.
The wide menu of activities that participants can benefit from include warm-ups, stretching, physical activities such as basketball, badminton, table tennis, football, archery, chess and Jenga. WOMENtalk will be co-produced by participants ensuring they choose the weekly activities they take part in.
There will be the opportunity to discuss topics on a 1-1 basis or group workshop. These could cover a range of subjects related to mental health, including goal setting, diet and healthy eating, sleep hygiene, mindfulness amongst a whole range of other areas.
Each weekly group session is designed to bring women together to provide support and improve mental health and wellbeing. The sessions take place at:
AT7 Centre, Coventry CV6 7GP on Mondays from 12noon - 2pm and at
Jubilee Sports Centre, Nuneaton CV10 7EZ from 10am - 12noon.
If you have a question regarding WOMENtalk please get in touch with George Heaton or call him on 07845 812 639.
The Big Difference Scheme can offer a reduction of water bills to any Severn Trent customer with a household income below £20,048.08. Households with child dependants may be eligible for an additional income allowance in excess of this amount. You could get up to 70% off the average Severn Trent bill.
The Big Difference Scheme will assess your household income when you apply and that assessment determines how big a reduction you're able to get. Please note the scheme runs for 12 months at a time. You'll have to apply again at the end of each year-long period.
There are more details and application form on Severn Trent's website and for further information about cost of living support please take a look at Coventry City Council dedicated webpages.
Supporting Coventry with the cost of living crisis.
To get help and support call 08085 834 333 or visit the website.
The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy offer over 80 free courses for anyone living in Coventry or Warwickshire and 18 years old or over.
- Understanding Dementia - Monday 30 October 23
- Coping with Caring - Thursday 16 November 23
- Stress Awareness - Thursday 7 December 23
- Self-Compassion - Friday 15 December 23
The courses support with many different areas of wellbeing, but some specific courses have been detailed as most relevant to carers, however, you’re welcome to view the full selection – and book on – through their website Enrolment - Recovery and Wellbeing
That autumn feel in the air often turns our thoughts to switching the heating on and thinking about how we’ll manage our bills this winter.
You may have seen the news coverage that the energy price cap will fall from Oct 1 for most people.
But even with this welcome fall, we know that many people will struggle this winter to pay their bills. There will not be the Energy Bills Support Scheme this winter (the £400 that people received last year towards their energy bills) although there will be cost of living payments for the most vulnerable – and winter fuel payments/warm home discount for certain groups.
Please also remember that the price cap is not a total cap on usage. It’s a cap on the unit rate so the more you use, the more you’ll pay. The standing charge too is payable no matter how much energy you use.
That’s why it’s crucial to make sure your home is as energy efficient as possible to help reduce bills. Coventry City Council has partnered with energy advice experts Act on Energy to help anyone in the area with their energy needs. Simply call 0800 988 2881 and speak to a friendly advisor to make sure you are receiving all the help and support available.
There are lots of schemes available and not all of them have the same application criteria so please do call to find out more.
One of the schemes is Keeping Coventry Warm Scheme which is designed for those who have a long term health condition or disability which is affected by living in a cold or damp home. Applicants should be owner occupiers or living in a private rented property. Funding can include:
- External wall insulation
- Cavity wall insulation
- First time gas central heating
- Broken boiler replacement
- Inefficient gas boiler
- Loft insulation
- Upgrade or repair of electric storage heaters
Measures are income related but there is scope for wide ranging help so please do call to see if Act on Energy can help. Call for free on 0800 988 2881 or visit the Act On Energy website.
And if you don’t have mains gas for your home heating, and an income of less than £31,000, you may be eligible for a Home Upgrade Grant. The grant can provide fully funded energy efficiency improvements to poorly insulated homes within Coventry.
For more details call Act on Energy for free on 0800 988 2881.
A third of people in England lack confidence they can access NHS services
Healthwatch Coventry hear from local people who have given up trying to access health services such as GPs. We also hear from those who find big barriers to getting care because the route to accessing service does not fit with people’s needs or other life commitments such as work or caring responsibilities.
New Healthwatch research suggests that people need more confidence that the NHS can provide timely care. Healthwatch England ran a representative survey of adults living in England asking people to rate their confidence in timely access to 13 NHS services, including A&E, ambulances, non-urgent operations and procedures, GPs, pharmacists, mental health services and dentists. Across those services, an average of 32% people said they were not confident or very confident that services could provide timely care, with a particular lack of confidence in GP services.
Share your experience with Healthwatch Coventry to help us to work locally for access to services that meets needs.
Help Healthwatch to make sure people's voices are heard
Healthwatch Coventry are looking for two new volunteers to play a leading role on our Steering Group. The Steering Group decides work priorities and ensure their work is effective and influential and brings outcomes for local people. It maintains the values of Healthwatch Coventry.
It is made up of local people and representatives from local voluntary groups. The group meets every other month and meetings are held in public.
They would also welcome volunteers in other areas, such as talking to people about their experiences of health and social care and checking healthcare information is clear and easy to understand. Some roles are flexible and can fit around your needs.
Find out more information or request a volunteer pack on Healthwatch Coventry’s website.
World Menopause day 18 October
Did you know we have books in the library to help answer some of the questions you may have about menopause - helpful tips to manage menopause symptoms. You can search the library catalogue for further suggestions.
Navigating The Care Conundrum talk
In this talk, the speaker will dive into some of the elements relating to care, care fees and care homes. What our thresholds are before we have to pay for our care and why our homes could be taken from us to pay for this. Lasting Powers of Attorney and why these simple set of documents could save us from financial or physical abuse in an unclear care system. Finally, ways we can provide for our loved ones once we have passed away. So we can have the peace of mind that when we are gone the people we loved and looked after are fully cared for.
This session is taking place at Bell Green Library, Riley Square, Coventry CV2 1LS on Friday 6 October 2023 at 11am
For further information you can call 024 7678 5819.
There is a similar course being held in November at Willenhall Primary Care Centre (please see above).
Do you receive Adult Social Care services from a Council in the West Midlands? Or do you care for someone that does?
Then we need your help!
Please complete our online survey to help councils understand how research can improve Adult Social Care services.
Complete the survey to enter a prize draw where you might win a £50 voucher.
For further information please email the team.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at