Firstly, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year.
This month's bulletin comes to you full of information about groups run by the Carers Trust and Alzheimer's Society, what's available in our libraries, and details about the new Communicator Guide Service. You will also find information about several new groups that are starting and also about the opportunity for developing some new groups.
There are several surveys that we would encourage you to take part in, that will help to provide us with your opinions and experiences of Adult Social Care, Housing with Care and also about budget proposals. Please do take part and have your say.
We also acknowledge the ongoing issues related to the cost of living and have included information about help with boilers and also the Council's webpages, where you will find resources, advice and information on organisations who maybe able to help and provide you with support.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Take care.
Coventry City Council’s Adult Social Care Services will be sending out anonymous postal questionnaires between the months of January and February 2023 to a random sample of people who are in receipt of long-term support.
The Department of Health uses the survey information to inform and support policy and decision making at both local and national level; to improve care, services and outcomes for local populations; and to help carers make better choices about their support.
We really want to understand the experience of people, make changes where required to improve and invite people to be involved in the work of Adult Social Care. See a copy of the survey.
We are also encouraging people to be involved and have produced public information leaflets which can be found on the “getting involved” web page.
The Adult Social Care Stakeholder Group meets every other month to discuss any upcoming developments, projects and changes. They are there to influence, make changes and help us improve the experience of people accessing Adult Social Care.
The group is made up of people receiving support, carers and voluntary sector organisations. In December we met to discuss key topics such as Social Care Reforms, the upcoming Adult Social Care Offer and Quality Assurance processes in commissioning.
The group has input into the language and layout of the Adult Social Care Offer (even correcting typos). The group is growing and we're always looking for new members and people who are passionate about using their own experience to help shape our future practice. If you'd like to find out more information about the group and get yourself invited, you can email us for more information.
We want to give everyone the opportunity to tell us what you think about our spending proposals for 2023/2024.
We know we cannot do everything we would like to, but we can make sure that we give everyone the opportunity to have a say in how we build our budget for 2023 and 2024.
We need to make intelligent, informed decisions about where to focus our spending to deliver the services that you want us to get right.
It is only by listening to our residents and businesses that we can understand your priorities and ensure we are able to deliver these efficiently and effectively.
Please visit our Let's talk consultation page to find out more about our proposals, and give us your views by filling in our short survey . Alternatively, you can register to attend a face to face session to share your views with us.
We have held several sessions during January and have a final one on:
2 February 6pm – 7pm, Families for All Family Hub (Foleshill), 454 Foleshill Rd, Coventry CV6 5LB
If you would like to register for a workshop session, request a paper copy of the survey or need this information in another format or language then please contact us on 08085 834333 or email us.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
A new Communicator Guide service is now available to support deafblind or dual sensory impaired individuals of all ages within the city. This service will enable Deafblind people to have a fully qualified Communicator Guide who can provide effective communication, safe guiding and essential support to allow deafblind people to actively take part in everyday activities, such as accessing information, going shopping, attending social/educational activities in the community with control and choice.
The service will be provided by Deafblind Enablement (DBE) who already have a great presence in the city, having worked in the area for the past 5 years and have positive relationships with Sensory Specialists, Social Care professionals and other organisations supporting Deafblind people.
Should you have any questions or for further information about the service, please contact ASC Direct on 024 7683 3003.
Young Carers have had such a busy few months. At the end of November, we took the train to the Resorts World Arena and watched the spectacular Disney On Ice show. It was such a magical event and also the first time some of the Young Carers had been on a train!
Over the festive period we enjoyed a trip to The Belgrade Theatre to see Jack and The Beanstalk Pantomime, met Elsa at our Christmas Party and of course Father Christmas himself. Some of our Young Carers even got to have afternoon tea at St Mary’s Guildhall with Father Christmas, what a treat!
Our Young Adult Carers enjoyed a Christmas meal together and talked about the coming year and what plans they had for 2023. It is always lovely to see them together and having fun.
So far this month, we have cooked spring rolls to celebrate Chinese New Year, crafted some lovely positivity pods, to welcome in the new year, made Chinese decorations and of course sung on the Karaoke…Always a favourite night at Young Carers.
 February is almost here and we would love to see some new faces at our groups.
Activities for 5 – 10-year-olds:
- 2 February – Scavenger Hunt and Hot chocolate
- 9 February – Bingo
- 16 February – Craft and Chat
- 23 February – Movie and Munchies
Activities for 11 – 17-year-olds:
- 6 February – Youth Club
- 13 February – Valentines Cupcakes
- 20 February – Movie night and Popcorn
- 27 February – Bingo
For all ages – 21 February 12:30 – 2pm – Pancake Day Event.
Please take a look at our calendar and let us know if you would like to attend. Call Kelly on 07428 670040 to find out more.
Yoga and Relaxation
1 February 2023
11am – 12noon
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
1 February 2023
3pm – 4pm
Every Wednesday
Carers Drop – In Session
2 February 2023
10am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre
Every Thursday
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
6 February 2023
1:30pm – 3pm
First Monday of the month
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
7 February 2023
10:30am –
Bonds Hospital (Hill Street)
First Tuesday of the month
Carers Drop – In Session
7 February 2023
1pm – 3pm
Penny Collard Centre
Every Tuesday
Herald Lodge – Carers Social Group
7 February 2023
2pm – 4pm
Herald Lodge
Canley Road Coventry CV5 6AR
First Tuesday of the month
Yoga and Relaxation
8 February 2023
11am – 12noon
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
8 February 2023
3pm – 4pm
Every Wednesday
Carers Drop – In Session
9 February 2023
10am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre
Every Thursday
African & Caribbean Carers Support Group
9 February 2023
1pm – 2:30pm
Second Thursday of the month
Males Carers Group
13 February 2023
1pm - 2:30pm
Second Monday of each month
Carers Drop – In Session
14 February 2023
1pm – 3pm
Penny Collard Centre
Every Tuesday
Yoga and Relaxation
15 February 2023
11am – 12noon
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
15 February 2023
3pm – 4pm
Every Wednesday
Carers Drop – In Session
16 February 2023
10am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre
Every Thursday
Emotional Resilience with Dr Liz Sparkes
16 February 2023
10:30am – 12noon
Bonds Hospital (Hill Street)
One every month until June 2023
General Carers Social Group
21 February 2023
10:30am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre
Third Tuesday of the month
Carers Drop – In Session
21 February 2023
1pm – 3pm
Penny Collard Centre
Every Tuesday
Yoga and Relaxation
22 February 2023
11am – 12noon
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
22 February 2023
3pm – 4pm
Every Wednesday
Carers Drop – In Session
23 February 2023
10am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre
Every Thursday
Ben Centre drop-in session
24 February 2023
10am -12noon
Arthur Wilson House, Humber Road, Coventry CV3 1LL
Last Friday of each month
Milan Social Group
(Drop-in Session for BAME carers)
24 February 2023
11am – 1pm
Penny Collard Centre
Every four weeks on a Friday
Drop-in clinic for carers from ethnic communities
27 February 2023
9:15am – 1:15pm
Broad Street Hall (Broad Street) CV6 5BG
Carers Drop – In Session
28 February 2023
1pm – 3pm
Penny Collard Centre
Every Tuesday
For information about any of the groups above please contact Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 option 1 to discuss.
Carers Trust has organised five sessions with Dr Liz Sparkes to help support emotional resilience for carers.
All sessions will take place at Bond's Hospital, Hill Street, Coventry CV1 4AN.
Join them on:
- 16 February
- 23 March
- 20 April
- 8 June
from 12:30pm until 2pm.
To book a place or to find out more please email Carers Trust them or call 024 7663 2972 option 1.
They look forward to seeing you.
Carers Trust Heart of England’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team are looking to bring the community together with some exciting events and groups. We are currently looking to create groups for carers from Filipino, Fijian, Jewish and Māori backgrounds.
To register your interest in one of these groups or to suggest a group you would like to see us introduce please get in touch by dropping us an email.
Carers Trust Heart of England are working with Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust to develop their eating disorders services for anyone who supports someone with an eating disorder.
Whether you’re currently caring for someone with an eating disorder or have done previously – we want your voice to be heard.
Would you be able to spare some time to discuss your experiences and let us know what type of additional support you may benefit from?
To have your say please email Leah Eckley or Rebecca Waite at Carers Trust for more information.
Join the Recovery and Wellbeing Academy for an online course ‘Coping with Caring’ in partnership with The Carers Trust. It aims to raise awareness and understanding of how the caring role can impact on many aspects of your life. The course looks at ways you can look after yourself as well as continuing to support and promote the independence of the person you care for.
The next free online session takes place on Tuesday 28 February from 1pm to 3pm.
To book a place, please visit the Recovery and Wellbeing website. Once you have registered, the zoom link will be sent early on the morning of the 28 February.
Peer Support for Carers
1 February 2023
10:30am – 12 noon
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
1st Wednesday of the month
Singing for the Brain
6 February 2023
10:30am – 12 noon
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
1st Monday of the month
Carer and Information Support Programme (CrISP)
6, 13, 20, 27 February 2023
10:30am – 1pm
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
Activity Group
7, 14, 21, 28 February 2023
10am – 1pm
Maymorn Day Care, Everdon Road, CV6 4DT
Every Tuesday
Singing for the Brain
13 February 2023
1pm – 2:30pm
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
2nd Monday of the month
Peer Support
15 February 2023
11am – 12:30
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
3rd Wednesday of the month
Dementia Café
20 February 2023
6pm – 8pm
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
3rd Monday of the month
Please contact 0333 150 3456 to book a place.
Please note groups do not operate on Bank Holidays.
We understand that a lot of people across Coventry are struggling with the ever-increasing cost of living, with energy bills, the cost of food and other essentials increasing dramatically. As a local authority, Coventry City Council have consolidated information in one place, to help the city’s residents. This will provide advice and signpost people to relevant services if they need support.
You can refer to the council's website where you will find extensive information about cost of living and wellbeing support.
If you would prefer to speak to someone please call 08085 834 333.
Help available to install and fix boilers
Living in a home with no – or broken – heating and hot water is miserable at any time of the year. This is particularly true in the winter of course.
And if you have an illness made worse by living in a cold home, it can have a devastating impact on your physical and mental health.
But there is help at hand for those living in their own or privately rented properties in the Coventry area.
Keeping Coventry Warm has got funding available to help install - or fix - boilers and central heating systems.
Anyone with a chronic or acute health condition or disability which is made worse by the cold (such as respiratory conditions, arthritis, diabetes or heart disease) can apply for help. Income criteria applies but it’s well worth residents contacting Coventry City Council’s partner, Act on Energy to see if they can help.
You can contact them for free on 0800 988 2881 or via their website.
We're seeking feedback from anyone who has recently used or continues to use Home Support Services within Coventry or people caring for someone and using home support. We're undertaking a short survey to help us improve our services in the future. It's your opportunity to have your say about how services work for you, what improvements you'd like to see, and what's working well?
The council will be recommissioning services in the coming years and wants to make sure this is done jointly with people that receive those services. This will be the start of the process and there will be further opportunities to support the process along the way.
If you can spare a few minutes we'd really appreciate your feedback. Complete the survey.
The Let’s Chat project has been developed to tackle issues of loneliness. The aim is to go to people’s neighbourhoods and provide the opportunity for social contact, a coffee, and a chat. Mobile hubs will be reaching out across the city in different locations and parking up for you to hop on and have a chat. You will be able to access them at different locations throughout February.
You can find further details on their website.
2 February 2023
12:30 – 2:30pm
Cheylesmore Community Centre, Poitiers Rd, Coventry CV3 5JX
2 February 2023
12:30 – 3:30pm
Parsons Nook, Coventry, CV2 4QY
3 February 2023
9:30am – 2pm
Canley Library, Prior Deram Walk, Canley, Coventry, CV4 8FT
4 February 2023
9:30am – 12:30pm
War Memorial Park, Kenilworth Road, Coventry, CV3 6PT
6 February 2023
9:30am – 1:30pm
Co-operative Food, Alfall Road, Coventry, CV2 3GF
6 February 2023
From 2pm
Stoke Heath Community Centre, Burroughs Close, Stoke Heath, Coventry, CV2 3QH
8 February 2023
9:30am – 12:30pm
Broadgate, Coventry, CV1 1NE
16 February 2023
9:30am – 12 noon
Finham Library, Finham Green Road, Coventry, CV3 6EP
16 February 2023
12:30 – 3:30pm
Tile Hill Library, Jardine Crescent, Tile Hill, Coventry, CV4 9PL
17 February 2023
9:30am – 11:30am
Wood End Supermarket, Hillmorton Rd, Coventry, CV2 1FW
17 February 2023
12noon – 3pm
The Painted Lady, Longfellow Rd, Coventry, CV2 5HN
18 February 2023
9:30am – 12:30pm
Broad Park Road, Henley Green, Coventry, CV2 1DB
20 February 2023
9:30am – 11:30am
Signet Square, Coventry, CV2 4NZ
20 February 2023
12noon – 3pm
Roseberry Avenue, Bell Green, Coventry, CV2 1NE
22 February 2023
9:30am – 12:30pm
Co-operative Food, Alfall Road, Coventry, CV2 3GF
Help champion the views of local people, volunteer with Healthwatch.
Could you help make sure local people are heard in NHS and social care service by volunteering on the Healthwatch Coventry Steering Group? This group is central and offers an interesting role. You will be volunteering with other local people to improve care for everyone.
Healthwatch Coventry is the independent local champion for health and social care services and one of 151 Healthwatch in England. Find out more on Healthwatch's website or phone 024 7622 0381.
Helpful reading for wellbeing
Reading Well collections are built by health experts and those with lived experience, to help understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading.
Ask your friendly library staff or check for titles online.
New Year, New You! Log in to Theory Test Pro to access:
- official DVSA questions
- online Highway Code
- hazard perception simulations
- car, motorcycle, PCV & HGV test banks
- translated into 40+ languages
- speech-enabled tests
For further details have a look at our website.
In partnership with SEND Information, Advice and Support Service, Coventry Education Psychology Team will be running a FREE ONLINE session for parents/carers on Emotion Coaching on the following two dates:
Monday 6 February 2023, 12.30pm-2.30pm
Monday 6 March 2023, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
**Please note the same session will be delivered twice, so please state which date you can attend, or if you are available for either date. If no preferred date is provided a date will be selected for you.
Emotion Coaching is an approach that parents/carers can use with children and young people to support their emotional development. There is more detailed information that can be found on our website.
To book your place please email or call us on 024 7669 4307.
Important: Please provide details of the name of the course and your preferred date when booking.
You will receive a booking confirmation once a place has been reserved for you, followed by an email (2-3 days before the date of the session) which will contain your MS Teams link and instructions for how to join the session. Please check your junk folder if you have not received this, as sometimes emails end up in there. Please contact us if you have any questions or require any support.
 SENDIASS Coffee Morning (face to face) - Thursday 9 February 2023
This is a face to face session for Parents/Carers of Children or Young People with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). The session offers a great way to meet other parents/carers who may be in a similar situation, and an opportunity to share with others in a friendly, non-judgemental environment, together with a member of staff from SENDIASS.
When: Thursday 9 February 2023, 10am – 12noon.
Venue: Metropolis Restaurant, Upstairs Community Room, Earl Street, Coventry, CV1 5RU
Free tea and coffee will be provided.
If you would like to come along, just let us know so we have an idea of numbers. Contact us via email or call us on 024 7669 4307.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at