Coventry Music newsletter - October 2022

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Coventry music

Coventry Music Education Hub updates

The official newsletter of the lead organisation of Coventry Music Education Hub.

Follow us on Twitter and check out our website for all the latest news.

Included in this update:

All the latest news from Coventry Music

For all the latest news visit our news page on our website.

Hello and welcome to our first newsletter of the year

Welcome to a new academic year!  

What a wonderful first half term of music making we have had. Some of our highlights have included the moving of our Inclusive Soundabout choir into the Herbert and the release of our first Positive Choices – Youth Music funded programmes video. 

In October every year we review and look back on the activity across the whole Music Education Hub and assess the needs and areas to improve our provision. Last year we launched our Junior and Youth Voices choirs in response to feedback. Now we are about to embark on a holiday course over half term with Coventry Cultural Education Partnership giving young people the opportunity to experience Music alongside, Dance, Physical Theatre, Art and Film Making – please do sign up. 

Coventry Music last academic year worked with 4780 students on a weekly basis across our school lessons and after school music groups programme, with over 2000 other young people taking part in events and other partner activities, if you would like more information on how we can help support your child, school, education setting or community group, we would love for you to reach out so that we can help grow musical opportunities city wide even further.  


Mark Steele 
Coventry Music Lead  

Upcoming events

Little Glow workshop

Little Glow half-term workshop

Exciting musical workshop this half term for early years children

Coventry Music are proud to be presenting a music workshops for early years children based on the book “Little Glow” by Katie Sahota & Harry Woodgate

The workshop will involve stories, songs and rhymes and will be a fun way to explore both stories and music in an expressive and friendly way.

We are really excited to announce that the author - Katie Sahota will be attending the event to share her story.

The workshop is suitable for children aged 4-7 and their parents/carers. Parents/carers must stay for the duration of the workshop.

Tuesday 25 October – 11:00-12:30pm at Drapers’ Hall, Bayley Lane, Coventry – cost £5 per family

To register your child onto this workshop, please complete this signup form - Little Glow workshop Registration Form and make payment of £5. Places are limited.

We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event. If you have any questions about this event please contact us at

There will also be another workshop on Tuesday 25 October at 2:00-3:30pm at Tile Hill Library, Jardine Crescent, Coventry. This workshop is FREE and there is no need to book. The author will not be present at this event. Places are limited. 

ccep workshop

Celebrate - Make it your own half term workshop

Want to get more creative, but don't know where to start, or what you might like?

Then join this three day action-packed workshop full of fun performing arts and digital creativity.

Three days of action-packed fun performing arts and digital creativity.

Ever wanted to find a way to get more creative, but didn’t know where to start or what you might like?  This programme is designed for you…

Day 1: Give it a go!

A chance to experience different activities. Take part in taster sessions from six professional cultural organisations. Have a go at dance, drama, music, animation, and digital creation to find out what you like best.

Day 2: Make it your own!

Select your favourite activity and develop your skills. Working for a full day on your chosen activity to produce your own creation.

Day 3: Celebrate!

Join together to showcase your new-found music, dance, acting, or digital skills to family and friends. Make friends, have fun, and develop some great new skills! If this sounds like something you want to get involved in, here’s what you need to know:

This opportunity is open to all young people aged from 7 to 14.  There are limited places available and booking is essential. You do not need previous experience and can be of any ability. All you need is the energy to give it a go!

For more information and to book your child’s place.

Activities from: Ascension Dance/ Coventry Music Hub/ Let’s Animate/ Ludic Rooms/ Motherland Music

Register to play with the Regional Orchestra this November

The music services of Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire are delighted to invite students to take part in a high quality orchestral experience.

The Regional Orchestra is intended for high quality young musicians up to the age of 19 and we expect that woodwind, brass and percussion players will be of Grade 5 standard or above.

The Regional Orchestra meet several times a year and we are delighted to be working in partnership with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, the Warwick Arts Centre and the Warwick Schools Foundation.

Our aim is to give as many students as possible a high-quality orchestral experience.

Next event is 19-20 November - Register now on this online registration form.

regional orchestra flyer


Coventry Music take music making into secondary schools

For 6 days in July and September, Coventry Music transported over 120 instruments on tour in many cars to 6 different secondary schools where all the year 7 children bowed, plucked and blew their way through lots of workshops! 

Over 1200 budding musicians got to try flute, clarinet, saxophone, violin, ‘cello, pBone (trombone) and pTrumpet (trumpet), most for the first time.  Lots of fun was to be had and many squeaks were heard during the sessions and the children surprised themselves with unexpected sounds as they mastered basic skills on these instruments.  The children have then filled in forms or spoken to their heads of music in school to choose to have lessons from now until Christmas funded by money from the Coventry Cultural Education Partnership.  Many of the music tutors who took part in the take over days are now assigned to these schools and can’t wait to start working with such keen and enthusiastic pupils.  Watch this space for a new year 7 beginner orchestra in the future.

We would like to thank all the schools who took part and made us feel so welcome for the day and managed to free up their year 7s for us to work with and also all the carrying of instruments from cars to classrooms!

If you would like your child to learn an instrument or start a kickstart programme in your school, sign up or find out more on our website.

images of children in uniform trying out different classical music instruments

Pupils from West Coventry Academy having a go on some different musical instruments

Foxford School release video as part of Positive Choices Programme

Positive Choices is an after school music making programme working with a range of young musicians in different schools across the city.

Foxford school created an original track focusing on the theme of knife crime which was then performed and recorded live’

You can watch the full video on YouTube.  #PositiveChoices

Boy from Foxford school singing as part of Positive Choices Programme
soundlab logo

SoundLab-Cov relaunched by Coventry Music

Birmingham City University has now handed over SoundLab-COV to Coventry Music.
Coventry Music is keen to continue to run and develop the programme to keep offering creative music making sessions to young people in Coventry. 

We will be continuing to be based at the Coventry Caribbean Associated Ltd and will continue to run on Saturdays and sessions will run from 10-2pm.  

We will be looking at how the project could support young musicians further as well as other linked in opportunities through Coventry Music for the young people, and we are actively looking for new members.

 You can sign up to join via our Speed Admin online registration form and come along to our first session after the half term break which will be Saturday 5 November. The remaining term dates and more information can be found on the Coventry Music website.

Watch this snippet to see what happens at a typical SoundLab-Cov meeting.

Coventry Music embraces inclusivity and accessibilty

Exciting new feature added to Coventry Music website.

Did you know our website is now fully accessible to everyone, including text-to-speech, reading and translation support? Visit our website now to see this fantastic new feature.

image of a computer keyboard with a accessibility button highlighted

Musical opportunities

Charanga and the Model Music Curriculum CPD session for schools and music teachers

Reminder to schools to book your place on the Charanga workshop on Wednesday 2 November 4:00pm - 5:30pm at Drapers' Hall, to learn more about how to use Charanga in your school. Book your place now.

To find out more email

Come and join one of our music groups

beginner music group flyer

Coventry Music is now settled into its beautiful new home at Drapers' Hall, and it is wonderful to hear the sound of music-making echoing through the corridors and around the building.

We have lots of different groups running currently for all ages and abilities.

  • For beginners:
    • we have a beginner brass group at Ravensdale school, open to all beginner brass players.
    • and at Drapers' Hall we have a beginner ukulele group, for those interested in learning the ukulele and playing with others in a group.
    • a Junior voices choir (ages 7-13) and a youth choir (ages 11+)
    • and our excellent creative sounds music making group - an inclusive music group for all levels and abilities, where we come together to just enjoy making music.
  • We also offer brass, wood wind and string options for intermediate players,
  • As well great opportunities for more advanced players, for instance our session band and string quartet who appear at many venues and concerts throughout the year.
  • Visit our website for full details of all the groups we offer.

We regularly showcase our groups, during sharing sessions with parents and Christmas and summer concerts. We perform at Godiva each year and often in the city centre.

We are inclusive, and provide fun, safe and rewarding places where children can develop their musical talents and learn to work with others in a group setting.

Sign up for one of our groups. Currently all our groups at Drapers' Hall are free.

Here is the new timetable for our groups from September 2022.

group timetable image
music group poster listing all the groups on offer around a QR code

Inclusive Soundabout Choir welcomes new members

inclusive choir

Our Inclusive Soundabout Choir is now meeting face-to-face once a month and online fortnightly.

Everyone is welcome and there is chance for a cup of tea, some cake and a chat after the music making has finished. 

This is what one of the parents said about the first Coventry meeting:

"We went to Soundabout's inclusive Choir for the first time last week. My son doesn't always enjoy music as he is very sensory with noises and sounds, but we thought we would give it a go. 

From the moment we walked in we were made to feel so welcome. The girls made such an effort to include us all at whatever level we felt comfortable. My son loved exploring all the different kinds of instruments. Karen and Vicky had such a great way of keeping the children engaged and all joining in with the signing and singing. 

When my son had had enough, he went to the corridor and had some time away from the group but it wasn't a problem. Vicky took him an instrument out and had a few minutes of 1:2:1 time with him. It was so lovely to be in an environment where the children were free to express themselves with no judgement, which as a SEN parent is priceless. It was a wonderful morning and I cannot wait for the next session."

The choir currently meets on zoom on alternate Saturdays from 11am-12noon. In the autumn the choir will also begin offering face to face sessions in Coventry. 

See the choir’s most recent recording.

For more information visit our website or sign up. 01235 797 474.

career wordle

Looking for some music career advice?

Check out our great video on what next in the music industry: A Future in Music video and these great resources from Discover! creative careers.


Our music recommendation - listen to this...

Here is a spooky little song that you can all enjoy a sing along to - complete with lyrics. It is taken from the Tim Burton film "A nightmare before Christmas". If you havent seen it then we can highly recommend it as a great half-term activity. "This is Halloween"

this is halloween

Meet the Team - Nicole Collins - Finance and Business Officer

image of Nicole Collins

I’ve worked in the council for 7 years this October and started out as an assistant in the Job Shop. I’ve since worked across a number of projects, including social work and public health, before using my finance and project management background to join Coventry Music last year. My interest in music comes from learning the cello in primary school, which was a fantastic creative outlet at a tricky time. I’ve always had a great love for music and I’m still a big ‘emo’ at heart. I love working in Coventry Music, in particular managing the amazing group of people who are our admin team, and keeping on top of our SLAs and finances.

Dates for your diary

19-10 November 2022
Regional Youth Orchestra Workshop

8 December 2022
Live on Stage Gig Night

Week beginning 5 December 2022
Music group sharing sessions at Drapers' Hall

12 December 2022
Christmas Concert at Coventry Central Hall

March 2023
Key Stage 1 Cultural Cantata

June 2023
Key Stage 2,3,4 Cultural Cantata

christmas concert image

Join us on social media

Visit our website for news, information and to find out more about what we offer.

If you would like these monthly updates to include what your organisation is doing for the children and young people of Coventry, please sign up or contact