Welcome to Octobers Carers' Bulletin. There is absolutely loads to get involved in this November, from flower arranging, Diwali celebrations to an event planned with Adult Social Care. The Carers Trust are also starting regular weekly drop in sessions from the end of November, this is for anyone wanting to get information and advice about their caring role. We'll hopefully see you along the way.
We know that although October was a relatively mild month weather wise, the cold weather is setting in at precisely a time when energy bills have sky-rocketed. Please don't feel alone, if you're struggling, make sure you reach out for support, there may be support schemes that can help on a individual basis. The Carers Trust have arranged a session a for carers facilitated by Act on Energy to help understand more about the support available.
If you ever want something to feature in the bulletin please let us know, by emailing carers@coventry.gov.uk, maybe you want to promote a group or information or perhaps you want to tell your story to help others, we'd love to hear from you.
As ever thank you for reading, please share and enjoy!
Would you like to find out more about support through Adult Social Care? Have a chat and cup of tea with staff and get to know the teams. You don't need to be receiving support from the service but maybe you want to find out more about the services and support available for the future or to support a friend or family member. Find out more about:
- Having a social care assessment and what to expect
- Support if you're caring for someone
- Technology, equipment and adaptations that can support
- How to get involved and make a difference
- Advice on energy and keeping warm
- Paying for care and what to expect
- Working in Adult Social Care
- Shared Lives
This is a friendly event open to anyone wanting to find out more about services across Adult Social Care. So please pop along there will be tea and coffee.
Date: 10 November 2022
Location: Lower Hall. Central Methodist Hall, Warwick Lane, Coventry, CV1 2HA
Time: 10am - 3pm
If you care for someone with dementia and live in Coventry, Rugby and Warwickshire North, you may be entitled to support from a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse. This includes:
- advice on understanding the diagnosis
- practical advice on caring for a person with dementia
- support with coping with changes in symptoms and behaviours
- help with planning for the future, including end of life care
- emotional support for you
To find out whether your local Admiral Nurse service can support you: Call 0300 303 3131 Email crccg.crgpaadmiralnurses@nhs.net Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
The latest Adult Social Care Annual Report and Key Areas of Improvement 2021/22 has now been published.
The report describes the performance of Adult Social Care and the progress made in Coventry against the priorities for the year. Looking back at the year 21/22 a year that saw us come out of a national lockdown, be part of a widescale vaccination programme for social care staff and a raft of government reforms, that will have implications for future delivery.
The report includes powerful experiences of people navigating adult social care. It also explains the latest adult social care offer describing what people can expect when they contact the Council, how they can participate in the Council’s work, and useful links to information and advice.
Cllr Mal Mutton, Cabinet Member for Adult Services, said: “We put the report together to help us reflect on where we have made improvements and where more work needs to be done.
“It also sets out what people can expect from our services – explained in our adult social care offer.
“Things have become more challenging over recent year’s but we always strive to help people to live as independently as possible and there are examples of where this has happened through practical steps.
“The Council is having to get to grips with a lot of government reforms and this is presenting new challenges that will require time and resources to meet but which we will have to overcome.
“This is also despite the uncertainty of not knowing what this Government has in store and despite their inability to tackle the real concerns of recruitment and retention of staff.” She added: “It is the reality that as life expectancy increases more people are likely to require support from social care.
“Where people do need to come to social care for support we will do everything we can in Coventry to make that process as clear and supportive as possible – and we will do this through hard work, resilience, compassion and through the dedication of staff and in supporting people who require care and support - that is our absolute commitment.” The Adult Social Care Annual Report reflects the performance and activities throughout the main period of the COVID-19 pandemic to date. In 2021/22 the Council spent £110.4m on Adult Social Care compared to equivalent spend of £103.2m in 2020/21, with the increase largely driven by additional resources of £8.2m provided to the care market in response to the pandemic.
1 November
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
10.30am –12.30pm
Bonds Lodge (Hill Street)
1 November
Herald Lodge – Carers Social Group
2pm – 4pm
Herald Lodge
Canley Road Coventry CV5 6AR
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November
Yoga and Relaxation
11.30am – 12.30pm
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
4 November
Diwali event
12.15pm – 4.15pm
Warwick united reform church
10 Warwick Row, CV1 1EX
4 November
Milan Social Group
(Drop-in Session for BAME carers)
11.00am – 1pm
Penny Collard Centre
7 November
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
1.30pm – 3pm
9 November
Flower arranging: Remembrance themed
1pm – 2pm
Penny Collard
Centre CV1 3AY
10 November
African & Caribbean Carers Support Group
1pm – 2.30pm
14 November
Male Carer group
1pm – 2.30pm
15 November
General Carers Social Group
10.30am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre
15, 22, 29 November
Carers drop-in session
1pm – 3pm
Penny Collard Centre, CV1 3AY
17 November
Energy advice session with Act on Energy
11am –
17 November
LGBTQ + Carers
17 and 24 November
Carers drop-in session
10am – 12noon
Penny Collard Centre, CV1 3AY
24 November
Silvertime legal advice session
1pm – 2pm
Penny Collard
Centre CV1 3AY
25 November
Ben Centre drop-in session
Arthur Wilson House, Humber Road, Coventry CV3 1LL ·
28 November
Drop-in clinic for carers from
ethnic communities
09.15am – 1.15pm
Broad Street Hall (Broad Street) CV6 5BG
For information about any of the groups above please contact Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 option 1 to discuss or email carersgroups@carerstrusthofe.org.uk
What a busy month we have had at Young Carers!
We started the month with a gardening session at our centre. We received a donation of plants and bulbs to help brighten up our garden and the young carers enjoyed getting their hands dirty. We can’t wait to see how it all looks in the spring.
This month also saw the celebration of Diwali (the festival of light) and we enjoyed making some beautiful crafts, including Rangoli artwork and colourful lanterns. Happy Diwali from Young Carers.
Our Young Adult Carers celebrated exam success with a Oscars party, where they experienced VIP treatment, walking down the red carpet to receive their award. We are extremely proud of them!
Our movie for movie night this month was Goosebumps (Spooky Season) and everyone enjoyed the movie and snacks. Our Young Carers love a sing song and requested a karaoke session this month which was a great hit!
In preparation for Halloween, we held a pumpkin carving event, our Young Carers created some spooky masterpieces!
At the end of the month we are celebrating Halloween with a fancy dress party!
Find out more about what's on offer at the Coventry Young Carers Project.
Carers Rights Day - Protecting Your Future Session
Join Sam Passi from Silvertime Legal to understand how to protect yourself and your family. The session will cover:
- Inheritance tax
- Long term care fees
- Lasting Power of Attorney
When: Thursday 24 November 1pm-2pm
Where: Penny Collard Centre, Fleet Street, Coventry, CV1 3AY
For further information contact: carersgroups@carerstrusthofe.org.uk or 02476 632972 (Opt 1)
Free flower arranging workshops for local carers!
- 9 November (Remembrance Day flower arrangements)
- 7 December (Christmas flower arrangements)
Both sessions will be 1pm-3pm.
If you are interested in booking a place on either of these workshops, please email: carergroups@carerstrusthofe.org.uk or call 02476 632972 (option 1).
Due to limited availability we are asking you to book onto one session to allow more carers to get involved
Carers Trust in partnership with Act on Energy are holding a Zoom session providing energy advice for anyone with caring responsibilities.
When: 17 November - 11am-12noon
Where: Zoom
Contact: carergroups@carerstrusthofe.org.uk or call 02476 632972 (option 1).
Are you getting all the help you can for energy bills?
The cost of energy bills this winter is very worrying for many, many people – and especially for those with higher energy use. You can find below details of the payments available which are designed to help you with your energy bills. But is a complex area so if you are struggling, please contact our partner Act on Energy for full advice and support. You can call them for free on 0800 988 2881.
The Energy Bills Support scheme is now underway and people should have received their first monthly payment; this is a part payment in the £400 grant that the government has committed for everyone with an electricity meter.
How you receive the money will depend on your supplier and what type of electricity account you have (for example if you pay by Direct debit or a prepayment meter). If you haven’t received your payment, follow up as soon as possible with your electricity supplier. Be very aware of scams though – your electricity supplier is arranging the payment and you will never be asked for bank details. If you’re unsure, contact your electricity supplier – the contact details will be on your electricity bill.
The £400 grant which you don’t need to repay, is in addition to the wider package of help for people on certain means-tested benefits (often referred to as the £650 benefit payment). The second part of this payment is due early November; the first payment of £326 was paid in July. Contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) if you think you should have received this payment.
The Winter Fuel Payment is also payable to UK households with someone over the state pension age. If you are of pension age, you may also be getting the Warm Home Discount. The Discount is available from the larger energy suppliers to help those with vulnerabilities pay their energy bills over the winter. The money is now paid automatically if you fit the criteria (if you or your partner receive the ‘guarantee credit’ element of pension credit and you or your partner’s name is on the energy bill.) And if you’re on certain benefits (eg universal credit) and deemed to have higher energy costs, you may also get the discount. Contact your supplier if you think you should be included and be scam aware.
For those on certain disability benefits, an automatic £150 payment is also available (there were delays in paying this but most should have received it now). Contact the DWP if you need further assistance.
The Energy Price Guarantee was brought in on 1 October to help with energy costs. The £2,500 ‘cap’ is not a cap on total bills; that figure is based on a typical user – so the more you use – the more you pay. The Guarantee puts limits on unit rates so your final bill will still be determined by the amount of energy you use. When the scheme was announced, it was due to run for two years. But changes announced in the last couple of weeks mean that the Energy Price Guarantee will now run until April 2023 - and what happens after April is currently under review.
Remember - Act on Energy is here to help
Coventry City Council has partnered with Act On Energy – an energy advice charity with more than 20 years’ experience. They can help people across Coventry to keep warm and well this winter.
As well as helping you to navigate the energy bills help that is available, Act on Energy can offer expert advice on:
- Energy efficiency tips to reduce your bills
- Grants and funding for energy efficiency measures
- Grants for replacement heating systems
- Help with fuel bills and Energy debt
- Billing issues with your supplier
The advice is free– simply call on 0800 988 2881 or find out more about Act on Energy here.
As well as advice over the phone, they can also arrange home visits for those with vulnerabilities. Small measures can be provided for free such as low energy light bulbs, draught proofing and heat reflective radiator foils.
Some funding schemes require certain criteria to be met – but others don’t, so it’s well worth giving them a call now to see how they can help you.
Why flu vaccination is important
Flu vaccination is important because, while flu is unpleasant for most people, it can be dangerous and even life threatening for some people, particularly those with certain health conditions.
The best time to have your flu vaccine is in the autumn or early winter before flu starts spreading. But you can get your vaccine later.
Who can have the flu vaccine?
The flu vaccine is given free on the NHS to adults who:
- are 50 and over (including those who will be 50 by 31 March 2023)
- have certain health conditions
- are pregnant
- are in long-stay residential care
- receive a carer's allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick
- live with someone who is more likely to get a severe infection due to a weakened immune system, such as someone living with HIV, someone who has had a transplant, or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
Where to get the flu vaccine
You can have the NHS flu vaccine at:
- your GP surgery
- a pharmacy offering the service – if you're aged 18 or over
- some maternity services if you're pregnant
Sometimes, you might be offered the flu vaccine at a hospital appointment.
If you have a flu vaccine at any NHS service except your GP surgery, you do not have to tell the surgery to update your records. This will be done for you. If you’ve been given a flu vaccine privately, or through an occupational health scheme, you can tell your GP surgery if you would like it added to your NHS record.
Where can I book
You can arrange your flu vaccine with your GP or book online.
COVID autumn booster
A season booster is now available for COVID-19 for people who fall into the following categories:
- aged 50 or over
- pregnant
- aged 5 and over and at high risk due to a health condition
- aged 5 and over and at high risk because of a weakened immune system
- aged 16 and over and lives with someone who has a weakened immune system
- aged 16 and over and is a carer, either paid or unpaid
- a frontline health and social care worker
The appointment dates you'll be offered will start from 3 months (91 days) after your previous dose.
Book your booster.
Entrust Care Partnership brings parents and carers together to listen and support other families caring for a child or young person with additional needs.
We have been commissioned by Contact to reach out to local parent carers to help establish a new Parent Carer Forum.
Your voice as a parent is really important and your collective views, in partnership with Coventry City Council can influence and improve the provision of services.
Coventry City Council strives to meet the needs of our SEND community but no one can walk in your shoes. Local council officers want to understand how best to help and greatly value the voice and contribution of a local Parent Carer Forum.
Please consider joining the Forum - it could be as simple as two minutes sharing your email address so we can keep in touch, two hours a month to be part of the Committee and speak on behalf of other parents, be a representative alongside parents and professionals to focus for example Early Years, Transport, Preparing for Adulthood, Short Breaks, improving Health and Social Care.
Please please email or call to find out just how you can make a real difference.
Contact: 07735650019 / Email: ppw@entrustcarerpartnership.org.uk
Be an Influencer today!
Additional information
2 November 2022
1st Wednesday of every month
Peer Support for Carers
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
10.30am – 12noon
1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 November 2022
Every Tuesday
Activity Group
Maymorn Day Care, Everdon Road, CV6 4DT
10am – 1pm
8, 15, & 22 November 2022 (face to face)
Carer and Information Support Programme (CrISP)
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
10.30am – 1pm
Alternates each month between face to face and virtual session
14 November 2022
2nd Monday of every month
Singing for the Brain
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
1.30am – 12noon & 1pm – 2.30pm
Virtual sessions – 1st and 4th Monday of every month via Zoom 11am – 12 noon
16 November 2022
3rd Wednesday of every month
Peer Support
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
10.30am – 12noon
21 November 2022
3rd Monday of every month
Dementia Café
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
6pm – 8pm
This event is an opportunity for young people (14-25) and their families to find out about opportunities in the local area as they move forward into adulthood. There will be a range of workshops to attend covering aspects of education, health and care transitions – full details of these will be announced shortly.
When: Friday 4 November, 9.30am – 12pm.
Where: Coventry Council House, Earl Street, Coventry, CV1 5RR (we’re also hoping that workshops will also be available online)
Please see the leaflet below (and attached) for more information.
You must book in advance – you can do this by contacting SENDIASS via email: iass@coventry.gov.uk or TEL: 02476 694307.
A new e-booklet aiming to improve the information and support available for neurodivergent people and their families has been published and available on the Dimensions News page.
The booklet has been co-produced with input from professionals across Coventry and Warwickshire and neurodivergent people and their families. It provides a wealth of information all in one place about services and support available for those who are diagnosed or who self-identify as neurodivergent and those who care for and support them.
As well as a comprehensive list of services available to support children and young people and adults, there is a Frequently Asked Questions section covering everything from dealing with anxiety and managing impulses, to building positive friendships and family relationships and support for physical and mental health.
Good Neighbours are now running three Memory Lane groups, aimed at people with dementia / memory loss & their carers. Carers have a chance to take a break from looking after their loved one; whilst volunteers occupy people with dementia-friendly activities, carers are able to gather together to chat & support one another.
Sessions meet at:
- Memory Lane Finham - Woodside Avenue Methodist Church, CV3 6BE - Tuesdays fortnightly 10.30am-12pm. Next meeting 8 November.
- Memory Lane Radford - Lawrence Saunders Road Baptist Church, CV6 1HH - Fridays weekly 10.30am-12pm. Next meeting 4 November.
- Memory Lane Bedworth - All Saints Church, CV12 8NH - Fridays fortnightly 1.30pm - 3pm. Next meeting 4 November.
For more information, contact jackie@hopecoventry.org.uk or 07763 908 460. Booking is not required.
- Thurs 3 November 9.30am - 11.30am = Diabetes (overview of the signs, symptoms and management of Diabetes)
- Tues 22 November 1pm - 2.30pm = Bowel Health Management (the importance of bowel health and monitoring it, along with treatment pathways and screening)
The sessions are for anyone caring for someone with a learning disability. The sessions will be held virtually over Microsoft Teams.
If you would like to book a place at one of these sessions, please email: warwickshirelearninganddevelopmentpartnership@warwickshire.gov.uk
Change Grow Live are a drug and alcohol treatment service in Coventry; they support adults with their drug and alcohol issues and they also support people caring for someone with a drug and alcohol issues, friends and adult family members. For our carers, friends and family support we provide 3 types of support at the moment:
- We can provide direct one to one support at our office in Lamb Street. The support is with someone who has been in your shoes, dealing with their family or friends addiction issues.
UPDATE A weekly support group, held every Wednesday - 1pm at 1a Lamb Street, Coventry, CV1 4AE.
- Our family lead also hosts a WhatsApp group you can access.
Caring for someone with a substance misuse issue can be particularly challenging and it can be particularly hard to recognise the support you might need as a carer.
You can choose to take advantage of any or all of these support systems, whatever works for you to help you manage how you feel about and think about what action you take with the person who you are supporting.
Please register your details with us. Once completed, you will be given the link to our evening group instantly, which you are more than welcome to join any time!
Coventry City Council has recently collaborated with EON in promoting their Homes for Living programme, a scheme aimed at supporting people to live better for longer in the comfort of your own home by installing discrete, minor adaptations free of charge.
The scheme is open to all Coventry residents regardless of which energy provider they are with and aims to support those who could benefit from having such installations but may not be seen by adult social care. Find out more information on the EON scheme.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at carers@coventry.gov.uk.