Welcome to September's Bulletin. Firstly we would like to acknowledge that the city and the people of Coventry were deeply saddened at the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. If you need some support around grief and bereavement then the NHS has some useful information that you may find helpful. It lists organisations that you can contact for further support. You may also find the new Emotional Resilience course that Carers Trust Heart of England will be commencing in November, as a helpful resource (information below). Please reach out for support.
As you can see it is another bumper edition, but we hope it includes information that is relevant and provides useful resources, such as activities being held by Carers Trust Heart of England and the Alzheimer's Society. There are also details about the Energy Bills support, Covid-19 boosters and flu vaccinations and activities in our libraries amongst other things.
We know this time of year is bringing with it trepidation around energy and the cost of living, so please reach out and get the support you need. Please take care.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Diwali and we hope you enjoy celebrating this time together. |
On 15 July, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) issued advice on the next COVID-19 booster campaign, to take place this Autumn.
There are criteria as to who will be offered a booster of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine this autumn:
- residents in a care home for older adults and staff working in care homes for older adults
- frontline health and social care workers
- all adults aged 50 years and over
- persons aged 5 to 49 years in a clinical risk group
- persons aged 5 to 49 years who are household contacts of people with immunosuppression
- persons aged 16 to 49 years who are carers
You should be offered an appointment between September and December, with those at highest risk being called in first. You should have your booster at least 3 months after your last dose of vaccine. Please accept the invitation for a booster as soon as you are invited, to help keep you and your loved ones safe.
You will either be contacted directly or appointments will be available from the National Booking Service shortly.
Please register as a carer with your GP as they offer free health checks and flu jabs for carers. Ask at your local surgery for more information.
If your GP knows you are a carer he/she can provide you with the right support. The surgery may be able to make reasonable adjustments to help you fit in appointments around your caring responsibilities. Your GP will also be able to look out for early signs that your caring role may be affecting your health.
You may be able to have your flu ad booster vaccine at the same time – if not please go ahead anyway, you can have the other vaccine at a later date.
A carers' group is going to be held at Herald Lodge Care Home, Canley, Coventry CV5 6AR. The first Tuesday of each month, the next being on 4 October, 2pm to 4pm.
This is open to carers and cared for. There will be a coffee shop area available for carers to chat, have a coffee and socialise. Also there will be staff from the care home providing an activity for the cared for and supporting them where needed.
For further details or information about how to join please email Rebecca Waite or call her on: 07522 200 141.
Mental Health Carers, Care and Share support group takes place the first Tuesday of the month from 10:30am till 12:30pm at Bonds Lodge, Hill Street, Coventry CV1 4AX.
Are you providing help and support to a relative, friend or partner who is experiencing difficulties with their mental health? Our in-person support group allows you time and a safe space to share in an informal group setting. Chat, relax and receive peer support.
The next dates till the end of this year are 4 October, 1 November and 6 December.
For the session in October, a guest speaker has been arranged from Silvertime Legal. They will be talking about power of attorney, wills, trust funds, long term carer fees and much more.
To join this group, you must confirm your place by emailing Leah Eckley or you can call 024 7663 2972 option 1 for more details.
Mental Health Carers, Virtual, Care and Share support group takes place the first Monday of the month from 1:30pm till 3pm.
Are you providing help and support to a relative, friend or partner who is experiencing difficulties with their mental health? Join our virtual support group to chat to others in a similar situation – safely and confidentially.
The next dates till the end of this year are 3 October, 7 November, and 5 December 2022.
Next years dates are 9 January, 6 February, and 6 March 2023.
To confirm your place email Carers Trust or call 024 7663 2972 option 1.
Emotional Resilience with Dr Liz Sparkes.
Join us for session 1 on 29 November where we will be:
- exploring emotions
- how to pause and not react and
- how to release emotions gently
Session 2 on 6 December will cover
- soothing emotions
- enhancing feelings of safety and
- connection within the mind and body
Both sessions will be from 12:30pm until 2pm at the Penny Collard Centre, Fleet Street, Coventry CV1 3AY.
To find out more and to book a place please email Carers Trust or call 024 7663 2972 option 1. (Limited spaces available so please book early).
 Carers Trust Heart of England are offering two flower arranging sessions with Sally Evans.
Join us on:
9 November for a Remembrance Sunday flower arrangement or
7 December for a Christmas flower arrangement.
Both sessions will be from 1pm until 3pm at the Penny Collard Centre, Fleet Street, Coventry CV1 3AY.
Spaces are limited so booking is essential. Please choose which session you would like and book by sending an email or calling 02476 632972 option 1.
(Due to limited availability, we are asking for you to book one session only to allow more people to get involved).
This is a brand new group and it’s not necessarily just for the fittest among us. Who knows we might have an “Alan Titchmarsh or Charlie Dimmock ” in our midst. If you are interested please contact them, so they can see how many people would like to attend.
If you have a disability which now prevents you from gardening, you can still contribute the benefits of your knowledge to the group (The Penny Collard Centre has wheelchair access). If you already have an interest in gardening or would like to learn and experience more, then this carers group could be for you.
What we will be doing
- Meeting once per month or fortnightly (depending on the season)
- Seed sowing
- Planting out
- Light garden maintenance
- Taking home the fruits of your labour.
Benefits of this group
- It is well known that gardening is not only advantageous for your physical fitness but is also beneficial for your mental health.
- We intend to utilise the indoor and garden areas of the Penny Collard Centre to sow seeds, nurture them, plant them out and watch them grow.
- Harvesting and taking home the fruits of your labour.
- Of course what would a carers group be like without the customary chat, tea, coffee, biscuits and cake.
For further details or information about how to join please email Carers Trust with Gardening as the subject or call 02476 632972 option 1.
3 October 2022
First Monday of the month
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
1:30pm – 3pm
4 October 2022
First Tuesday of the month
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
Bonds Hospital (Hill Street)
10:30am –
4 October 2022
First Tuesday of the month
Herald Lodge – Carers Social Group
Herald Lodge
Canley Road Coventry CV5 6AR
2pm – 4pm
5 October 2022
Every Wednesday
Yoga and Relaxation
11:30am – 12:30pm
5 October 2022
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
7 October 2022
Every four weeks on a Friday
Milan Social Group
(Drop-in Session for BAME carers)
Penny Collard Centre
11am – 1pm
10 October 2022
Second Monday of each month
Males Carers Group
1pm - 2:30pm
12 October 2022
Every Wednesday
Yoga and Relaxation
11:30am – 12:30pm
12 October 2022
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
13 October 2022
Second Thursday of the month
African & Caribbean Carers Support Group
1pm – 2:30pm
18 October 2022
Third Tuesday of the month
General Carers Social Group
Penny Collard Centre
10:30am – 12noon
19 October 2022
Every Wednesday
Yoga and Relaxation
11:30am – 12:30pm
19 October 2022
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
20 October 2022
Third Thursday of the month
LGBTQ+ carers
1pm – 2pm
24 October 2022
Drop-in clinic for carers from ethnic communities
Broad Street Hall (Broad Street) CV6 5BG
09:15am – 1:15pm
26 October 2022
Every Wednesday
Yoga and Relaxation
11:30am – 12:30pm
26 October 2022
Every Wednesday
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
For information about any of the groups above please contact Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 option 1 to discuss.
This month has been another busy month with the young adult carers!
We have celebrated our young adult carers receiving fantastic results in their GCSEs and A- levels.
Staff received some excellent feedback regarding the revisions Your Future was able to put on in the evenings during exam time.
" Thank you so much for the revision sessions. It really made a difference to me and I did better than I thought I would".
 As requested by our young adult carers we hosted a ‘Stranger Things’ session which included a Stranger Things quiz, making upside down jars and making some foods based around the program.
This was an extremely successful evening, and we received some great feedback, preventing social isolation.
 Our Young Adults had the opportunity to attend Godiva Festival, for some it was the first festival they had been able to experience. We supported our young adults to visit the stalls visiting the Job Shop and Police cadet stalls.
 Next week we are hosting a young adult carers ‘Oscars’ awards night, where staff will be recognising the achievements our young adult carers have gained during their time with Your Future.
They will be walking down the red carpet with a guest and having a taste of the VIP lifestyle!
Watch this space for an update on how they got on!
The young carers team offers a mixture of activities, ranging from getting together to watch a movie, to Karaoke fun, Diwali crafts and celebrations as well as a Halloween fancy dress party. They also run a youth group for 11 - 17 year olds. Places for all activities are limited so book soon, so you're not disappointed.
They would love to see you!
For more information and to book a place please visit the Young Carers website.
Additional information
5 October 2022
First Wednesday of the month
Peer Support for Carers
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
10:30am – 12 noon
4, 11, 18 & 25 October 2022
Every Tuesday
Activity Group
Maymorn Day Care, Everdon Road, CV6 4DT
10am – 1pm
5, 12, 19 October 2022 (virtual via Zoom)
Carer and Information Support Programme (CrISP)
6pm – 8:30pm
Alternates each month between face to face and virtual session
10 October 2022
Second Monday of the month
Singing for the Brain
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
10:30am – 12 noon & 1pm – 2:30pm
Virtual sessions – First and Fourth Monday of every month via Zoom 11am – 12 noon
17 October 2022
Third Monday of the month
Dementia Café
Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Grosvenor Road, CV1 3FE
6pm – 8pm
19 October 2022
Third Wednesday of the month
Peer Support
St Barbara’s Church Hall, 22 Rochester Road, CV5 6AG
10:30am – 12 noon
There are three sessions being offered via Microsoft Teams to support carers of someone with a learning disability. They are being held on:
Thursday 6 October 9:30am - 11:30am - Diabetes (overview of the signs, symptoms and management of diabetes)
Tuesday 18 October 1pm - 2:30pm - Bowel Health (the importance of bowel health and monitoring it, along with treatment pathways and screening)
Thursday 27 October 10am - 12noon - Dysphagia (i.e. difficulties in swallowing food and/or drink - the causes and types of Dysphagia and signs to look out for)
If you would like to book a place at one of these sessions, please send us an email.
Silver Sunday 2 October 2022 from 12 noon.
Silver Sunday connects older people with opportunities, services, and people around them. Furthermore, it encourages wider society to reflect and reconnect with neighbours, family members and organisations where they too can help and benefit from the richness of a cohesive society. Coventry’s event is taking place at the Central Library from 12 noon. Please do drop by, it’s a great opportunity to meet new people and have a chat. Whilst you are there you can also find out what else is going on across Coventry’s libraries.
Coundon Library Poetry Morning
You are invited to a poetry morning at Coundon Library on Thursday 13 October at 11am. Poets, Mandy Ross and Steve Pottinger, will be sharing poems at this relaxed event.
Mandy Ross has written over 60 children's books, as well as poetry and plays for adults. She is resident "Poet in the Woods" at Ledbury Poetry Festival and is a workshop leader with a real gift for sharing creativity.
Steve is a poet, author, and workshop facilitator, and a founding member of Wolverhampton arts collective "Poets, Prattlers and Pandemonialists". He has performed at Ledbury Poetry Festivals, the Edinburgh Free Fringe, and in venues across the country.
Everyone is welcome to this free event. No booking required, but if you would like further information, please send them an email or give them a call 024 7678 6969.
Download and listen to e-audiobooks
Borrowbox is always open for you to download and listen to e-audiobooks. For advice on using Borrowbox including downloading and using the app visit the Coventry Library ebooks website.
From 1 October, the Energy Price Guarantee will come into effect to help householders with their rising energy costs. It means that a ‘typical’ bill will be around £2,500 a year.
The price cap is designed to save a typical household £1,000 a year but…..This is not a maximum bill! The £2,500 is based on a typical household usage – but the more energy you use… the more you pay.
That’s because the Energy Price Guarantee limits the amount you can be charged per unit of gas or electricity, it does not put a maximum limit on your bill. So, your exact bill amount will continue to be influenced by how much energy you use.
Reduction on its way
The £400 reduction on domestic electricity bills (announced earlier in the summer) will still go ahead. It’s called the Energy Bills Support Scheme.
Those who have a standard credit meter will receive an automatic deduction to their bills from their supplier over the six month period from October – totalling £400.
Traditional prepayment meter customers receive Energy Bill discount vouchers from the first week of each month, issued via SMS text, email or post, using the customer’s registered contact details. Customers will need to redeem these at their usual top-up point, such as their nearest local PayPoint or Post Office branch.
Be very careful to avoid scams - no household will be asked for bank details at any point.
Households most in need will also be eligible for further support in addition to the Energy Bill discount. This includes:
- a £650 one-off Cost of Living Payment for around 8 million households on means tested benefits;
- a £300 one-off Pensioner Cost of Living Payment for over 8 million pensioner households to be paid alongside the Winter Fuel Payment;
- a £150 one-off Disability Cost of Living Payment for around six million people across the UK who receive certain disability benefits;
- a £500 million increase and extension of the Household Support Fund available to councils to support vulnerable households with the cost of essentials such as food, utilities and clothing.
Act on Energy – here to help
Coventry City Council has partnered with Act On Energy – an energy advice charity with more than 20 years’ experience. They can help people across Coventry to keep warm and well this winter.
Act on Energy can offer expert advice on:
- Energy efficiency tips to reduce your bills
- Grants and funding for energy efficiency measures
- Grants for replacement heating systems
- Help with fuel bills and Energy debt
- Billing issues with your supplier
The advice is free– simply call on 0800 988 2881 or find out more about Act on Energy
As well as advice over the phone, home visits can also be arranged, and even free small measures can be provided such as low energy light bulbs.
Some funding schemes require certain criteria to be met – but others don’t, so it’s well worth giving them a call now to see how they can help you.
Residents across the region are being encouraged to contact Warmer Homes West Midlands for support in helping to cut their fuel bills before the colder months return. Warmer Homes West Midlands website offer an impartial, free-to-use service that aims to give personalised energy advice to households. You can call (free phone number) 0808 196 8298 to talk to advisors who can also book home visits for more complex cases where more tailored advice and support can be offered to more vulnerable residents.
Community outreach staff can also offer help with budgeting, access grant funding and supply and install free energy-saving measures such a draughtproofing, heat reflective radiator foils and energy - efficient lightbulbs. Please give them a call for support and advice.
Please be mindful about any unexpected emails or texts that you receive claiming to offer discounts on energy bills. There are several scams circulating asking people for their personal details to claim support for their bills. The Government has announced all households will receive a £400 energy bill discount, but this will be automatic so you will not have to do anything or provide any personal details. If in doubt about any emails or messages you receive please seek support from Ofgem or Citizens Advice Bureau who can provide help and advice.
 The Coventry Adult Education Service is offering a 3 week Makaton course at the Coventry Community Resource Centre from Tuesday 4 to Tuesday 18 October 2022 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm.
For more information please contact Farah Mahmood on 024 7679 1797or send them an email.
Adult Education Service rated as a “Good” provider by Ofsted
We want to hear from people who live, work or study in Coventry, we need your views on the city’s priorities for the next eight years.
The One Coventry Plan provides our vision until 2030. It outlines how we will work together with our partners and communities across the city to achieve our priorities.
The plan is more focused on the needs and aspirations of our communities than ever before. We have listened to, and reflected on what people have been telling us and considered the key issues facing the city. We will build on learning from our citywide response to Covid.
We describe the way that we work together with residents and partners as our One Coventry approach. The approach helps bring people and organisations from across the city together to work as one to make the biggest, positive difference to the lives of those who live and work in the city.
Visit Let’s Talk Coventry to read the draft One Coventry Plan, find out more about our priorities, give us your views by filling in our short survey and register your interest to attend one of our workshops.
This is a real chance for you to get involved and have your say on the One Coventry Plan.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
If you’d like any more information or you have any questions, please drop the One Coventry team an email.
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful?
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at carers@coventry.gov.uk.