This newsletter contains the latest news and messages from Coventry City Council and information about local community groups and partners who are offering local support.
In this issue:
This year’s Carers Week was truly one to remember with Carers Trust Heart of England hosting a variety of exciting and informative sessions and events, in Coventry throughout the week.
The annual campaign is an opportunity for organisations to provide support for carers, highlight the vital role carers play in our communities and draw attention to just how important caring is. Laughter Yoga, Take Control Workshop, Mental Health Care & Share, Singing and Positive Poetry were just a few of the sessions hosted by Carers Trust Heart of England hosted during a busy Carers Week.
The week also saw the return of Carers Trust Heart of England’s, Carer Awards event where the local community gathered to celebrate just a few of Coventry and Warwickshire’s local heroes including carers and representatives from schools, businesses and local services.
Carers Trust Heart of England, CEO, Claire Dale commented, “I'd like to thank everyone for their support throughout Carers Week. We exist to support carers every week and while Carers Week has allowed us to shout a bit louder, we know we must work harder to drive change to support all-age carers better, always.”
Young adult carers have also had a busy month, learning first aid and CPR with Coventry University, out and about at ten pin bowling and escape rooms, and getting ready for prom with the Pop-Up Prom event. We wish everyone leaving school or colleague and graduating this summer the very best!
We also highlight the incredible new programme in the City, Love 4 Life, a friendship and dating network for people with learning disabilities and autism. We encourage as many people as possible to share the word on the service or take part if you are able.
Coventry City Council encourages you take part in the national Carers UK ‘State of Caring 2023’ survey, where previous responses have helped to drive national change and shape legislation. The survey is open until 3rd August 2023, with full information on how to take part below.
We appreciate that there is lots of content in this bulletin, but we want to make sure that you are aware of services and organisations that can support you.
Take care and thank you for all you are doing.

Love4Life is a friendship and dating network for people with learning disabilities and autism.
With more than 200 members, Love4Life is a great way to make new friends and find love. We are now offering Love4Life in Coventry.
Love4Life offers:
- health, wellbeing and safety workshops, including sex and relationships, money management and independent living skills.
- chaperoned dates.
- one-to-one support at drop-in sessions.
- leisure trips, performing arts activities and relaxed social sessions.
- regular social activities – from bowling or meals out to karaoke and discos.
Love4Life members include people with mild learning disabilities, autistic people and people with more complex learning disabilities who might need additional support. Many members also have a range of physical health conditions and disabilities that means all our events are fully inclusive and accessible.
There is more information on the Love4Life website, you can drop Love4Life an email or call Jenna Ford her mobile 07798 773657.
Every year Carers UK, one of the biggest charities supporting carers, ask carers to complete their annual survey to help understand the reality of caring in the UK. They have used their survey findings in the past to drive change, influence legislation and ensure that carers are on the national agenda. Last year a record 13,000 carers took part in the survey – the highest number of responses they’ve ever had. This year, they want to reach even more carers.
If you have the time, please fill in the survey.
The survey will close on 3 August and we will be sharing the results later in the year. If you have any questions about the research, you can get in touch with Carers UK with their policy team.
Young Carers have had an extremely busy June. Starting with Coventry University who welcomed our Young Carers for a day of hands on First Aid training. They practiced CPR, looked at the work of paramedics and had a go at treating burns, bone breakages and injuries. Thank you to Coventry University for supporting our young carers. We can’t wait to return in the future.
June also celebrated Carers week. Young Carers took part in escape rooms where they collaborated to work out the clues and escaped with 17 minutes to spare, had fun at tenpin bowling and made new friends then came along to our Pop-Up-Prom event where a local clothing charity kindly donated prom dresses and suits for Young Carers who are leaving school and graduating this year.
Cooking is always a firm favourite activity with young carers young and old and we celebrated Healthy Eating week by making smoothies and fruit kebabs and talking about what makes a healthy balanced meal.
Even our Young Adult Carers met up this to month to catch up, talk about plans for the summer and enjoyed a meal together. They really appreciate the chance to socialize with the peers and support each other.
 Activities for 5 – 10-year-olds:
- 6 July – Chocolate and Fun
- 13 July – Youth Club
- 19 July – Mini Movie and Summer Crafts
- 27 July – Online Session
Activities for 11 – 17-year-olds:
- 5 July – Poetry Session @ St Mary’s Guildhall
- 10 July – Quiz and Board Games
- 17 July – Mini Movie and Munchies
- 24 July – Online Session
Please discuss with your child/children which activities they would like to attend and send over your interest to Kelly on 07428 670040, who will confirm a place has been allocated. Please be aware that some sessions have limited places, so book early to avoid disappointment.
Are you supporting someone with a diagnosis of Dementia or concerned about someone’s memory?
The key benefits of the information sessions:
- Enabling carers to have increased knowledge of dementia.
- Providing carers with practical information that they can use in coping with living with dementia day-to-day.
- Help carers to feel better informed and less isolated.
- Empowering carers to access support services and financial benefits and entitlements.
- Enabling carers to plan with and for the person they care for, now and in the future.
The information sessions will run on the 1 Wednesday of every month at:
St Barbara’s Church, 22 Rochester Road, Coventry CV5 6AG
From 10.30am to 11.45am
Next month’s topic on Wednesday 5 July:
`Dementia and Perception changes`
Please contact your local office to book a place by calling 024 7665 2602 or send Alzheimer's Society an email for more information.
Refreshments included.
 Carers Trust will be holding a carers drop in session at Springfield Medical Practice, CV6 2FL 1:30pm – 2:30pm.
The drop in is for anyone who would like to meet the Carers Trust wellbeing team and understand what support is available. No need to book, just pop along.
Carers' Trust Heart of England is offering drop-in sessions for those carers whose loved one is an inpatient at the Caludon Centre.
Join us at one of our drop-in sessions where you can meet the team, have a carer's assessment, and find out how we can help support you in your role as a carer. The sessions will take place in room 11, Caludon Centre, Clifford Bridge Road, Coventry CV2 2TE
Pop in between 8:30am and 4:30pm on any of the following days:
- Thursday 13 July 2023
- Monday 7 August 2023
For more information please email or call 024 7663 2972 option 1.
 Join Carers Trust Heart of England for a “Take Control” workshop, where you can let us help you be better informed, better prepared and supported in whatever you’re going through.
Join us to learn all about self-management, empowerment and taking control. Sessions will include:
- Group discussions
- Sharing of experiences
- Advice on sleep, setting goals and managing stress
Session One takes place on the following date:
- Tuesday 4 July, 5pm – 8pm at the Bulkington Community Centre, School Road, Bulkington, Bedworth CV12 9JB
Session Two:
- Part one: Wednesday 19 July, 1:30pm - 3pm
- Part two: Wednesday 26 July 1:30pm - 3pm
Both parts at St Barbara's Church Hall, Rochester Road, Earlsdon, Coventry CV5 6AG
Please book in advance by emailing Carers Trust Heart of England or calling 02476 632 972 option 1.
 Join Carers Trust Heart of England for their Grief, Loss and Change workshop.
losing somebody you care about or watching somebody change as they battle illness is incredibly challenging, but you are not alone.
Join Dr Liz Sparkes at our face to face sessions for support and guidance around many aspects of grief, loss and change.
Sessions take place from 10am - 11:30am at Bonds Lodge, Hill Street, Coventry CV1 4GZ, on the following dates:
22, 29 June, 6,13, 20 and 27 July 2023
For more information, please contact Carers Trust by emailing or calling 02476 632 972 option 1.
Male carers, and any other men, are welcome to join Good Neighbours Coventry's men's chat & support groups. They are a safe, relaxed space to meet new people, and if desired, to share problems and successes.
The men’s groups meet in:
- Keresley - Tuesdays 2pm, ICC Keresley, CV6 2FJ
- Finham - Fridays 1pm, St Martin’s, CV3 6EA
- Tile Hill - Wednesdays 1.30pm, St Oswald’s, CV4 9PL
For more information you can contact Dave by phoning 07715 405111 or by dropping him an email.
West Midlands Bus On demand is a bus service that doesn’t follow a specific route. Instead, you book a journey and a bus will pick you up at a time you choose.
The service runs Monday to Friday from 7am until 8pm.
- To book a journey, you need to register with our service. You need to download the app, create an account and then add a payment card. You cannot use cash on West Midlands Bus On Demand. You can also register by calling 034 5034 8670. To book a journey:
- Open the app or call 034 5034 8670
- Choose the destination and pick-up time. You can book immediately or up to 5 days in advance
- Confirm your journey and pick-up point.
If you need to change your booking, you will need to cancel it and rebook a new journey. You will only be charged for your journey when you have completed it. When you book your journey, you will be told where to meet your bus. You can track the bus in the app, and a text reminder will be sent to you 10 and 5 minutes before arrival. The bus will collect and drop off other people along the route.
Ticket prices start from just £1, with a single trip across Coventry costing just £3. Concessionary pass holders qualify for a 50% discount on all rides. All vehicles are wheelchair accessible. We are also offering Ride Pass Bundles. See the West Midlands Bus On Demand website or call customer services for more details on 0345 0348 670
Join the Recovery and Wellbeing Academy for their course Coping with Caring running online 10am-12pm on Wednesday 26 July 2023. The course aims to raise awareness and understanding of how the caring role can impact on many aspects of your life. It looks at ways you can look after yourself as well as continuing to support and promote the independence of the person you care for. Previous attendees have commented how nice it is to connect with other carers. Visit Enrolment - Recovery and Wellbeing to book your place on the Coping with Caring session.
Applications for Young and Adult Coventry Poet Laureate 2023-25
Coventry Libraries and Information Service are looking forward to appointing a further two new Poet Laureates in October 2023 for a two year period.
The Coventry Poet Laureate and Coventry Young Poet Laureate are honorary posts which will involve writing poems to commemorate significant moments, giving performances of their work and encouraging an interest in poetry across the city.
There will be a workshop at Central Library where you can find out about each role and the application process:
- Coventry Poet Laureate Workshop - Saturday 1 July 10.30am - 12.30pm at Central Library
- Coventry Young Poet Laureate Workshop - Saturday 15 July 10.30am - 12.30pm at Central Library
The workshops will be run by current Coventry Poet Laureate 2021-2023 Emilie Lauren Jones.
Book your workshop place by contacting Coventry Central Library on 024 7683 2314 or by sending an email to book your Poet Laureate workshop place.
Apply to be Coventry's Poet Laureate
Applicants should be:
- Coventry Poet Laureate - 18 years or older on 31 August 2023
- Coventry Young Poet Laureate - 13 years or older and under 18 years old on 31 August 2023
Applicants are asked to submit two short poems, one of which should reference the theme Refuge.
Closing date Friday 18 August 2023 at 12 noon.
Find out more about workshops and apply to be a Coventry's Poet Laureate.
Resting Spaces is a city-wide initiative to provide those with hidden disabilities/conditions such as autism, stress, anxiety and chronic pain, with somewhere quiet and peaceful to rest when they are feeling overwhelmed. The spaces are free, quiet and in and around Coventry city centre, such as Belgrade Theatre, Methodist Central Hall, St Marys Guildhall.
Central Library will provide a space on Tuesdays between 10.30am and 5pm.
Take a look at their Coventry Resting Spaces website which includes the current resting spaces that are set up across the city.
Do you have a query about Special Educational Needs?
Pop along and see us at our next SENDIASS drop-in session taking place on Wednesday 5 July 23 between 1pm-3pm. Join us at the Mosaic Family Hub, Jardine Crescent, Tile Hill, Coventry, CV4 9PL
Come and talk informally to the SENDIASS team. Free tea and coffee available. No appointment needed.
For more complex queries or questions we may need to arrange a more detailed discussion with you, or you can call us directly.
If you would like to further information please contact us via email or call 024 7669 4307.
 We are pleased to inform you that SENDIASS has partnered up with Coventry SEMH & Learning Team to provide a Dyslexia information and discussion session. This is a face to face session for Parents/Carers of Children or Young People who have or are suspected to have Dyslexia. The session offers the opportunity for information sharing and discussion around key areas such as assessment, dyslexic thinking, strengths, challenges, working with school and will offer top tips to help support and empower children with dyslexia.
When: Tuesday 11 July 2023, 10am – 12pm
Venue: Coventry Council House, Committee Room 2, Earl Street, CV1 5RR
If you would like to find out more about the Coventry SEMH & Learning Team and what they do, visit the the Coventry SEMH & Learning Team webpage.
To book your place on this session please contact SENDIASS or call 024 7669 4307 quoting ‘DYSLEXIA’.
Usually during the summer, energy bills fall down people’s agenda – but with high energy prices still with us, we know that many, many people are still worried about their energy bills and debts.
Act on Energy has been supporting people with free energy advice for 25 years. And never has there been such a demand.
If you’re worried about how you’re going to pay your energy bills – or if you have energy debts, please contact us to see how we can help.
We also have different funding streams available for Coventry residents, so it’s worth contacting us to see if we can help you with insulation and energy efficiency improvements for your home.
Or may be your boiler or heating system has broken – or is inefficient. Again, give us a call to see how we can help.
Simply call 0800 988 2881 or visit our Act on Energy website.
People at the Heart of Health and Care Healthwatch Coventry Annual Meeting and Celebration
There is still time to register for Healthwatch Coventry’s annual meeting and 10th Anniversary Celebration on Wednesday 5 July at Coventry Transport Museum. It starts at 10am and will be followed by lunch. This will be a great time to look back on Healthwatch Coventry’s achievements over the last 10 years and the last year in particular, as well as looking forward to future work. The theme will be People at the Heart of Health and Care and it also coincides with the NHS’s 75th birthday. Find out more and book a place for the annual People at the Heart of Health and Care meeting.
People's experiences of Coventry NHS services - access, trust and wellbeing.
You can read what people said about how they feel about access to local NHS services, wellbeing and experiences of GP access in Healthwatch Coventry’s latest briefing.
Healthwatch Coventry’s outreach sessions in the City of Coventry Health Centre and Central Library reached 89 people from across the city. They asked people several questions about their feelings about and experiences of local health services.
The survey also focused on the rising cost of living and how this impacts on people’s health and wellbeing.
They always welcome feedback on Health and Social Care services in Coventry, which can be submitted through a short form on their website.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at