In this issue:
As a parent of a child going through exams at the moment, it forcibly reminds me of what a challenging time school is for lots of young people. Not that I really need reminding of it, as it's pretty much the subject of most of our conversations with parents/young people here at SEND IASS! What is always useful to recognise, is the many different ways in which they find support to help through the difficult moments; whether this is through their friends, family, teachers, or even cuddly toys.
This is obviously the case for all young people, but especially those with SEND. Finding the right way to support an individual is not always going to be guaranteed: they're all individual! That's why we have the "graduated approach", which places the importance on assess, plan, do and, maybe most importantly, review.
Young people need to be at the heart of those discussions - if Coventry is to become a "Child Friendly COV" (which you can find out about below) - then we need to be involving our young people as routine, from the earliest possible stage.
Twenty councils have been shortlisted to lead a £70 million pilot of SEND reforms across their schools. Coventry is one of the councils shortlisted!
Up to nine “regional expert partnerships” in England will test reforms that include new national special educational needs and disabilities standards, and “tailored” lists of schools for children with education health and care plans.
The groups are set to launch by the end of this year to trial new policies put forward in the SEND and alternative provision green paper.
The selected councils should be known by the end of May and if Coventry is successful, then it is expected that all partners - parents/carers, children/young people, local organisations and professionals across education, health and care - will be involved.
The first-ever Barbie with Down syndrome has finally been launched in the UK!
For many disabled children, this will be the first time that they get to play with a doll that looks like them. This is a big step forward for representation and inclusion.
She’s joining the new Fashionista line, which also feature dolls who use wheelchairs, hearing aids and prosthetic limbs!
Many young children have emotional outbursts, but behaviour can become challenging when it happens frequently or repetitively or it is harmful to the child, the parent or other people.
All children are different so there isn’t one answer. Some of the tips below might help you find a solution that works for your child.
Contact have produced a guide with information and tips that you may find useful.
Contact's 'Understanding your child's behaviour' guide
The HAF Easter school holiday 2023 programme had over 3,800 different children and young people book onto 1 or more of over 85 activities, delivered by 32 organisations.
They would value you taking a few minutes to complete a HAF Spring Fun family survey to give feedback on these activities.
Child Friendly COV is a campaign to ensure that Coventry is a child and young person friendly city - a place where children and young people feel valued, supported and enjoy themselves.
There are currently 7 priorities for the coming year, and it is based on ensuring that children and young people in Coventry :
- be & feel safe; have opportunities
- be & feel healthy; be & feel valued
There is an opportunity for young people to share their views on the Child Friendly COV website.
Wild Earth are launching a brand new programme: Growing Futures - Building Leaders programme, aimed at 16-25 year olds for leadership development.
The programme will consist of 1 day a week for 6 weeks, meeting at Koco Community Resource Centre and delivered at local woodlands, followed by regular group support and 1:2:1 support.
This programme hopes to give young people the opportunity to develop their outdoor skills, employability skills and peer mentoring. Young people will have the option to continue with Wild Earth as a volunteer to further develop their skills in mentoring and running or supporting activities and sessions.
This course is a perfect start for young people who would like pursue a career as an outdoor activity leader or other leadership roles.
For further information and a referral form please email or Tel: 024 7692 0025.
Coventry LA has once again teamed up with the Easy Peasy app to help families interact with their children.
Easypeasy is part of a wider programme with ICAN to support early development of children’s early learning, It is a 20 week digital programme that improves early childhood development through increasing positive parent-child interactions and learning at home. Designed for families with children aged 2-5 years old, EasyPeasy offers parents a bank of games to play with their children. The games contain crucial information on child development and are demonstrated through short videos with real families. Games are designed by experts to promote positive interactions and to support the EYFS Early Learning Goals, with a particular focus on language and communication.
The Aspire Family Hub in Coventry are running a new group called EPIC for children aged 1 to 5 years of age who have additional needs.
The group meets on a Wednesday between 1.30-2.30pm and is an opportunity for parents and children to play together, and meet with other parents.
Contact for more information.
Have you been to one of SENDIASS' coffee mornings?
They're an opportunity to meet up with other parents, have a chat (or just a listen) and support each other. Stay as long (or as little) as you are able - no pressure!
Coffee mornings take place regularly so look out for future dates!
Next Coffee Morning: Tuesday 20 June 2023, 10am - 12pm
Venue: Metropolis Restaurant, Earl Street, Coventry, CV1 5RU
You can find out more information about SENDIASS events via the SENDIASS website
Coventry school nursing team is offering hearing screening for all reception class pupils. Various dates and locations around the city throughout May, June and July 2023.
View the latest Coventry School Nursing newsletter for more information. In this newsletter edition you will also find information regarding water safety, hayfever, exam stress and sun safety amongst other topics.
*Please note: If you have concerns about an older child/children’s hearing, you can call the Central Booking number to make an appointment with the Audiology department on: 0300 200 0011.
Did you know Coventry libraries hold regular events and activities for adults and children in all of their libraries across the city?
These range from events for toddlers and pre-school children such as rhymetime, stay and play, to events for older people such as friendship groups.
There is also an Autism friendly session.
All events are free to attend unless otherwise stated.
Please contact the library before turning up to avoid disappointment.
The School Nursing team is continuing to offer free online Parent Information Sessions for the following areas of concern; toileting, sleep, eating, behaviour and anxiety.
View the latest Coventry School Nursing newsletter for more information and booking links.
FREE inclusive Tennis session for children aged 5 - 16 years. All sessions are fully accessible.
Location: Spencer Park, Coventry, CV5 6NP.
To book a place contact 024 7667 2917 or email:
Leamington Rugby Club will be hosting a family fun day on 2 July raising money for local autism charities which include Tiny Tim's Purple Planet and Spencer’s Retreat part of The Langdale Trust
There will be a raffle on the day. All money raised goes to charity.
Location: Leamington Rugby Club, Kenilworth Road, CV32 6RG
A booklet providing useful information about services and support available for those who are diagnosed or who self-identify as neurodivergent, and those who care for and support them.
Access the booklet via the Dimensions webpage.
Rise is a family of NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire.
The Family Hubs can help you find and get help from different services in the area and will be able to give you information, advice and support.
If you need additional support please contact your nearest Hub directly to find out if there is anything they can do to help.
Kooth is an anonymous digital counselling and support service for children and young people aged 11-25 years providing access to emotional wellbeing and early intervention mental health support. For more information visit the Kooth webpage.
Coventry City Council have developed a 'Cost of living and wellbeing support' webpage. This page has a broad range of links to information and advice you may find useful if you’re struggling financially and require support with helping you manage the cost of living pressures.
'Act on Energy' provides free impartial advice on energy efficiency and grants and projects available in your area to help keep you warm this winter.
To find out more visit the Act on Energy Website
P3 can provide help with: Housing/tenancy issues, independent living skills, money management/benefit advice, health and well-being or general advice and support.
Contact P3 on 08081 962660 or visit your local family hub to find out more.
Coventry Independent Advice Service is a charity offering free confidential advice around benefits, making claims, debt, money problems and challenging decisions on benefit claims.
You can contact them via their advice line: 024 7652 1101
Coventry Citizens Advice provide a range of free, confidential advice, including housing, benefits and debt.
You can contact them via their Advice Line: 0800 144 88 48
The Coventry Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.
The SEND Local Offer will cover services available to the public across education, health and social care:
Education: such as nurseries, playgroups, schools and colleges as well as support services like Educational Psychology and SEN services
Health: children's and adult services including GPs, therapists and hospital services
Social care: such as short break services and children's and adult disability services.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us
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