Feedback on the usefulness of this bulletin is very much appreciated, such as whether you find the content useful, if anything is missing, or whether more (or less) detail is needed. Please email any feedback to
In this issue:
Coventry City Council has launched a virtual Book of Condolence so people can pay their respects to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Those wishing to pay their own personal tributes can now visit the Central Library in Smithford Way or any one of the 16 community libraries during normal opening hours.
Details of libraries and opening times are available on the Council website.
Screening of the live coverage of the funeral will also take place in the city centre outside Coventry Cathedral on 19 September.
- 19 September: Bank holiday (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II funeral)
- 21 September 11am - 1pm: Mouth Care Matters online training
- 22 Sept 9am - 12pm: Older peoples care home provider forum
- 29 September 10am - 11:30am: Skills for Care financial wellbeing for social care workforce
- 30 September: Deterioration survey closes
Coventry City Council will be recognising the national bank holiday taking place on the 19 September 2022 therefore please be aware of the emergency contacts for this period:
- It will be business as usual until 5pm Friday 16 September 2022
- From 5pm 16 September to 8am 20 September 2022 support will be provided by the Council's Emergency Duty Team (EDT)
- The Hospital Social Work Team and Brokerage will be providing cover across the bank holiday as usual.
- The Mental Health Crisis Team will be open throughout
There will be management cover in place to support the services over the bank holiday closure days and the Council's Emergency Duty Team (EDT) will be available for out of hours response throughout this period.
Thank you for your continued support in arranging timely discharges from hospital and community placements. Please continue to ensure you have staff and management cover in place for prompt discharges back to your services. It is important we work together to maintain flow over this period from the Hospital to ensure bed capacity over what will be a busy time.
After this period (20 September 2022) it will revert to the standard 7 day working week.
Relevant contact information for the services during the bank holiday closure will be:
Service and contact number
- Community Social Work - 024 7683 3003
- Hospital Social Work - 024 7696 5600
- EDT - 024 7683 2222
Mental health contacts
- Mental health and wellbeing team (office/duty) - 024 7647 2662
- Recovery team (office / duty) - 024 7696 1242
- Access hub / home treatment team (24/7 approved MH professional) - 08081 966 798
- Coventry Memory Assessment & Community Dementia Service (office/duty) - 024 7670 7968
Tuesday 27 September
9.30 – 10.00
Registering for an ASC-WDS account
10.15 – 10.45
Introduction to using your ASC-WDS account
11.00 – 11.30
Making the most of your ASC-WDS account
Wednesday 25 January 2023
9.30 – 10.00
Registering for an ASC-WDS account
10.15 – 10.45
Introduction to using your ASC-WDS account
11.00 – 11.30
Making the most of your ASC-WDS account
Tuesday 14 March 2023
9.30 – 10.00
Registering for an ASC-WDS account
10.15 – 10.45
Introduction to using your ASC-WDS account
11.00 – 11.30
Making the most of your ASC-WDS account
Format: MS Teams events
To reserve any places, please email:
Older people's residential care homes will have received an invite to the care home provider forum on 22 September.
If you have not received this and would like to attend, or require any further information on the event, please contact
Please be reminded providers will be required to update their data by the 14th day of each month – or the next working day – ensuring data is no more than a week out of date.
High quality data is critical to assist in the Government's understanding of the challenges providers and the market face and how they can be best supported. Collecting data in this manner aims to reduce the burden of reporting and duplication of data collection by different organisations. Likewise, the Government is looking to improve how data is collated and shared back with yourselves as providers to enable benchmarking and development of business intelligence in a useable way.
Mandatory data provision - gentle reminder
The completion of the national capacity tracker is a mandatory requirement under the Health and Care Act which includes a power to require information from all registered providers of adult social care. This power is supported by a power to use financial penalties where providers do not provide information requested or provide false or misleading information without a reasonable excuse.
To ensure that the fine is proportionate to the provider type and size, the penalty has been set to the same level as the provider’s CQC Registration Fee. The enforcement mechanism will not be implemented until November of this year. However, even once established, financial penalties will be a last step to be used in the rare circumstances where:
- A provider continues to be, or is persistently, in breach of their data obligations, and
- The Capacity Tracker (delivery partner) has reached out to offer guidance and support, but the provider is still not sharing their data, and has not made adequate attempts to do so.
A provider will always be given the opportunity to make representations as to why they have not supplied the required data and why a financial penalty should not be imposed. Furthermore, even after a final penalty notice is issued, it is expected that providers may be able to avoid a fine by providing the data requested.
In Coventry, you may know, we have a website called Understanding Mental Capacity. This has two different sections: one for adults and carers and the other for provider practitioners. It is funded by Coventry Council and has been developed and is maintained in partnership with Angie Heal and Lucy Edwards from Policy Partners Project. We are currently consulting with a number of different groups in Coventry, hence this email to you.
We are aware that the site has not been used as much as it could be, so we would like to make some changes to make it a much more useful site.
We think the adults and carers information is fine for now, but we would really appreciate your views about the providers area of the site as it is now and what changes you think would be helpful to you in your role Coventry: Understanding Mental Capacity - Providers (
Please can you have a look around the site and specifically the provider area and then complete this questionnaire about your initial views.
The survey will close on 31 October 2022.
Once we have compiled responses and have initial feedback, Lucy and Angie will arrange to attend the groups via Teams, to seek members views in person; we hope you will be able to participate. They will then feedback to me and we will take your comments into consideration for the next stage of the website development.
We anticipate that, overall, the changes that this site need will take place over the next two or three years. This is because we also want to include information about LPS when it comes into force; DoLS information is not currently included because of the planned changes.
We hope you are able to participate in this project - we see your views as a practitioner as being vital to improve the information currently available to everyone.
Information taken from
People aged 50 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, those aged 5 years and over in a clinical risk group and health and social care staff will be offered a booster of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine this autumn.
Appointments will be available from the National Booking Service shortly.
This winter it is expected that many respiratory infections, including COVID-19 and flu may be circulating at high levels – this may put increasing pressure on hospitals and other health care services. For these reasons, people aged 50 years and over, those in care homes, and those aged 5 years and over in clinical risk groups are being offered an autumn booster of COVID-19 vaccine.
A booster will also be offered to front-line health and social care staff, those who care for vulnerable individuals and families of individuals with weakened immune systems.
The autumn booster is being offered to those at high risk of the complications of COVID-19 infection, who may have not been boosted for a few months. As the number of COVID-19 infections increases over the winter, this booster should help to reduce your risk of being admitted to hospital with COVID-19.
The booster may also provide some protection against mild Omicron infection but such protection does not last for long.
Timing of the autumn booster
You should be offered an appointment between September and December, with those at highest risk being called in first. You should have your booster at least 3 months after your last dose of vaccine.
If you are eligible for a flu vaccine, you may be able to have them at the same time – if not please go ahead anyway, you can catch up with the other vaccine later.
Resources to promote the autumn booster are available on the website
For the vaccination of care home residents, it will be necessary to ensure that all consenting checks are in place to enable visiting NHS vaccination teams to maximise resident uptake when on site. For any vaccination queries, please contact your local Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) lead or who are happy to support.
We have recently circulated the latest testing and outbreak guidance for care home residents and staff. If you have not received this or would like this to be resent, please contact
Wherever you work, whether you are a permanent, temporary or locum member of staff this initiative applies to you. The National Infection Prevention and Control Manual for England is an evidence-based manual for all those involved in care provision to help ensure a consistent UK-wide approach to infection prevention and control.
The manual outlines 10 standard precautions to be used by all staff, in all care settings, at all times and for all patients.
Please also ensure you remain up to date with the latest IPC guidance in respect of COVID-19 for your care setting.
Join the Mouth Care Matters free learning programme provided by Marie Curie Project Echo focussing on best practice in oral healthcare for people with palliative or end of life needs. The programme will:
- Increase knowledge, skills and confidence around oral healthcare.
- Empower families to assist in carrying out oral care.
- Explore case studies to review the challenges of oral healthcare in palliative and end of life care.
- Learn from experts in oral healthcare and from each other in a shared collaborative learning environment.
About Project ECHO
The Project ECHO Mouth Care Matters network is designed for Registered Healthcare Professionals working in or with an interest in palliative or end of life care.
The first curriculum session on Wednesday 21 September 2022 will give you the opportunity to shape the learning outcomes, using your own experiences, case studies and insight of oral healthcare.
By joining you will have the opportunity to access to the Mouth Care Matters in Palliative and End of Life Facebook Group.
Who: Registered Healthcare Professionals When: 21 September 2022 Time: 11am – 1pm Session length: 2 hours Where: Join us on Teams Cost: Free Clinical Lead: Dr Nikki Reed Facilitator: Sarita Nanda
Register today to be part of this innovative new learning environment, by email:
Future session dates to be confirmed.
The DHSC is looking to understand the impact of energy increases on care home providers and the Care Provider Alliance are collecting additional data to detail this. Please therefore complete this short survey as soon as possible to assist DHSC in understanding the impact to accommodation-based care services.
Financial wellbeing for the social care workforce
Thursday 29 September 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
Book here via the Skills for Care website:
We are aware that there are currently a number of pressures on the social care workforce in regards to their own financial wellbeing.
This event for registered managers is to gather information, advice and guidance to support yourself and your teams. You will hear from organisations including the Money and Pensions Service and the Care Workers Charity, HMRC, Credit Union and Citizens Advice Bureau.
You will also hear about local initiatives and resources to support you and your staff.
This workshop will be run on Zoom.
Step into social care
Step into Social Care is an initiative that has been conceived and driven by Cohesion & Dawson Walker Communications. Together they are experts in recruitment and employer branding. The campaign has also been supported by a group of providers on an advisory basis, along with students studying health and social care.
Designed for the sector, by the sector, the campaign focus is to open up care jobs to a wider audience. Young people and students are under-represented in social care, and we need more of them than ever before to build the workforces we need in the future.
As well as the launch of the campaign, Stephen Isherwood, CEO of the Institute of Student Employers will be sharing an overview of the early talent landscape which will include how different industries engage with young people in 2022. He will also outline the current and latest demographic, social, economic, and financial trends that are influencing the behaviour and decisions that young people are making in relation to their entry into the workplace. Stephen will also be sharing his views on where the opportunities are for social care and why it’s so important that there is greater representation of the sector for the 16-24 age group.
Find out more and sign up for the launch event.
How to get started using international recruitment to build your team
Recruiting from overseas can be an effective way to build your team with skilled people looking for opportunities abroad and can be one step towards tackling current recruitment and retention challenges in social care.
Read the article
As it has been some time since the deterioration survey was last distributed, the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network would be grateful to receive your feedback via the quick 1 minute survey for care homes to understand the current position.
The last day to respond to the survey will be 30 September.
Please note that there is SPAM email in circulation using the usual In-Tend automated email address. It has been reported to In-Tend.
If you receive the below email, please do not click on “Keep Current Password” and report the email as SPAM/Phishing or follow your own internal IT processes. Please do not open or forward on this email.
Many thanks to those providers who have submitted a response to our Fair Cost of Care exercise. We will shortly be submitting the response to the exercise to the Department of Health and Social Care who will authorise the information for wider sharing.
In the meantime, applicable providers* will soon receive correspondence from us confirming both the financial and non-financial support offer available as a result of the exercise.
*Please note applicable providers are those who deliver long term home support and residential care homes for those age 65+, as set out in the Fair Cost of Care guidance.
The One Coventry Plan provides our vision until 2030. It outlines how we will work together with our partners and communities across the city to achieve our priorities.
The plan is more focused on the needs and aspirations of our communities than ever before. We have listened to, and reflected on, what people have been telling us and considered the key issues facing the city. We will build on learning from our citywide response to Covid.
We describe the way that we work together with residents and partners as our One Coventry approach. The approach helps bring people and organisations from across the city together to work as one to make the biggest, positive difference to the lives of those who live and work in the city.
Visit Let’s Talk Coventry to read the draft One Coventry Plan, find out more about our priorities, give us your views by filling in our short survey and register your interest to attend one of our workshops. This is a real chance for you to get involved and have your say on the One Coventry Plan.
These strategies will influence the future of the city in the coming months and years. There is no need to book just come along – we would love to see to see you there.
If you’d like any more information or you have any questions, please contact us at
We look forward to hearing your thoughts!
We like to use this space to give thanks to great work, highlight best practice and share good news stories across Coventry's care sector. Please email these for inclusion into our bulletins to