Welcome to this month’s carers' bulletin, which as you can see, has arrived to you a bit earlier this month due to the Christmas period.
Although Christmas can bring lots of joy and happiness for many people, we also understand that this time of year can intensify loneliness. The absence of loved ones can become more apparent, and people can feel isolated. We also appreciate that with the current cost of living crisis, this time of year brings with it, additional pressure on people’s finances and their wellbeing. Within this bulletin you will find support from organisations within the city that can help to reduce loneliness, provide social activities and somewhere to go for Christmas dinner, as well as guide you to services to help during this very difficult financial period. If you know others who maybe lonely or who find the Christmas period difficult, please share this information with them.
We have included the opening times for Adult Social Care as well as Carers Trust Heart of England over Christmas and New Year. Please reach out to organisations, you are not alone.
We know and understand that the past few years, in particular, have been very challenging and so we would like to take this opportunity to say an enormous thank you for all your ongoing care, love and support that you provide day in day out.
We'd also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
Take care and see you in the New Year.
Over the festive period, Adult Social Care continues to run a service but with some reduced services. Please see key contact information and numbers over the Christmas period for Coventry Adult Social Care:
- It will be business as usual until 4:30pm Friday 23 December 2022.
- From 4:30pm on 23 December until 9am on 28 December 2022 support will be provided by the Council's Emergency Duty Team (EDT).
- From 28 until 30 December 2022 there will be Social Work and Commissioning support available, contactable via normal channels.
- From 4:30pm on 30 December to 9am on 3 January 2023 support will be provided by EDT.
- The Mental Health Crisis Team will be open throughout.
- The Hospital Social Work Team and Brokerage will continue to provide cover across the 7 day period, except for 25, 26 December 2022 and 1 January 2023.
Relevant contact information for the services during the closure will be:
Contact Number
Community Social Work
(024) 7683 3003
Hospital Social Work Team
(024) 7696 5600
Emergency Duty Team
(024) 7683 2222
Mental Health Services
IPU 3-8 (Tile Hill)
(024) 7647 2662)
IPU 10-17 (Swanswell Point)
(024) 7696 1242
IPU 18-21 (Longford)
(024) 7670 7968
Central Booking System / Crisis Team
0300 200 0011

Opening times
Friday 23 December
Saturday 24 December (Christmas Eve)
Monday 26 December (Boxing Day)
Tuesday 27 December
Wednesday 28 December
Thursday 29 December
Friday 30 December
Saturday 31 December (New Year's Eve)
Monday 2 January
Tuesday 3 January
Normal opening hours, 9am-5pm
Emergency phone numbers during this time
Warwickshire County Council
019 2641 0410
Coventry City Council (Emergency number)
024 7683 2222
Samaritans (free anytime)
116 123
We would like to wish all our carers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
 We understand that a lot of people across Coventry are struggling with the ever-increasing cost of living, with energy bills, the cost of food and other essentials increasing dramatically. As a local authority, Coventry City Council have developed a campaign to help the city’s residents. This will provide advice and signpost people to relevant services if they need support.
For further support and advice you can also refer to the council's website which has extensive information about cost of living and wellbeing support.
If you would prefer to speak to someone please call 08085 834 333
The recent very cold snap will have meant that our boilers are working extra hard to keep us warm.
While the expense of heating our homes is uppermost in our minds, it is essential that homes are adequately heated to prevent serious illnesses being made much worse.
And making sure your boiler is working efficiently is important to help prevent breakdowns. If your boiler is struggling – or even broken - Coventry City Council has funding available to help with problem boilers whether that’s a repair or even a brand new boiler.
To apply you need to be on a low income with low savings and have a health condition. Check out the Act on Energy website for more info or call them on the number below.
Even if your boiler is running smoothly, it should be serviced every year to keep it in tip top condition. If you are on the Priority Services Register (see last month’s bulletin for details) it means that you’re likely to be eligible for a free gas boiler service – and other gas appliances that you have in the home.
Remember - Act on Energy is here to help
Coventry City Council has partnered with Act On Energy – an energy advice charity with more than 20 years’ experience. They can help people across Coventry to keep warm and well this winter.
As well as helping you to navigate the energy bills help that is available, Act on Energy can offer expert advice on:
- Energy efficiency tips to reduce your bills
- Grants and funding for energy efficiency measures
- Grants for replacement heating systems
- Help with fuel bills and Energy debt
- Billing issues with your supplier
The advice is free for anyone in Coventry – simply call on 0800 988 2881 or find out more about Act on Energy.
As well as advice over the phone, they can also arrange home visits for those with vulnerabilities. Small measures can be provided for free such as low energy light bulbs, draught proofing and heat reflective radiator foils.
Some funding schemes require certain criteria to be met – but others don’t, so it’s well worth giving them a call now to see how they can help you.
Christmas holidays – Our expert energy advisors will be taking a well earned break over the festive period. Our helplines close at 5pm on Friday 23 December 2022 but we’ll be back, raring to go on Tuesday 3 January 2023.
Wishing you a safe and peaceful holiday.
Coventry Cyrenians are offering a 2 course Christmas Day lunch at the Methodist Central Hall, Warwick Lane, CV1 2HA
Come along between 11am-3pm, with dinner being served between 12.30pm - 2.30pm.
Gifts and entertainment will be available. No need to book - just turn up. All welcome to enjoy food & company.
For more information, contact 024 7622 8099.
 Coventry Open Christmas run a drop in for Christmas week for anyone who wants food or company. The Queens Road Baptist Church, Coventry CV1 3EG will be open 24/7 with meals, live entertainment and emergency food parcels, from 2pm on 24 December 22 to 10am on 29 December 22.
They will be offering a safe warm place for anyone who needs a hot meal and a chat. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner each day for free. Coventry Open Christmas have more information on their website or you can call them on 07534 971 747.
We're seeking feedback from anyone who has recently used or continues to use Home Support Services within Coventry or people caring for someone and using home support. We're undertaking a short survey to help us improve our services in the future. It's your opportunity to have your say about how services work for you, what improvements you'd like to see, and what's working well?
The council will be recommissioning services in the coming years and wants to make sure this is done jointly with people that receive those services. This will be the start of the process and there will be further opportunities to support the process along the way.
If you can spare a few minutes we'd really appreciate your feedback. Complete the survey.
 Coventry City Council’s Adult Social Care Services will be sending out anonymous postal questionnaires between the months of January and February 2023 to a random sample of people who are in receipt of long-term support.
The Department of Health uses the survey information to inform and support policy and decision making at both the local and national level; to improve care, services and outcomes for local populations; and to help carers make better choices about their support.
See a copy of the survey online.
Carers Trust are offering a wide range of groups in January. For information about any of the groups below, please contact Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 option 1 to discuss.
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
3 January 2023
10:30am –
Bonds Hospital (Hill Street)
First Tuesday of the month
Herald Lodge – Carers Social Group
3 January 2023
2pm – 4pm
Herald Lodge
Canley Road Coventry CV5 6AR
First Tuesday of the month
Yoga and Relaxation
4 January 2023
11:30am – 12:30pm
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
4 January 2023
3pm – 4pm
Every Wednesday
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
9 January 2023
1:30pm – 3pm
First Monday of the month
Males Carers Group
9 January 2023
1pm - 2:30pm
Second Monday of each month
Yoga and Relaxation
11 January 2023
11:30am – 12:30pm
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
11 January 2023
3pm – 4pm
Every Wednesday
African & Caribbean Carers Support Group
12 January 2023
1pm – 2:30pm
Second Thursday of the month
Learning Disability Carer Drop in
16 January 2023
10:30am – 12:30pm
Penny Collard Centre
General Carers Social Group
17 January 2023
10:30am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre
Third Tuesday of the month
Yoga and Relaxation
18 January 2023
11:30am – 12:30pm
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
18 January 2023
3pm – 4pm
Every Wednesday
Drop-in clinic for carers from ethnic communities
23 January 2023
09:15am – 1:15pm
Broad Street Hall (Broad Street) CV6 5BG
Yoga and Relaxation
25 January 2023
11:30am – 12:30pm
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
25 January 2023
3pm – 4pm
Every Wednesday
Ben Centre drop-in session
27 January 2023
10am -12noon
Arthur Wilson House, Humber Road, Coventry CV3 1LL
Last Friday of each month
Milan Social Group
(Drop-in Session for BAME carers)
27 January 2023
11am – 1pm
Penny Collard Centre
Every four weeks on a Friday
 Carers Trust Heart of England are offering a new group for those caring for someone with a learning disability. If you support someone with a Learning Disability and would like to meet with other people in a similar situation, we'd love you to join us and help plan what future sessions will look like!
Please join us on Monday 16 January from 10:30am - 12:30pm at the Penny Collard Centre, Fleet Street, Coventry CV1 3AY
For further information drop them an email or call 02476 632972 option 1
They look forward to welcoming you.
UHCW Carers Drop-in on every 1st Wednesday of the Month from 2pm - 4pm at Ward 40/Forget Me Not Lounge.
This is the listening clinic to support all carers where they can drop in from 2pm until 4pm to simply have a good chat or discuss issues and have a quick wellbeing check.
Additional information
Peer Support for Carers
11 January 2023
10:30am – 12 noon
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
1st Wednesday of every month
Due to the festive season this is being held on the 2nd Wednesday this month.
Activity Group
10, 17, 24, 31 January 2023
10am – 1pm
Maymorn Day Care, Everdon Road, CV6 4DT
Every Tuesday
Carer and Information Support Programme (CrISP)
9, 16, 23 January 2023
6pm -8:30pm
Mondays for 3 weeks
Contact Alzheimer’s Society to book a place
Singing for the Brain
9 January 2023
10:30am – 12 noon
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
1st Monday of every month
Singing for the Brain
9 January 2023
1pm – 2:30pm
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
Dementia Café
16 January 2023
6pm – 8pm
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
3rd Monday of every month
Peer Support
18 January 2023
11am – 12:30
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
3rd Wednesday of every month
Dementia groups - Memory Lane cafes
These social groups support carers of people living with dementia and provide volunteers & activities for the people with dementia themselves. Carers have a chance to take a break from looking after their loved one; whilst volunteers occupy people with dementia-friendly activities, carers can gather together to chat & support one another.
Memory Lane Radford is now nearing capacity, but there is plenty of space still for new members at Memory Lane Finham & Memory Lane Bedworth.
Memory Lane Finham - Woodside Avenue Methodist Church, CV3 6BE - Tuesday’s fortnightly 10.30am-12noon. Next meeting 10 January.
Memory Lane Bedworth - All Saints Church, CV12 8NH - Friday’s fortnightly 1.30pm - 3pm. Next meeting 13 January.
Memory Lane Radford - Lawrence Saunders Road Baptist Church, CV6 1HH - Fridays weekly 10.30am-12noon. Next meeting 6 January.
For more details, contact Jackie or call 07763 908 460.
We have lots of capacity at both our men's mental health chat & support groups, aimed at men over 50. Men do not need to have diagnosed mental health concerns to attend - all men are welcome to come & make friends.
Finham men's group (St Martin's CV3 6EA) Fridays 1pm-2.30pm, resumes on 6/1/23.
Keresley men's group (ICC Keresley CV6 2FJ) Tuesdays 2pm-3.30pm - resumes on 10/1/23.
For more information on men's groups, contact Dave or call 07715 405 111.
Find out where you can get help and support in Coventry to stay warm and well this winter, by reading this new advice and information article.
Healthwatch Coventry will be closed over the Festive Period from Friday 23 December till Tuesday 3 January. Anyone who contacts Healthwatch Coventry during this time can leave a message and will be contacted from 3 January, or they check Healthwatch Coventry’s website during this time for general news, advice and information.
Help champion the views of local people, volunteer with Healthwatch.
Could you help make sure local people are heard in NHS and social care service by volunteering on the Healthwatch Coventry Steering Group? This group is central and offers an interesting role. You will be volunteering with other local people to improve care for everyone. Healthwatch Coventry is the independent local champion for health and social care services and one of 151 Healthwatch in England. Find out more on Healthwatch's website or phone 024 7622 0381.
The Adult Social Care Stakeholder Group meet every other month to discuss any upcoming developments, projects and changes. They are there to influence, make changes and help us improve the experience of people accessing Adult Social Care. The group is made up of people receiving support, carers and voluntary sector organisations. In October we met to discuss key topics such as Social Care Reforms, the upcoming Adult Social Care Offer and Our Approach to engagement. The group have input into the language and layout of the Adult Social Care Offer (even correcting typos). The group is growing and we're always looking for new members and people who are passionate about using their own experience to help shape our future practice. If you'd like to find out more information about the group and get yourself invited, you can email GetInvolvedASC@coventry.gov.uk for more information
Online sessions - January
Robbie’s online sessions have proven to be a great way of reaching out to men virtually, so they can discuss their mental health, get to know and trust SBitC, as well as feel comfortable/confident enough to attend face-to-face community activities at one of our four sites. Our next block of online sessions start on Monday 16th January 2023. They will take place over a 6-week period, every Monday from 1pm to 2pm.
To join please use the link below.
Microsoft Teams meeting. Join on your computer or mobile app:
Click here to join the meeting
Learn More | Meeting options
For further information regarding MENTalk, please email Robbie Chandler
New Saturday MENtalk Sessions – January
Sky Blues in the Community are looking to launch new weekly sessions in Coventry for men on Saturday Mornings from 10am – 1pm (To be confirmed nearer the time), with the aim to start on 21 January 2023.
The aim of these sessions is to enable men to be able to benefit from regular mental health support, physical activities and the chance to make new friends. Watch this space for further developments.
For further information regarding MENTalk, please email Robbie Chandler
SBitC’s Weekly Mental Health Timetable
DEMENTIA Active – AT7, COVENTRY (CV6 7GP): 10am – 12noon
MENtalk – NEW ONLINE SESSIONS (see link above): 1pm - 2pm
MENtalk – Moat House Leisure Centre, COVENTRY (CV2 1EA): 12noon – 2pm
DEMENTIA Active is now delivered in Coventry, Warwick and Nuneaton. For more information and to refer, please contact Jack Clemons
For further information regarding MENTalk, please email Robbie Chandler
 The next Act for Autism conference is being held on Saturday 21 January from 10am until 4:30pm, at Meadow Park School (formerly Whitley Academy) in Coventry. Tickets are free, as is the tea and coffee.
Act for Autism and partners will be launching the Autism Strategy. Please join us for inspiring talks, workshops and meet with your local services representatives.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at carers@coventry.gov.uk.