This newsletter contains the latest news and messages from Coventry City Council and information about local community groups and partners who are offering local support.
In this issue:
Hello, I hope this bulletin finds you well?
I can honestly not believe that we are heading into September, the year seems to be flying by. I have everything crossed that the month will bring us some sunshine so we can spend some time outside.
Within this bulletin, you can find out about all the activities that are taking place for our Young Carers as well as our Adult Carers. These range from yoga, a guided tour of St Mary's Guildhall, to drop-ins, and craft and youth clubs. Please take a look below for further details. It looks like it's going to be a busy September!
We have also included different options of how you can get involved with Adult Social Care. There is the Carers reference group that is being developed to look at how we shape Coventry's Carers Action Plan, as well as our Real Time Survey and details about the Adult Social Care stakeholders group. We would love to hear your ideas, opinions and thoughts to help us shape the services you receive.
There are also details about different groups in the city being provided by the Alzheimer's Society as well as the Stroke Association.
There are two up-and-coming events, so hold the dates. Carers Trust is holding a Mind and Wellbeing event on Tuesday 10 October and Adult Social Care will be in Cheylesmore 15 November for an open day. Please take a look below for more information. We look forward to seeing you there.
We hope you enjoy reading this month's bulletin and till next month, please take care.
We are currently developing our Carers Action Plan which will outline our priorities over the next two years for how we support carers in Coventry. To shape this action plan, we are developing a Carers Reference Group to work alongside carers so they can share their thoughts about both the plan and future support services. To join this group or for further information, please contact the ASC Carers Team.
If you don't feel a reference group is for you, you can still get involved by commenting on, reviewing or developing our action plan further, please contact the ASC Carers Team.
We will also be holding a drop-in at Central Library on Tuesday 19 September from 10am - 12pm to hear your thoughts. Please do drop by, we would love to meet you.
If you've had a recent assessment or support provided from Adult Social Care then we'd like to hear more about your experience. You can provide your feedback by accessing the Adult Social Care Experience survey. The survey is open to anyone who has received support from Adult Social Care recently and any carer who may have received support.
We use any feedback to make sure we develop and improve our services and understand more about the realities of receiving support through Adult Social Care.
The survey asks for your Care Director ID which can be found on any assessment or support plan you will have received as part of your care journey.
We are always looking for ways to engage and communicate with people to support with our service improvement and development. To promote this, we have created a short questionnaire for you to complete if you would like to get more involved in Adult Social Care. This can include anything from receiving emails, all the way to supporting in recruitment interviews for staff. Please take 2 minutes to complete the survey, and we look forward to engaging with you further.
The Adult Social Care Stakeholder Group meet every other month to discuss any upcoming developments, projects and changes. They are there to influence, make changes and help us improve the experience of people accessing Adult Social Care.
The group is made up of people receiving support, carers and voluntary sector organisations. In August we met to discuss key topics such as the CQC Assurance Framework, Carers Survey and Action Plan 2023-2025, and the 2022/23 Annual Report (Local Account).
The group have input into the language and layout of the Adult Social Care Offer (even correcting typos). The group is growing and we're always looking for new members and people who are passionate about using their own experience to help shape our future practice.
If you are interested in joining the Stakeholder Group, please send us an email for more information.
 Carers Trust Heart of England is holding a Mind and Wellbeing event at the Coventry Central Hall (CV1 2HA) on Tuesday 10 October from 10am - 2pm.
Join us and a variety of other organisations and professionals for a day of information and support finding.
Come along and improve your wellbeing, learn new skills and enjoy some uplifting free taster sessions.
For more information please email, call 02476 632972 option 1 or visit our Eventbrite page.
 Join Adult Social Care for their open day on Wednesday 15 November 2023 from 10am till 2pm at Cheylesmore Community Centre, Poitiers Road, Coventry CV3 5JX. You can drop in at anytime.
This will be an opportunity for you to come and speak to the teams and learn more about support options available through Adult Social Care.
We will be joined by a number of other organisations, who will be able to give an overview of the range of support available for individuals and carers in Coventry. Have a chat and a cup of tea with staff and get to know the teams.
Find out more about Adult Social Care by visiting our website.
if you require immediate support, contact us by telephone on 024 7683 3003 and send us an email.
 Join us on Wednesday September 6 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, as we explore the stunning St Mary's Guildhall in Coventry. Come along, meet some new people and immerse yourself in the building's intriguing history. Enjoy the magnificent Coventry Tapestry inside and learn how the building managed to avoid air raids during the Second World War.
For more information please email us, call 02476 632972 option 1 or visit our Eventbrite page.
 Yoga and Relaxation
Caring can be incredibly difficult but it's important you find some time to relax.
Join Claire Graham every Wednesday from 11am - 12pm on Zoom, for a session of gentle yoga, stretching and relaxing breathing exercises designed to help you unwind.
For more information please email us, call 02476 632972 option 1 or visit our Eventbrite page.
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
1:30pm – 3pm
First Monday of each month
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
10:30am –12:30pm
Bonds Lodge (Hill Street)
First Tuesday of each month
Herald Lodge – Carers Social Group
2pm – 4pm
Herald Lodge
Canley Road Coventry CV5 6AR
First Tuesday of Each month
Yoga and Relaxation
11am – 12noon
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
African & Caribbean Carers Support Group
1pm – 2.30pm
Second Thursday of each month
LGBTQ + Carers
Third Thursday of each month
Milan Social Group
(Drop-in Session for ethnic carers)
11am – 1pm
Penny Collard Centre
Every four weeks on a Friday
Next session 1 September
General Carers Social Group
10:30am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre
Third Tuesday of each month
Male Carer group
1pm – 2:30pm
Second Monday of each month
Drop-in clinic for carers from
ethnic communities
09:30am – 1:30pm
Broad Street Hall (Broad Street) CV6 5BG
Next Session
25 September
Ben Centre drop-in session
Arthur Wilson House, Humber Road, Coventry CV3 1LL ·
Last Friday of each month
Carers drop-in session
1pm – 3pm
Penny Collard Centre, CV1 3AY
Every Tuesday
Carers drop-in session
10am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre, CV1 3AY
Every Thursday
For more information or to book a place, please email us, call 02476 632972 option 1 or take a look at our Eventbrite pages. |
Fancy learning a new skill or watching an existing talent bloom? Why not join us for an exciting afternoon of flower arranging and socialising!
We're at the Methodist Central Hall (CV1 1HA) on Thursday 28 September & Thursday 26 October from 2pm - 4pm.
We ask for you to pick just one date to attend so everyone has a chance to attend a session.
For more information please email us, call 02476 632972 option 1 or visit our Eventbrite page.
 Are you a young person looking after a parent, relative or sibling, or an adult who knows a child with a caring responsibility?
If you are a young carer, you are probably looking after a parent or sibling, doing extra jobs around the house, cooking, cleaning or helping someone get dressed and move around. If this sounds like you then…..
You are a carer.
Your caring responsibility shouldn’t mean you have to miss out on playing sports, hanging out with friends or having some alone time. We are here to help you. To find out more and make a referral, you can call 02476 632972 or send us an email.
We started the month working with Adele from Cov Cloth, looking at ways young carers can upcycle old clothes to recreate their wardrobe, threading a needle was trickier than expected but they persevered and created some fabulous items.
Young Carers had the opportunity to take part in some meditation with Dr Liz Sparks, focusing on relaxation techniques using sound. The feedback from young carers after the session was that they have never felt so calm, hopefully the techniques learned during the session will be of benefit for them in the future. |
Some young carers had the opportunity to visit Compton Verney and take part in their Forest Schools program.
There was a Mud Kitchen- hosting ‘The Great British Mud Cake Off’, Den Building, Bug Spotting and a playful painting area. We even enjoyed toasting marshmallows around the campfire.
It was a jam-packed day full of fun and laughter with everyone exhausted by the end of it!
 Our craft sessions are always a favourite with young carers and this month we used old T-Shirt yarn to make some headbands and friendship bracelets. Plaiting was a new skill to come of the young carers however, they mastered it after help from their friends.
We also had a fun time at our summer party, played some beach volleyball and enjoyed an ice cream (with lots of sauce and sprinkles).
We took some young carers along to see Michelle from Tesco Arena to be awarded with their gifts as part of their sunflower project. Young Carers planted sunflower seeds and have been caring for them since the Spring. Huge thanks to Michelle and her team and a huge well done to all young carers who took part in the project.
Young Carers enjoyed the thrills of Alton Towers Theme Park, riding the Oblivion and The Wickerman. It was a great opportunity for them to socialise with their peers in a fun setting and make new friends.
September sees our service out in the community with sessions at some of Coventry’s Family Hubs and other community venues.
Please take a look at our activity calendar for September for what’s on and register your interest with Kelly on 07428 670040.
 Activities for 5 – 10-year-olds:
- 7 September – Coventry Boys and Girls Club Multisport (4:30pm – 5:30pm)
- 14 September – Craft Session @ Penny Collard Centre (5pm - 7pm)
- 21 September – Woodside Family Hub (4:30pm - 6pm)
- 28 September – Youth Club @ Penny Collard Centre (5pm - 7pm)
Activities for 11 – 17-year-olds:
- 4 September – Coventry Boys and Girls Club (5pm - 6pm)
- 11 September – Moat Family Hub (3:30pm – 5pm)
- 14 September – Dr Liz Sparkes online (6pm – 7pm
- 18 September – Woodside Family Hub (4:30 – 6pm)
- 21 September – Dr Liz Sparkes online (6pm – 7pm)
- 25 September – Youth Club @ Penny Collard Centre (5pm – 7pm)
- 28 September – Dr Liz Sparkes online – (6pm – 7pm)
Please discuss with your child/children which activities they would like to attend and call Kelly on 07428 670040, to express your interest. A confirmation message will be sent out if your child has been allocated a place.
Please note, some activities will be taking place at new venues.
Stroke Association - We're here to support people to rebuild their lives after a stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after a stroke.
We provide specialist support, fund critical research and campaign to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives.
Rebuilding lives after a stroke is a team effort. It takes the determination of stroke survivors and carers, the generosity of supporters and the dedication of the healthcare and research communities to get there.
To help the recovery of stroke survivors we provide information, support and advice. We have various offers of support from Stroke Recovery Service, Peer Support Groups, Here for you, Online Activities Hub, Helpline, My Stroke Guide, Childhood Stroke Project and much more.
For help, information and support please visit the Stroke Association website.
Earsldon Stroke Support Group - This group accepts people from the Coventry area. It is a friendly group that offers social support and always welcomes new members. The group meets fortnightly on Thursday mornings.
Activities: Arts, sport, exercise and social
You can join the Coventry Stroke Survivors Facebook page
Are you supporting someone with a diagnosis of Dementia or concerned about someone’s memory?
The key benefits of the information sessions:
- Enabling carers to have increased knowledge of dementia.
- Providing carers with practical information that they can use in coping with living with dementia day-to-day.
- Help carers to feel better informed and less isolated.
- Empowering carers to access support services and financial benefits and entitlements.
- Enabling carers to plan with and for the person they care for, now and in the future.
The information sessions will run on the first Wednesday of every month at:
St Barbara’s Church, 22 Rochester Road, Coventry CV5 6AG
From 10.30am to 11.45am
Please contact your local office to book a place by calling 024 7665 2602 or send the Alzheimer's Society an email for more information.
Refreshments included.
 Do you receive Adult Social Care services from a Council in the West Midlands? Or do you care for someone that does?
Then we need your help!
Please complete our online survey to help councils understand how research can improve Adult Social Care services.
Complete the survey using the link
Complete the survey to enter a prize draw where you might win a £50 voucher.
For further information please email the team.
Thinking about keeping warm is not always front of mind during a summer heatwave – but now is a great time to plan any changes to your home to help keep you warmer and well during the winter.
Coventry City Council has partnered with local energy experts Act on Energy to support Coventry residents with a wide range of services such as energy billing advice and grant availability for energy efficiency measures.
There is specific funding available through the Keeping Coventry Warm Scheme which is designed for those who have a long term health condition or disability which is affected by living in a cold or damp home. Applicants should be owner occupiers or living in a private rented property. Funding can include:
- External wall insulation
- Cavity wall insulation
- First time gas central heating
- Broken boiler replacement
- Inefficient gas boiler
- Loft insulation
- Upgrade or repair of electric storage heaters
Measures are income related but there is scope for wide ranging help so please do call to see if Act on Energy can help. Call for free on 0800 988 2881 or visit the Act On Energy website.
And if you don’t have mains gas for your home heating, and an income of less than £31,000, you may be eligible for a Home Upgrade Grant. The grant can provide fully funded energy efficiency improvements to poorly insulated homes within Coventry.
For more details call Act on Energy for free on 0800 988 2881.
Healthwatch Coventry’s latest report on access to services
Read Healthwatch Coventry’s latest summary of the concerns and experiences of local people about access to NHS services and their wellbeing. 67 people shared their experiences with Healthwatch Coventry at their outreach stall between April and June.
- 48% found it difficult or very difficult to access their GP practice by phone
- 55% said it was difficult or very difficult to get a GP appointment
- 52% said rising prices impacted on affording dental care
- 57% said they felt accessing health services is getting harder
These findings are similar to those from the previous three months from the same survey, showing that people are not saying that access is getting easier.
A local resident said:
"I would like a better idea when my operation will be to lessen my anxiety and stress".
You can read the findings in full on our website.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at