Feedback on the usefulness of this bulletin is very much appreciated, such as whether you find the content useful, if anything is missing, or whether more (or less) detail is needed. Please email any feedback to
In this issue:
Links to the national guidance can be found below:
Coventry Council's website is under going a face lift and we want to know what you want to see! Specifically, please let us know:
- What would be beneficial for you to see and have access to as providers?
- What do individuals most use the website for?
- What would be helpful to include on website?
Let us know as soon as possible via
Coventry and Warwickshire partnership trust can now offer the urgent care response service to all care homes in Coventry. This is a service which can offer health support and a response within two hours. They have a range of staff advanced nurse practitioners, paramedics and therapists, a number of which can prescribe meaning you will not have to refer to the GP or the 111 service at weekends.
Please take the time to watch this short video which explains the services and below information which details what can be referred through to this service and how to refer. There are some exclusions which are also noted on the below poster.
The service is available 7 days per week 8am-8pm( although referrals will have to be received by 6pm)/
If you are a care home using DOCOBO, please continue to raise alerts via the DOCOBO.
Please let us know if you have any queries or require further information via
Did you know 58% of managers have never received any formal management or leadership training?
If you haven’t, here’s a great opportunity from Adult Education in Coventry.
This Level 3 course is for all managers (or aspiring managers) and is delivered at no cost for participants who meet the simple funding criteria. Learners will work through 7 units which they will be able to relate directly to their workplace including:
- Principles of Management and Leadership
- Managing Own Personal and Professional Development
- Building Stakeholder Relationship Using Effective Communication
- Managing a Team to Achieve Results
- Managing Budgets and Resources
- Contributing to the Delivery of a Project
- Presenting for Success
The programme will be starting early in the New Year and if you are interested or have staff who are interested we will be holding an information event online in early November where Ben Roughton from Adult Education will be answering questions. Please contact to reserve a place.
Rollout of the Seasonal Covid-19 Booster programme has continued through October, with over 80% of all homes having received at least one visit. Thank you to everyone for your support in ensuring consent forms have been completed, and working with providers to get visit dates agreed. For those homes outstanding a visit, please make your provider aware if you have staff who would also like to take up the offer of a Covid booster at the same time as the residents.
Alternatively, staff can self-declare as a care worker and access their seasonal booster via telephoning 119 or booking online.
Local walk-in clinics with no need for prior booking can be found on the Healthy Happy Lives website.
PLEASE remember to update the NECSU capacity tracker as soon as residents and staff have been vaccinated. This is so we can understand how the uptake is going to ensure that we are protecting our most vulnerable residents in a timely manner together with those who care for them. It is a legal requirement to update the tracker by the 14th of every month with up to date information.
Anyone can get the flu vaccination and it is free for certain groups:
- People aged 50 or over
- Pregnant women
- All adults and children (from the age of 6 months) with health conditions
- Children aged 2 to end of year 11
- Carers and those working in health and social care
- People living with someone who is more likely to get infections.
If you’re eligible for a free vaccination your GP will get in touch, or you can book directly or at a pharmacy.
Autumn Vaccination Champion training dates
Publichealth are hosting additional Vaccination Champion sessions to share information wider of the importance of routine vaccinations. The training is relevant for those working with children, adults and older adults and supports with how you can access local/national resources. If you know anyone who may be interested in learning more, please feel free to share this email wider.
Currently, 19 Vaccination Champions are trained coming from a wide variety of backgrounds to include: family hubs, adult social care, religious groups, nurses, and members of the voluntary sector. Due to demand for additional training sessions, public health are delivering sessions to be held on the following dates:
• Thurs 10 Nov 6pm-7pm (Shortened version via Teams) • Weds 23 Nov 2022 11am-1pm (in person at the Council House)
The Vaccination Champion is a voluntary role that demonstrates a commitment to the health of the public. This short training session is aimed to empower people with the knowledge and confidence in using the available resources to promote vaccination when working with families, adults and older adults. The session is delivered as an interactive workshop to develop confidence in promoting key messages and how to respond to vaccine misconceptions.
At the end of the session, all attendees will be given a certificate of completion. The training is free of charge. If you would like to register to this training, please contact
We urge all communities, schools, nurseries, faith groups to nominate a representative to attend a Vaccination Champion training so that there is a key person who can share guidance with their organisation or community.
Please ensure the capacity tracker is updated with all relevant information by the 14th of every month - you are legally required to do this and face possible financial penalties should you not comply.
You will already be aware it is now a legal requirement to update the capacity tracker by the 14th day of each month. As of November 2022, enforcement action will commence and fines may be imposed for providers who have not updated within the update window (between the 8-14th of every month) and therefore deemed non-compliant.
Training sessions are available to all providers across a range of dates (detailed below) and support is available via the Support Centre on 0191 691 3729 (Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm) or email to support in understanding.
Reporting COVID-19 and flu vaccination status
We appreciate there is now no legal mandate for staff to get vaccinated or provide their vaccination data to their employer. However, collecting staff and resident data (where they are comfortable sharing this) is to oversee overall protection. Vaccination data was collected before the VCOD policy came into effect.
Having regular updates as to care home resident and staff vaccination allows the vaccination programme to direct and target resource in the right place and where it is needed. It provides for regular understanding of how on the ground vaccination uptake is going, and enables conversations, discussions and webinars with health systems, care home providers, managers and staff in understanding what needs to be done where, to ensure we are protecting our most vulnerable in a timely manner together with those who care for them.
Without regular data the sharing of information and targeting resource becomes more difficult. The NHS programme use the data to target vaccines to care homes with low uptake rates, and local systems use the data to monitor levels of protection and risk.
As we move toward winter when more people are inside, Covid is potentially more virulent, and Flu and other respiratory infections circulate in the population, it is key that we come together as one to ensure we protect as many people as possible as soon as possible.
No need to book - just join the meeting through Teams.
The Thrive at Work commitment provides employers with a structured approach to workplace health and wellbeing. It’s a blend of organisational and individual wellbeing elements which are broken down into ‘themes’ such as enablers of health, mental health, musculoskeletal health and promoting healthy lifestyles. The programme is managed online with a bespoke dashboard to monitor progress and upload evidence against the listed criteria in order to gain accreditation of the Thrive Award.
Evidence suggests that organisations will see financial benefits from investing in employee health and well-being by creating a happier and healthier workforce. It is designed to maximise the potential of employees and drive results to the bottom line through reduced sickness absence, improved retention, increased resilience, and more productivity. Best of all its free!
There are four levels, Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold, each one needs to be completed in order to achieve the next. Throughout the process businesses are supported by one of the Thrive team, we also run free workshops/webinars that link to the Thrive criteria to support businesses in implementing best practice for health and wellbeing within their organisation. We work with businesses that have 10+ employees ensuring that their policies, and practices are up to date and they have health and wellbeing as part of their business agenda.
Get more information about Thrive at Work.
The Thrive team will be running a webinar on 31 November for business who want to know more or who are just getting started with Thrive. Read more about the webinar and sign up.
Thrive at Work provides an accreditation for organisations of over 8 employees. Organisations will need to identify a member of staff to become the Workplace Health and Wellbeing Lead and make a management commitment to support.
It was World Menopause Day on 18 October which aimed to raise awareness, break the stigma and highlight support options available for improving health and wellbeing. This is a particularly important issue to highlight within social care - in Coventry, a whopping 82% of our social care workforce are women with an average age of 44 (menopause usually happens between 45-55).
As 3 out of 5 working women between the ages of 45-55 experiencing menopause symptoms say it has a negative impact on them at work, and 30% of women having to take sick leave because of their symptoms, we must ensure our workforce are educated and supported as best we can.
There are a raft of ways to support your workforce, colleagues and service users via the resources available on the Internal Menopause Society website, including:
- Engagement toolkit
- Information leaflets
- A White Paper on Brain Fog in Menopause
- Expert interviews
- Reports from around the world
Please do make use of these free resources to assist in breaking the taboo around menopause and ensure everyone has access to support should they need it.
Whilst an exciting time of year for many, the thought of Halloween and bonfire night can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety for some of our service users. Fireworks especially can affect older people, individuals with autism or sensory issues and people with conditions such as PTSD due to their loud and unpredictable nature.
Age UK have provided some tips for a safe and happy Halloween including:
- Always put the door chain on and look out of the window or spy hole to see who's there before opening the door.
- Take particular care if there's more than one person on your doorstep.
- Only open the door if you feel safe to do so. If you're in any doubt or don't feel safe, don't – it's fine not to answer the door if you don't want to.
- If you're really worried, invite a friend or relative around and spend the evening together.
Bonfire night
The National Autistic Society have compiled an information page and top tips on helping individuals cope through this period.
Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire will be reopening their office on Warwick Row in Coventry town centre as of next week (31 October 2022). Their Preventative Support Service aims to improve the quality of life for people over the age of 18 with long term conditions and/or dementia.
The Preventative Support Service (PSS) 18+ includes:-
- Contact & Triage
- Information & Advice
- One-to-one support & holistic assessment
- Outreach Services
They will help and support people through the process by guiding them to the best possible options and solutions for the individual. This includes help and advice regarding the cost of living crisis.
Contacting Age UK is free of charge and most of the services that they may link you to are also free. If there is a charge for a specific service this will be explained to you when you enquire.
This service is confidential and no information is passed on without your consent or knowledge.
Coventry City Council will be holding this event at the Central Methodist Hall (Lower Hall) 10am-3pm on Thursday 10 November 2022.
The day will be a chance for individuals to find out more about Adult Social Care, what support is available, what to expect through the social care assessment, paying for care, benefits advice and much more. A range of organisations including:
- Carers Trust
- The Job Shop
- Act on Energy
- Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board
We encourage as many individuals, whether currently in social care, or who simply want to know more about this for a loved one or future reference, to pop along for a cup of tea and meet the teams. Providers are also very welcome to attend to find out more about the wider adult social care offer.
We look forward to meeting you!
Every year Coventry City Council produces a report which describes what Adult Social Care service is doing to help improve the lives of vulnerable people and how well as a service it is performing along with areas where we seeking to improve further. This report is usually referred to as the ‘Local Account’ but is also referred to as the ‘Annual Report’ for Adult Social Care.
We hope you find this account interesting and that it provides you with an insight into Adult Social Care in Coventry and the work that is being done to support improvements.
Please have a read of our Local Account and get in touch with us with any best practice or good news stories for our next Local Account via
Information taken from Skills for Care website:
The 2022-23 Workforce Development Fund is now open
The Workforce Development Fund (WDF) 2022-23 is now open to adult social care employers in England to support the development of their staff at all levels, offering funding for a wide range of qualifications, learning programmes and digital learning modules. This year the WDF will continue to provide additional support to registered managers and frontline managers as this is key to providing quality care and supporting the workforce. Enhanced funding will continue to be available for the completion of leadership and management qualifications, learning programmes and digital learning modules. Visit our website to find out more and apply
Support for registered managers:
Take a look at our web pages which provide dedicated support and information we recommend for all registered managers and frontline managers.
We Are Social Care Nursing conference: Shaping the future of nursing in social care
Thursday 3 November 10am - 3.45pm on Zoom This conference is for all the nursing workforce and key stakeholders in social care, to come together and learn about best and innovative practice that can influence and contribute to the future of nursing. We’ll be focusing on workforce issues and sharing examples of ambitious career development. Our keynote speaker is Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, who will set the scene for the day and will be involved in our discussion and panel session about shaping the future of social care nursing. There will also be an opportunity to join some fantastic breakout sessions covering a wide range of topics.
November is officially moustache month and although a bit of fun, there is a real cause behind Movember which aims to raise awareness for men's health issues including:
- Prostate Cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Mental health
- Suicide prevention
Men die on average 5 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer among young men affecting around 10.8 million people. Across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males counting for 69% of all suicides. By raising both awareness and money for vital research, Movember aims to address these issues and support as many people as possible.
Find out more and get involved in the Movember Campaign using their resource packs.
Whatever you grow could save a bro.
Coventry City Council are partnering with energy provider E.ON to offer residents that need a helping hand to live independently, free home solutions to stay warm and age well at home.
The new Homes for Living scheme is aimed at supporting people's health and wellbeing and independent living in the comfort of their own homes. The programme will consist of installations including discrete, minor adaptations such as bathroom mobility aids, garden rails, toilet roll holders, plant pot holders, towel rails, mirror shelves and more free of charge.
It follows the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy announcement of £300 million of Government investment in 2018. This aims to help prepare nationally for an aging society by asking businesses to help develop and deliver products and services that allow people to remain active, productive and socially connected for as long as possible.
The programme is available to those that are aged 40 and over and residents do not need to be an E.ON customers or join E.ON. Those that meet E.ON's eligibility criteria will need to have a household income and receipt of certain benefits by someone living in the same property.
Resident's that are interested in having mobility aids installed in their homes can contact the Home's for Living Team that will arrange a time to visit and carry out a free home survey to recommend the best adaptations the home dependent on the specific needs of the resident.
The Homes for Living offer is available until 1 April 2024. To find out more, a brochure of adaptations and aids is available on E.ON's website. Alternatively residents can email any questions to and quote 'Homes for Living' in the subject box.
In Coventry we're really committed to developing the options available for people using services and people caring to become involved in how services are delivered, shaped and improved. We've set out our commitment to this in "Our Approach" and the ways in which will move this forward.
Read the full document.
This month we celebrate Maple Leaf who continue to show creativity and dedication to the wellbeing of both residents and staff. Every month Maple Leaf produces a poster of their good news stories and have kindly shared examples of some great moments over the past few months including:
- Hosting a car wash day, with staff enjoying a fun day washing family members cars and raising a total of £150 for resident activities!
- Harvesting for the Homeless Day collecting donations for The Salvation Army and included a special performance from singer Dave Willets!
- Meditation sessions for residents and staff
- A pamper day full of nail care, hair care and a visit from the chiropodist - including a special Gents Paper Day event!
- Picnic at Memorial Park with loved ones
It is always lovely to share such caring examples - well done to the team at Maple Leaf!
Happy Halloween and bonfire night from the Strategic Commissioning Team!