This newsletter contains the latest news and messages from Coventry City Council and information about local community groups and partners who are offering local support.
In this issue:
Welcome to this month’s jam-packed bulletin. June is a busy month, full of activities and events to join in with, as part of Carers Week, which runs from 5 – 11 June 2023.
Pete Fahy – Director of Adult Social Care & Housing: "Carers' Week is a week to shout loud and proud about the role of unpaid carers.
The theme for this year’s Carers' Week is ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community' and aims to support communities coming together to recognise the huge contribution unpaid carers make to society.
Carers Week and supporting carers is really important to us at Coventry City Council as not only do carers provide on-going care for a loved one, carers make on-going sacrifices to make sure they can care, giving up time, work and sometimes valued relationships.
At Coventry City Council we are dedicated to supporting carers well, we work closely with the Carers' Trust Heart of England to achieve this. We are supporting Carers' Week because it's an important opportunity to raise the visibility of caring, something we are all likely to do in our lifetime but often when people take on a caring role it can be hard to know where to turn for support and it can feel like an isolating experience'.
During Carers Week Coventry City Council will be showing their support to carers in the city by turning Greyfriars Green and Whittle Arch blue for the whole week and Christchurch Spire blue for Monday (5th) and Sunday (11th). It’s well worth taking a look.
We hope that you enjoy reading the rest of our bulletin to see what else is happening within the city.
Take care and thank you for all that you do.
As part of Carers Week 2023 Coventry City Council will be hosting an Adult Social Care Open Day at Bethel Church, CV1 3HB on Tuesday 6th June 10am – 2pm.
This will be an opportunity for individuals to come and speak to the teams and learn more about support options available through adult social care. We will be joined by a number of social care providers and organisations, including Carers Trust Heart of England, who will be able to give an overview of the range of support available for individuals and carers in Coventry. There is no need to book. We look forward to welcoming you.
Parking is limited on site but parking is available nearby at:
Butts Park / Coventry Rugby Club – 111 Butts Rd, CV1 3GW (closest)
Earlsdon Car Park CV1 3BJ
If travelling by bus you can get the number: 14/14A, 6/6A or 18 from Pool Meadow which drops you of on Butts Road.
Please do come along and join us for a cup of tea and a chat to find out more!
You can find out more about Adult Social Care on our website.
If you require immediate support you can email or call 024 7683 3003
Carers' Week 5 to 11 June. Carers' Trust Heart of England will be hosting a mixture of activities and sessions during this week, which they would love carers to take part in. Activities range from relaxation and yoga, laughter therapy and flower arranging to information on benefits and advice for working carers. They will be providing both face to face and virtual sessions.
Please keep an eye out on Carers Trust website and Facebook pages for further information about their activities or any changes to the schedule.
All the groups that we run are now on Eventbrite and can be accessed by anyone who is registered with us. For information about any of the groups above you can also contact Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 option 1 to discuss.
Please note, their normal monthly activities will be taking place throughout June.
Having a carer's assessment?
If you look after someone, a friend, a loved one, a neighbour sometimes it can be hard to think about the support you need yourself. But support is available when you need it. A carer's assessment is a good way of starting those conversations and thinking about your own needs.
Who can have a carer's assessment?
Anyone providing care for an adult is entitled to a carer's assessment.
What is a carer's assessment?
It's the opportunity for you to talk to a professional about your caring role, how it impacts you, what you'd like.
We will explore what is important to you, how your caring role impacts you, what parts of your caring role you want to maintain, need support with or want to end. We will explore how regularly you are able to take breaks and the other areas of your life that are important to you. A carer's assessment will also help you think about the future and what support you might need in the event of an emergency.
We will complete a support plan with you if required (and jointly with the person you are caring for) and will review this as your needs change over time.
What might happen as a result of an assessment?
The practitioner will work with you to see what support is available and what might help. It might even be that feeling listened too and having the opportunity to talk about your experiences has helped in itself. It might be that you need a bit more support, perhaps care and support for the person you're looking after, so they will support you to access help available.
Who does the Carers Assessment?
We work in partnership with the Carers Trust Heart of England to provide carers’ support services. We have asked Carers Trust Heart of England to complete some of our Carer's Assessments on our behalf:
- If you or the person you care for already have services from us or if we are already involved then we will complete your assessment.
- If you or the person you care for do not already have services or involvement from us, Carers Trust Heart of England will complete your assessment.
If the person you care for is having an assessment from Adult Social Care or Mental Health Services, your needs as a carer should always be considered as part of this assessment. This is called a ‘combined assessment’. You can still have your needs assessed separately as well if this will be of benefit for you to look in more detail at your caring role and how it affects you.
You can see further information on the Carers Trust Heart of England and Councils websites.
Join Carers Trust Heart of England for a “Take Control” workshop, where you can let us help you be better informed, better prepared and supported in whatever you’re going through.
Join us to learn all about self-management, empowerment and taking control. Sessions will include:
- Group discussions
- Sharing of experiences
- Advice on sleep, setting goals and managing stress
Sessions take place on the following dates:
- Tuesday 6 June, 5pm – 8pm at the United Reformed Church, 10 Warwick Road, Coventry CV1 1EX
- Thursday 8 June, 11am – 2pm, Exhall Old School Community Centre, Off School Lane, Exhall, Coventry CV7 9GL
- Tuesday 4 July, 5pm – 8pm, Bulkington Community Centre, School Road, Bulkington, Bedworth CV12 9JB
Spaces are limited so you will need to book in advance by emailing or by calling 02476 632 972 option 1.
Are you balancing work and care?
Then join Carers Trust Heart of England for their “Balancing work and care” session on Wednesday 7 June from 6pm – 7pm on Zoom.
In the session we will discuss:
- Caring and its impact, including on mental wellbeing
- Talking to your employer about your caring role
- Your rights at work
- Managing stress in the workplace
- Carers Trust services and other local services
Spaces are limited so you will need to book in advance by emailing or by calling 02476 632 972 option 1.
Sign up to Carers Trust Heart of England monthly newsletter to keep up to date on events, opportunities, support services and much more.
May’s newsletter was jam-packed with information on the Carer Awards and Carers Week, including details on several exciting events that are taking place throughout the week. There was also much more information on how Carers Trust Heart of England's services can help carers of all ages, including Young Carers who this month enjoyed painting, decorating and baking!
Carers Trust Heart of England are a Coventry based charity who support carers and those they care for by providing the highest possible quality, individually tailored care support service.
Come and join the fun at a community fun day for all at Bell Green Community Library, Riley Square, Bell Green, Coventry CV2 1LS.
It takes place on Friday 2 June 2023, from 10am - 3pm and its free to attend.
The events will include lots of fun activities for all ages, information about health, wellbeing and employment, story time, VR headsets, mindfulness activities and refreshments.
For further information you can contact either:
Samuel Mckeown by email or call on 02476 977 745 or,
Maxine Shakespeare by email or call on 02476 977 161
Come and join the fun at a community fun day for all at Moat House Leisure and Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry CV2 1EA
It takes place on Friday 2 June 2023, from 11am - 2pm and its free to attend.
The events will include lots of fun activities for all ages, information about health, wellbeing and employment, bouncy castle, arts and crafts as well as a BBQ and refreshments.
For further information you can contact either:
Samuel Mckeown by email or call on 02476 977 745 or,
Maxine Shakespeare by email or call on 02476 977 161
Stroke Association - We're here to support people to rebuild their lives after a stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after a stroke.
We provide specialist support, fund critical research and campaign to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives.
Rebuilding lives after a stroke is a team effort. It takes the determination of stroke survivors and carers, the generosity of supporters and the dedication of the healthcare and research communities to get there.
To help the recovery of stroke survivors we provide information, support and advice. We have various offers of support from Stroke Recovery Service, Peer Support Groups, Here for you, Online Activities Hub, Helpline, My Stroke Guide, Childhood Stroke Project and much more.
For help, information and support please visit our website.
Earsldon Stroke Support Group - This groups accepts people from the Coventry area. It is a friendly group that offers social support and always welcomes new members. The group meets fortnightly on Thursday mornings.
Activities: Arts, sport, exercise and social
You can join their facebook page - Coventry Stroke Survivors
If you care for someone with dementia and live in Coventry, Rugby and Warwickshire North, you may be entitled to support from a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse. This includes:
- advice on understanding the diagnosis
- practical advice on caring for a person with dementia
- support with coping with changes in symptoms and behaviours
- help with planning for the future, including end of life care
- emotional support for you
They have recently had a new Admiral Nurse join the team, so welcome, Tiegan Feeney.
To find out whether your local Admiral Nurse service can support you: Call 0300 303 3131 or send them an email. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
They always welcome contact from carers, so please do get in touch with them.
For most individuals who caught Covid 19, they began to feel better after one or two weeks. Unfortunately for some the effects of Covid 19 have continued or fluctuated and these symptoms can last for several weeks if not months. This is known as Long Covid.
The British Heart Foundation have developed a hub of resources and information for those individuals that have Long Covid. Their website page covers a whole range of information on different topics related to Long Covid, such as, what is Long Covid, tests and treatments, fatigue and getting support.
Please do take a look to get advice and support.
Young Carers have had an eventful May. We celebrated the King’s Coronation where young carers made some lovely crafts and we talked about what it would be like to be the King.
Our cooking session this month focused around using Fairtrade ingredients and the older group made some delicious chocolate brownies! The cooking session is always a favourite activity.
This month we launched our Book Swap at youth club where young carers had the chance to bring in an old book and swap it for a new one. We had some fantastic books donated and look forward to sharing more in the coming months.
Our Young Adult Carers got together and met up for a night of bowling this month, it’s always great to see them having fun and catching up with their peers.
On May 30, we visited Compton Verney where young carers worked with a local artist to create a young carer banner that will be taken along to a Young Carers festival they are attending in June. They also went pond dipping. Frogs BEWARE!
If you are a registered Young Carer and would like to give feedback to us, please complete our survey.
Please take a look at what we have coming up in June.
Activities for 5 – 10-year-olds:
- 7 June – Tenpin Bowling (5pm - 7pm)
- 15 June – Healthy Eating Cooking Session (5pm - 7pm)
- 22 June – Young Carers Got Talent (5pm - 7pm)
- 29 June – Eid Crafts and Celebrations (5pm - 7pm)
Activities for 11 – 13-year-olds:
- 2 June – Escape Room (11am – 1:30pm)
Activities for 11 – 17-year-olds:
- 12 June – Healthy Eating Cooking Session (5pm - 7pm)
- 19 June – Outdoor Games @ Memorial Park (5pm - 7pm)
- 26 June – Youth club (5pm - 7pm)
Additional sessions:
- 1 June – 11 – 18-year-olds - Coventry University First Aid Training (10am – 2pm)
- 9 June – Age 11+ - Pop up Prom/Clothing Shop - (5pm - 7pm)
- 10 June – 11 – 25-year-olds – St Mary’s Guildhall Poetry Event (11am – 1pm)
Please discuss with your child/children which activities they would like to attend and send over your interest to Kelly on 07428 670040, who will confirm a place has been allocated. Please be aware that some sessions have limited places, so book early to avoid disappointment.
This course aims to raise awareness and understanding of how the caring role can impact on many aspects of your life. The course looks at ways you can look after yourself as well as continuing to support and promote the independence of the person you care for.
Learning outcomes:
- To increase awareness of the roles and responsibilities of being a Carer in the UK and to look at how these roles affect us.
- To consider and develop some techniques for coping and helping ourselves as well as those we care for.
- To look at your rights as a Carer and places to seek additional support.
Aimed at: Anyone who is currently caring for a friend or family member and is experiencing increased stress.
Course tutors: Staff from Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust and Heart of England Carers Trust.
You can enrol by taking a look at their website.
Supporting carers during Carers Week
Upgrade your Go CV account if you are registered with Carer's Trust Heart of England.
Did you know if you or someone you know is an unpaid carer, you can register for a free Go CV card and be entitled to Go CV+ the highest level of discount for Coventry residents on partner events, activities and attractions?
All you need to do is register with the Carers Trust Heart of England who will provide you with a letter to confirm you are a carer then ensure your Go CV account is upgraded with your status to get Go CV+ level of discount - you can easily upload a copy of your carer’s letter, plus see your virtual card and card number on your mobile device.
For further information please take a look at the Go CV card website.
Central England Law Centre (CELC) is launching a new health justice partnership in Coventry and Nuneaton. The partnership will be led by CELC, the largest Law Centre in the country and will be led by our vision for a fairer and more just society where rights and their power are embedded in our community. We will be starting work in the PCN Navigation 1, which serves these GP practices:
Hillfields Health Centre – Dr R Bano Practice
The Meridian Practice
Priory Gate Practice
Paradise Medical Centre
Hillfields Health Centre– Dr G Sani & Partners
Godiva Group of Practices
Central Medical Practice
Clay Lane Medical Practice
Anchor Centre
In the project, our advisors will work in multi-disciplinary teams alongside GP clinical and non-clinical staff. The service will be co-located within GP surgeries, to which patients are referred and be a bridge between the health service and specialist advice. This can be delivered by social prescribers or by generalist advice workers acting as navigators.
We can signpost to other services or provide generalist advice (including advocacy) on common issues arising around income, housing, access to services, consumer issues to increase knowledge of rights and ability to self-help. Specialist advice (casework and representation) to deal with common issues around debt, welfare benefits refusals and entitlements amongst other things.
For further information please email Emma Bates at the Law Centre.
Free e-books and e-audiobooks available for you to download and enjoy at home or on the go!
Please see our website for more details.
For families with children under 5.
collect your free fun Bookstart pack from your local Coventry Council-run library.
Bookstart Pre- schooler packs for 3 - 4 year olds.
These packs are offered free to low-income families. You don't need to bring id or proof of income, just call in and ask for a pack.
Sharing books and rhymes with young children can be a lovely experience, and can improve your child's social, communication and educational skills.
Collect these lovely packs until the end of June from your local library.
For further information please see our website.
Coventry City Council’s energy advice partners, Act on Energy, has secured additional funding for the Keeping Coventry Warm programme.
The funding means that many more people will be able to benefit from a warmer home this year.
The scheme is designed to help Coventry residents (both owner occupiers and those privately renting) who have a long-term health condition or disability which is affected by living in a cold or damp home.
The help can include external wall insulation and first time installation of gas central heating – as well as cavity wall insulation, broken or inefficient boiler replacements, loft insulation and upgrades to electric storage heaters.
The income threshold is dependent on the number of people who live in the property so it’s well worth getting in touch to see if you qualify for help.
And even if you’re not eligible under this scheme, Act on Energy can access other schemes which may be able to help.
So if you’re worried about heating bills and how to heat your home properly, call Act on Energy’s free helpline 0800 988 2881 or visit their website.
People at the Heart of Health and Care Healthwatch Coventry Annual Meeting and Celebration
Healthwatch Coventry will be holding its annual meeting and 10th Anniversary Celebration on Wednesday 5 July at Coventry Transport Museum. It starts at 10am and will be followed by lunch. This will be a great time to look back on Healthwatch Coventry’s achievements over the last 10 years and the last year in particular, as well as looking forward to future work. The theme will be People at the Heart of Health and Care and it also coincides with the NHS’s 75th birthday. Find out more and book a place by visiting their website.
Care home visit report
Healthwatch Coventry visited Phil Mead House care home recently to talk to residents and staff and to observe day to day life. The focus was on finding out how residents' health needs are met, how residents have choice and control in their day to day living and what the care home environment was like, including dementia friendly design. Read the full report on their website.
New Healthwatch Coventry Work priorities
The Healthwatch Coventry Steering Group have been setting new work priorities to give focus to work over the next six months. Healthwatch will be making visits to hospital wards for adults to find out about care; getting involved in work to develop how care home residents’ health needs are met; and working to influence the design of a new diagnostic centre.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at